All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Not one success story! Thats encouraging.

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  • Profile photo of Diamond2

    all that makes very interesting reading. Yes we two have a success story, Just a +tve c/f duplex in cairns cost $185 K 2 yrs ago returns $380pw. I like your comment Crashy about time to considerS….s .I have a friend in the Financial advising arena who says latest research is that the housing is to overheated to buy in just now. I agree in some ways but still think Positive C/f is still a good idea for long term buyers. He also said that international shares are the ones to watch & that analysts are now saying we are on the wave of the new bull market, not the end of a bear market. Food for thought don`t you think.
    Cheers Diamond

    Profile photo of jj0007

    My success stories:

    1) I made 300% in the stock market last FY.

    2) I bought my first IP 6 months ago

    3) I have not been sucked in to any of these “wealth creation” seminars.

    4) I am 24 and still learning!


    Profile photo of Diamond2

    Hi jj,
    300% !!! Good on you. I too have shares & IP`s & i lost on paper lots lastFY.Wish i could`ve talked to you instead of my dipstick broker!!!!heheheh. I am astounded by your success , 300 per cent . What stocks did that???
    Cheers Diamond[:P]

    Profile photo of jj0007

    Hi Diamond.

    I saw my portfolio fall 50% before I recovered and then made the 300%. It was a rocky road!
    The stocks that made me significant profits were OXROA, UNI, SIE, LOK. At one stage I was on a role and in fact was up 500%, but lost it when I got a little cocky.

    I recently traded TNE (should have held on). I trade 90% on TA and 10% on funnymetals.

    I truely believe we will see a surge of GOLD and Silver stocks in the next 5 or so years…

    Apologies for hijacking this PI forum with stock talk :oP Diamond if you want visit I sometimes put my 2c in there.

    Profile photo of westanwestan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,950

    Hi diamond and everyone
    Diamond my guests have gone to bed they have to get up at 7.30am to go Property hunting.
    that’s fantastic 300% in one year and given that it wasn’t an easy year to make a buck on stocks.
    Gold – half my share portfolio is in Gold/nickel companies (not really a portfolio more like a manilla folder, not much in it), i like Bolnisi Gold and even more so Independance Gold (more of a nickel stock) have options in both.
    Just wanted to tell you that Newmont Mining’s President Pierre Lassonde is on Business Sunday talking about his outlook for gold.(Newmont is the world’s biggest gold mining company). i believe he is very bullish on Gold heard somewhere he expects the price to be $450 next year.
    regards westan

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    >i think at the moment the ‘ideal’ of cashflow is a great hedge >against where the real money is. ie capital gains!!

    Hi rogue, yes i agree with you that you can make megabucks in capital gain. I intend to’go there’ just as soon as i have got enough cashflow coming in from properties 1,2, and 3 to support a possibly negatively geared one for property 4. So that the bank doesn’t have to look at my income, i.e., so i don’t have to add money from job to top it up


    PS Yeah great to hear your story Westan, I sure would like to meet up with you in person some time (maybe NZ???) and hear lots more stories.

    wilandel, I love what you said, i too feel majorly more empowered (to use a sickening word, sorry!! hehe) now that I have started investing. i really can’t even begin to tell you the benefits it’s had for me in how i feel about life generally. the future seems somehow rosier, more secure, happier.

    Profile photo of Cremin


    Here for a good time not a long time, just do it!.

    Profile photo of wilandelwilandel
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 761

    Hi Cremin,

    Yours is a success story. That is quite an achievement and committment.

    “Reducing your debt from $17000 to 0, and saving $25000 for deposit on first IP.”

    You’re well on the way!


    Profile photo of Cremin

    THanks Del,
    Just have appreciated all stories and experiences from this forum.

    Here for a good time not a long time, just do it!.

    Profile photo of Diamond2

    Hi jj,
    Thanks for the reply, don`t know any of those you made your money on. Most of mine are well known eg BHP,FGB,REB,AMC,Etc. Just starting to peg back some paper losses.In fact about $4k in the last month. Have 3 dogs though That will prob. never recover. Weston, youre into everything.I should buy some gold mining company shares i think.
    CREMIN: Congrats on starting into you`re IP journey. It sure is fun. I remember when we first started 2 years.Didn`t tell anyone for fear of being ridiculed.Now it is easier & time between purchases is accelerating, have fun & I too enjoyed reading everyones successes. Keep em coming if there are newbies to this forum.
    Cheers Diamond

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