All Topics / The Treasure Chest / 3 way investment (Family)

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  • Profile photo of susieq22

    Hi, Would love to get your thoughts! Have built a large 6 bedroom house with my brother and wife (and we all get on well[:)]
    The value of the house in 3 yrs in Brisbane has doubled and we are all looking at using the equity to invest in property. Should we start a company or just stay as equal 3rd in all that we invest in?
    Any thoughts [8D]

    Profile photo of SaskatoonSaskatoon
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 112

    Hi susieq22,
    a company is probably the WORST structure in which to buy investments! To find out why this is so do a search on this forum, and on the Somersoft forum. (Look in the Useful Links posts).
    Take a look at, and
    As a general rule any joint investments in real estate need to be through written contracts between the investors, perhaps even more so with family or friends!

    Terence McMahon

    Profile photo of susieq22

    Thanks for your reply…
    Thankfully we did have a contract drawn up between the 3 of us for the house we built.


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