All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Anyone been to the George Mihos TNTI workshop?

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  • Profile photo of mcdeyess

    G’day everyone,
    I attended a George Mihos wealth creation seminar last night in Brisbane. To me it seemed quite good, he covered some issues I had heard on Steve’s fasttrack tape and a few other things. He offers a 3 day workshop where they help you with wealth creation, he has a team of people you can talk to, solicitors, accountants, property experts, stock market analysists etc and they coach you on investment strategies. I was wondering if anyone had done this workshop? The organisation is called the “Today not Tomorrow Institute”


    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    OK – time to go out on the skinny branches!

    George was working at Break Free Events when I did some seminars with them last year. He has since left to start up his own company.

    He has purchased my Wrap Library and as I understand it has gone on to do approx 10 wraps – mainly in Tasmania.

    The issue I have with George is that he has blatantly breached my copyright (read ripped off my info) on his website. When approached by me he did take it down, but I’m still waiting for an apology or explaination of how it came to be that he was passing off info that I had written as his own.

    Nevertheless, despite all this, I quite like George and know that he is a person that has a clear focus. As for him being:


    …considered as Australia’s Number 1 Outstanding Success, Peak Performance and Wealth Coach

    …sounds like he might have been a little liberal with the sales copy. He’s someone out there trying to make a go of things, but I’d like to see his investing results, as opposed to marketing hype, speak about whether or not he is someone who has a worthwile message.

    George – if you’re out there… please feel free to respond.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of LuckyPhilLuckyPhil
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    I went to an introductory workshop which was OK, but I balked at the $7-$9,000 cost of the rest. The emphasis is on action and learning strategies on all types of investment. I found it a bit too “in your face” for my liking.

    Profile photo of mcdeyess

    Thanks Steve,

    Your response is very interesting, I also noticed during the seminar that he was using diagrams of income flow comparing poor, middle-class and rich that look surprisingly similar to what is found in “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, this was even more interesting when one of the quotes had a source of the books author Robert Kiyosaki. George seemed to be saying that he had done well for himself, certainly knows more about investing than me. Perhaps he is “borrowing” a bit to much content at the moment.
    Thanks to Lucky Phil for your feedback also about the workshop.

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