Just reading Steve’s book at the moment and throughly enjoying it. Im 23, ever since I was 12 I have wanted to be a millionaire, this is all I know, I have no career ambitions. All I want to do is play golf and spend time with my family and leave one big legacy to my children. Everyday I watch the heards of sheep walking down collins street at 8:20am in the morning, with sad looks on their faces, knowing they are stuck at a place where they have to be with people they dont like, the work is meaningless and they have to because they think its the only way to survive. I for one do not want to be a sheep in 5-10 years. I love property, I can talk the talk, but where do I start? Where do you also find people who are like minded I am sick of family and friends trying to rip down my goals, because they just want to be average and cannot see the wood beneath the trees, nor do they even contemplate looking. Well just wanted to get that off my chest. Take care all!
Hi Mox
Just remember one thing as u go down lifes highway. What qualifies u to judge what others want to do? Do what u want, but don’t belittle those that just may enjoy thier walks to the office in the morning.
What a boring world it would be if we all thought the same.
1. Attend some educational workshops on property, such as the ones Steve and Dave conduct, not the type where the are doing the hard sell.This way you will meet loke minded people.
2. Keep on at this forum and make connections with people living in your area.
3. Get a mentor who knows about property.
4. Network, there is a group called Freestylers their web address is www. Freestylers.com.au they promote network across Oz.
“ever since I was 12 I have wanted to be a millionaire”
as opposed to the rest of us who DONT want to be one?
“this is all I know, I have no career ambitions. All I want to do is play golf and spend time with my family and leave one big legacy to my children.”
Sounds like laziness to me. You think you are the only one who hates work? No ambitions huh. Hmmm. Everything on a silver platter, no effort. LOL good luck
I used to think like you. Now I realise hard work builds success, not laziness.
To a certain extent I do agree with you Crashy. Certianly being lazy is not going to make anyone rich. One of the things I have picked up from my readings and conversations with wealthy people is that they all do work hard. But working hard is relative, they love what they do, whether it is buying property, trading/investing shares or whatever they have a geniune passion for wealth creation. They certainly do get their fair share of time to relax playing golf and the like but, working for them is not being a “sheep” it is dynamic and exciting. I for one would be bored out of my brains if I didn’t work for a living, but by the same token having the choice to work in an area that you are passionate about…well it doesn’t really sound like work does it?
To Brown wombat and Crashy, I think you have both totally misunderstood what I was trying to say. I do not judge anyone to do what they want in life and “laziness”, who ever said for me to reach my goals its going to be brought to me on a silver platter? I do realize that laziness wont get anyone very far, so to both of you please do not put words into my mouth. Possibly I worded my post to be open to you interpretations, however what i was trying to get accross was that im just frustrated and looking for a starting point becuase I am not career driven, in the sense of a job. I am driven by success and am aware that this takes hard work and dedication. I apologise if my post came accross as critical, it was not written in that way at all. I love my family and friends and respect their views, I was just saying that they dont have my mindset and was wondering where you can meet people with a similar one and where to begin the journey.
Most people that I have spoken to from this forum don’t discuss the “property” thing with most friends and family. They just don’t understand, and simply nod their head, deep down worrying that you are about to lose everything that we’ve worked so hard to build up.
Stay tuned in on the forum. This is where we all “suck up” everyone elses energy and excitment, and education.
From this forum, I now know a few people that I can ring or regurarly email, and in 2 weeks I will go 400kms and visit one, to “talk the talk” etc. and share experiences.
Yes we all understand where you are coming from.[8D] If you want to learn, become a regular. It’s addictive though.