All Topics / The Treasure Chest / How many you got?

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  • Profile photo of SlumLord

    With the tittle of Steve’s new book “0-130 properties in 3.5 years” I thought it would be interesting to ask how many properties people have? Where are you at with your portfolio?


    17 total
    9 – sub 100k in regional centres/areas (prices paid) (7 cheap houses, 1 duplex pair [2])
    8 – 150k-200k outer metro suburbs (prices paid) (all new houses built or building)
    All rentals no wraps
    Neutrally geared portfolio
    500k in new equity (deposit money not included)
    Started property investing 9 months ago.

    Would like to be 100+ properties and financially independent within 5 years and will probably buy overseas as part of the portfolio. Plans include continuing to buy strong cash flow properties and building, renovating, developing to create cash to pay down debt.

    So let us know how you are going! 100 properties, no properties! What’s your story?


    Profile photo of MarketmadMarketmad
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 30

    You have done very well in such a short time.
    I only have 2 but buying another soon.
    By the way , how have you organised finance for all these in such little time…


    With the tittle of Steve’s new book “0-130 properties in 3.5 years” I thought it would be interesting to ask how many properties people have? Where are you at with your portfolio?


    17 total
    9 – sub 100k in regional centres/areas (prices paid) (7 cheap houses, 1 duplex pair [2])
    8 – 150k-200k outer metro suburbs (prices paid) (all new houses built or building)
    All rentals no wraps
    Neutrally geared portfolio
    500k in new equity (deposit money not included)
    Started property investing 9 months ago.

    Would like to be 100+ properties and financially independent within 5 years and will probably buy overseas as part of the portfolio. Plans include continuing to buy strong cash flow properties and building, renovating, developing to create cash to pay down debt.

    So let us know how you are going! 100 properties, no properties! What’s your story?


    Profile photo of SlumLord

    Finance has been a nightmare, just make sure the numbers are right and keep pushing, also try not to give them too many at one time, 2 at a time is good.

    So any others? lots of people posting on this board, would be nice to get an idea of how they are going?

    Don’t be afraid to say “0” or 1 or 2. Everyone had 0 at some point.


    Profile photo of RodCRodC
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 335

    4 at the moment, hopefully some more soon.

    But only if the numbers work.


    Profile photo of DramDram
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 82

    Only 1 for me, but looking for my next one or two. Just have to find the right area.

    Profile photo of Kirby319Kirby319
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 120

    I have 2 but am working feverishly at the third. [8D]

    Profile photo of spaceCadetspaceCadet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    yikes! … How do people do this? I am amazed.

    Profile photo of ProfiteerProfiteer
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 29

    Hi Slum

    I am new to this forum and would like to take this opprtunity to say a big hello to everyone….In response to your enquiry I have 1 property in Cairns which is doing okay and I am currently obtaining finance for the second….I have been looking at the wraps option but it is unknown territory and the fear factor is riding pretty high….Like you my altimate goal is to own multiple properties and gain financial freedom….Best of luck with you endeavours….

    Kind regards


    Profile photo of Chris-SydChris-Syd
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 75

    Hello All,

    I have my own house I am living in and 1 negative geared [:(

    Bought off the plan some time ago 2 years and only just been rented out for 6 months.

    As it’s taking money outa my pocket I have been looking and reading lots about positive geared IP.

    Hopefully I will be on my way shortly with a postive one in the need few months.

    Profile photo of perthguyperthguy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    OK i’ll be the first to say it, so far i have 0. As a conservative and cautious person i am gaining a wealth of knowledge at the moment.
    Success breeds success. Hearing all your stories is encouraging to us new investors.


    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    5 IPs, 0 PPOR
    currently looking into Cairns and New Zealand

    Any help and tips would be appreciated

    Kind regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]

    Profile photo of RichoRicho
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24

    I’m with Perth guy, a big fat 0 at the moment but I’m 26 so figure I still have a bit of time up my sleeve. I have gained loads of knowledge in the share market though and have seen my share portfolio grow as a result.

    At the moment I’m assessing where I am at, I know where I want to be so the next move is to plan how to get there! Congrats to all the people who have already been successful and are willing to share experiences because as perthguy says it gives us “zeros” encouragment to get out there and do it.

    Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Guys
    Thought I would add my two pennies worth.
    Had five.Four in Napier and one in South Auckland. Sold one of the Napier ones last month which was our first IP and had had for 22 months but hoping to buy a couple in the next few days. The one sold was negatively geared but made 28% capital growth for us. The others are all +cash flow.Nice tax refund though.


    Profile photo of KennyCKennyC
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 17

    Hi all, I’m from Sydney!

    Yes, my property count stands now at 0! =)

    I have read a lot of books and bought a lot of educational material on the subject and I am confident enough to go out there and be prepared to learn from experience and mistakes that I make along my journey! =)

    Profile photo of BeckyGordonBeckyGordon
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 49

    Hi all,

    we are also at 0 but not for long. We plan to buy 10-15 properties within 12 months, we have attended both of Steve’s seminars this year and are just gearing up to take the plunge within the next month…..[:O] Pretty scary stuff but very exciting…..
    Great work Slum Lord, you give us all the confidence to jump right in……[:D]


    Invest in People for a Prosperous Future!

    Profile photo of birdmanbirdman
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 38

    Hi There!

    We have 1 PPOR, 3 IPs and 1 vacant block of land to build IP#4 on.

    We started 16 months ago with our first property, signing the contract within 2 hours of seeing the property – mind you we had been looking for a few months so were on top of things when we saw the opportunity. It is a 4 B/R house in Windsor, about 5 Kms to Brisbane CBD. We were lucky to get it, as the agent had 9 other callers while we were signing the contract. It is a double block with a post-war house on it, so we can build units on it later. This one costs us about $10/week, but has been going up in value by at least $1500/week. We were able to borrow 110% to cover all of the costs as we owned our PPOR outright and had a few hundred thousand in the bank. It was tenanted from the day after settlement and has had 100% occupancy. From here we then moved into a new PPOR and bought number 2 at the same time. It was a bit of a hassle as we no longer had a house for security to get #2, so had to lock in a term deposit for the bank and settle #2 a few days after the new PPOR. It was quite messy, but we got there. The new PPOR left us with around $500K of equity, so was relatively easy to keep buying.

    We got #2 in Bridgeman Downs. It was a 3 bedroom house, but we were easily able to turn it into a 4 bedroom house and added airconditioning. We had a tenant lined up to move in 2 days after settlement. This is neutral.

    Number 3 took a while longer as we were settling into the new PPOR and doing a few things to it. We just bought this one on the 17th of June in McDowall and pre-paid the interest. The owners rented back for a few weeks and then vacated it, which allowed us to re-carpet, re-paint, add in ducted airconditioning and some minor plumbing work. It gets tenanted next Friday, and will also be neutral.

    While all of this was happening, the block of land next to our PPOR came up for sale. This was more of an emotional purchase, as it means we can build a house on it that does not effect our views. In the mean time we can tax-deduct the interest while we work out the plans for the house. This all happened on the 30th of June, and again we pre-paid the interest. Unfortunately, no income on this one until we get a house on it, which might take us another 12+ months.

    We have learnt a lot in doing this, and I think we will always have so much more to learn. We have built up a list of trades people who are really good and easy to work with. For example, our electrician, I needed to get some lights replaced in #3 so gave him a call. He met me at the house at 9pm one evening to do the work, did not have everything and came back the next morning at 7am. I had forgotten to bring my extension cord over, so he loaned me his for the night. Bloody Brilliant! If you need an electrician in Brisbane, I can certainly recommend him, friendly, courteous, does good work and is reasonably priced.

    Good luck!

    Profile photo of HaroldHarold
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 80

    I just sold my PPOR for a 320% return, unfortunatley, I am now homeless

    Profile photo of BillabongBillabong
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    Hi Slum

    I have only one IP at the moment and it is negateliy geared[:(

    I am looking to build on my portfolio in the coming year.

    A couple of questions to you:

    What areas (geographically) have you been buying in and how did you go about fianancing your IP’s?


    Profile photo of SlumLord


    Mine are in regional centres in VIC, QLD, and WA also some in outer suburbs of capitol cities in these sates. I think once you start buying, and begin to know what you are looking for, the areas become easier to find.

    I wouldn’t care to mention town names, not because of greed or anything, but because this board gets such a strong readership that mentioning a specific town could result in an unnatural flood of investors to an area.


    Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    I’ve bought 11 wrap properties in the last year, had 1 negatively geared one prior to that.
    I’ve found the major hurdle has been getting finance. I’d have a lot more if I didn’t keep having to stuff around on that front. I’m up to my 3rd broker!!!
    Yes, I use the company/trust structures, but they only help for asset protection. Every time we do a loan we have to put ourselves as guarantors and our credit file gets marked, so it hasn’t worked any differently to borrowing as individuals from that angle.
    It also took me some time to source investors to help fund the deposits.
    I plan to buy a lot more yet!!! I want to start adding some positive cashflow buy and holds too.
    So all you mums out there, you can do it!!!

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

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