All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Which is the Best value for money seminar?

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  • Profile photo of scratchmescratchme
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 56

    A lot of people ask whether this person or that person (or this or that organisation) is good. There are a lot of seminars out there but which ones are worth going to?

    1) Those who have gone to a seminar could you tell us whether you fealt it was good value for money? (If you have been to a few; let us know which ones (Even the free ones!))

    2) Also let us know whether you were a complete novice or you had already read a few books?

    3) Did you learn anything that was NOT found in books ? (if so what was it ;)

    I am not asking for the best seminar But the BEST VALUE FOR MONEY seminar.



    Profile photo of ADAD
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 636

    Hey APIM,
    I do believe That seminars are good. I am not just peeing in the lads pocket but I have been to two. I went to the first with a mate and we both came back having had a ball and learnt stuff. I took my wife the next time and learnt more and my wife also had a ball. If and when the lads run another I will be there and I will bring more friends by telling them it is a must be there event.

    AD [:0)]

    “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    I feel the same, – the seminars that Steve runs are in my opinion as good as or better than anything Kiyosaki or de Roos would run, (though different in style) and very much better value for money.

    If you had unlimited money and you could go to every seminar I think there is benefit in every single one you go to- even if they are sharks selling rip-off schemes – there’s benefit of going to one of those too, I’m sure.

    Although Steve’s Property Masters is the only event I’ve been to ‘live’ (twice, because I enjoyed it so much the first time – plus I took my Dad the second time!! yay!) excluding some one-nighters with other people who don’t count for this comparison –
    other seminars I have as recordings (dolf de roos, richmastery.) All of them teach about negotiating, the numbers, and other practical things to do with property investing.
    There are also certain’ truisms’ that all seminars seem to cover – reasons to invest in property compared to other investments, conquering fears (so so so important!!!! )
    – in fact,
    the nitty gritty how to, why, who, what, where can be found in books as much as a seminar, (with the exception of wraps and lease options, which I think are so specific legally and so on that the only way to get this info is to do a course or buy a kit) –

    but what I found the MAIN benefit of going to a seminar was the call to action – the challenge to not be one of the majority of people who go to a seminar and don’t do anything.
    that was the actual thing that made me get off my butt of one year of learning, reading, and thinking about it, and actually DOING it.

    If you go to a seminar and don’t use the information, then you just wasted your money!!
    For me – no book would have been ‘enough info’ – attending a live seminar was *the* absolute key to me getting started.


    Profile photo of ADAD
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 636

    With you there Mini.

    I remember the first seminar I met Steve and Dave at in Coolum (Dave conviced me to get that Wrap pack….thank goodness best $2000 I ever spent).

    That night set my world of investing on fire. The reason….I used the knowledge and did it. You can go to seminar’s all you want but application is a whole lot better than participation.

    If you don’t apply the knowledge you have had a very expensive buzz. I’m sure we all have ways of getting a buzz that are a lot cheaper.

    So as Mini said don’t bury the knowledge let the light shine……

    AD [:0)]

    “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

    Profile photo of maximusmaximus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 189

    Hi APIM. AD and mini have pointed out some great tips to you and I couldnt agree more. You will probably get SOMETHING out of any seminar you attend, even if it is to reinforce the message of property investing, but in my opinion, you are already attending the best seminar. That’s right, this forum has so many people out there just doing it (investing that is, what else did you think I meant). By all means, go to seminars, but I think that there is so much knowledge here that I consider this the best value for money seminar.
    All the best

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