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  • Profile photo of Gaza

    Hi All,

    I have been reading some of your topics and I am finding it of a great benefit.

    My first question.

    Has anybody heard of Country Hose & Land Sales?
    The proposal is to buy in the country, they will lease property from you with a guarantee of 10% return. Can sign lease for up to 25years. You take care of the insurance & rates and they will take care of the property management and repairs. I am looking at buying land and building 4 2 bedroom units on it. All ground floor. This should give me a positive cash flow of between $200-$235.00 per week.

    Your thoughts and advice would be much appreciated.



    Profile photo of maximusmaximus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 189

    Hi ya Gaza. Mate, I haven’t heard of Country House(you had HOSE, lol)& Land Sales, but I personally am very dubious with anyone guaranteeing any sort of return. I am not saying this company is not legit but it sounds like a DHA (Defence Housing)type of deal to me and I haven’t heard too many good reports with the way they structure their contracts. Just my opinion, but I prefer to buy a standard property and let a prop mgr look after it.

    All the best


    Profile photo of The DIY Dog WashThe DIY Dog Wash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 696


    All most sounds to good to be true.

    Whilst I have never heard of them I would suggest don’t blindly read their brochures and other material, because the likely hood is that the catches are advertised but most people never pay enough attention to see it.

    Just remember they are not the only deal out there so passing them up isn’t the worst thing you could do.

    CHeer & Good luck
    Leigh K

    Read, learn, grow but most of all do it.

    Profile photo of ksheatherksheather
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 33

    Sounds too good to be true, and what sounds to good to be true usually is. I would say BEWARE in capital letters and make sure you do your due dilligence and read the fine print.

    Profile photo of Gaza

    To the people who have replied to my email. A very big thankyou.
    Not only am I learning about IP but looks like I need to learn this computer as
    I have spent numerous hours in researching and have finally come to the conclusion that IP is the way to go. Have been studying the Brisabane market for negative gearing but all this talk has convinced me that positive gearing is the way to go. I am looking forward to receiving Steve’s book and having a good read. Hopefully over the weekend. My wife and I are now considering Regional NSW for IP’s. The way I see it the houses are very old but the rental return appears quite good. Fingers crossed.We are considering two options, one buy 5x$60k houses or one property with 4×2 bedroom units. This I feel is the better option considering the 2.5% depreciation claims that you can make from the ATO. As I mentioned above alot of homework has been completed and looks like a lot more ahead. One thing for sure. YES WE ARE GOING TO DO IT! I would appreciate anyone thoughts.



    Profile photo of willi

    Does Country House & Land Sales have a website ?

    …Beware of the dreamtakers…

    Profile photo of Gaza


    Does Country House & Land Sales have a website ?

    …Beware of the dreamtakers…

    Hi Willi,

    To answer your question these people do not have a web site. I actually came across them at the recent Retirement expo at Rosehill Sydney 2 weeks ago. They came across as genuine country people. They manage over 400 properties. I have a guy coming to see me next week to explain the set up. They offer to take you into regional NSW via bus and show you the potential investments. Don’t worry I won’t be signing nothing until my solictor and accountant has a look at it. I’ll take one step at a time.

    Profile photo of willi

    Everything is worth looking into to.. but yeah make sure your eyes are wide open….

    Let us all know how it go’s


    …Beware of the dreamtakers…

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