All Topics / The Treasure Chest / SUCCESS WITH HK?

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  • Profile photo of G-MAN007

    Just curious if anyone has had success with HK strategies or associated companys including PCG?
    Although I have serious issues with HK and NII I have to admit that his course was very benificial in my education, much of the information I have not yet read in any books to date.

    Profile photo of vluu27


    I also did the course but one thing I found really contradicting is HK was telling his students “Always do your market research, get an independant valuation before you buy and DO EVERYTHING YOURSELF” which is fair enough and quite right. No issues with that.

    But then he starts promoting PCG. Come to an interview with the PCG sales rep, he tells you “Dont do it yourself. We do all the work for you, buy our properties as they double in value every 2-3 years. But you have to pay us $3500 membership fee just to be included on the list to have the right to buy from us and if you decide to buy a property of us we charge you $6000”. [:D

    Yes I agree the course is not bad. But I have found that HK tells you one thing, then promotes a company ‘PCG’ that tells you basically the opposite.

    And people pay 15k for that. Lucky i pulled out of PCG just in time. And i didnt pay the full 15k either.

    Gman007 do yourself a favour. DO everything yourself. Why pay someone $9500 to source 1 property for you when you can do it YOURSELF. Use the info. I have found some of it is good and some of it is pretty high risk dangerous. I dont even think most of the NII sales rep/emp use them.

    To me paying $9500 plus $15000 to do HK course is an insult. And to hear something contradicting as such doesnt help. Thats $23000 to his course.

    Holly crap if you think about you put it down for a deposit for a investment porperty. Or even better buy a couple of OFF the plan properties. But it doesnt stop there. They try and get you into their other course which are around 10k+ as well. Business Mastery, Mezzanine Lending. They still call me today even after i rejected them many times.

    In conclusion, NII run good courses but they are not worth paying $15000. Maybe $2000-$3000. And do everything yourself, dont ever rely on other people to find you the ‘best deal’. How would you know it is the best deal if you havent done it yourself before.

    Hope this helps


    Profile photo of G-MAN007

    Thanks for that VLuu27.

    Im in agreance with what you say, it is very hypocritical the way PCG gets you to buy property without doing the research I fell into the trap and did infact buy from pcg. the sales people in my opinion are of the the sleezy car salesman variety. I ended up doing the research after i bought the property and believe i overpaid, my only saving grace is that construction has taken so long to commence that by settlement i should be paying market or slightly less.

    One thing i can say is that i learnt a big lesson from this mistake lets just hope that i get through it unscaithed.

    Profile photo of vluu27


    One thing I found most amusing is I dealt with 1 sales rep from PCG one month, a month later they call me up to tell me that my ‘Consultant’ has left the company and that a new person is looking after me. Initially I thought OK. But then 1 month has passed and I get another call and this ‘Consultant’ has left as well. So a new person is looking after my account. And guess what a few weeks later the same thing happend. [:D

    I dont know about you but it would tell you something about a company if you had so many people turnover.

    I learned alot from my mistake with the NII/PCG as well. As long as we learn from it so that we are wiser, thats all that counts.

    How many properties did you buy of them?

    Good luck with everything else.


    Profile photo of Ryder

    I have recently done the NII course and am pretty torn as to whether it was a good thing or not. It certainly teaches you many new (well new to me at least) ideas and at least I have now got the mindset to start investing in earnest. Before it was just vague ideas with no action. However, I just HATE the way most things with NII turn out to be a big sales pitch.

    PCG is a typical example, but another was on the initial course. Having spend hours telling you to do your own due diligence and research, this other related company, E-property, appear and suddenly it is ‘Don’t bother with the hard slog. Let us do the work. For $195 per month you can access all the due diligence information you need on-line at the touch of a button.’ Oh – except the really useful parts then cost more again.

    So there you are having spend $15,000 and they are trying to get ANOTHER $195 a month out of you. Then the worse part was the hard sell with all the typical tactics. “This is a very special offer – what we are offering is worth $12,000 – it will NEVER be available again at this price.” – and people were flocking to sign up.

    Then you turn up to a VIP night to hear a sales pitch from PCG. You start getting cynical pretty soon.

    So on balance the course has some very good information … but whether it is worth $15,000 is highly questionable.

    What I would be interested in learning is how Vluu managed not to pay the full 15,000 ??


    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974

    Hi there,

    I was given a free intro ticket, when I was at Southland last week. They had a free magazine with Rene Rivkin on the front, the catch was I had to put my name down on their books for the free info session.
    I didn’t go to the session of course. Luckily, reading the posts at this forum helped me see the wolf in sheeps disguise (so to speak). They’ll probably call me again, but I just tell them I’m not interested.

    I’ve been burnt before by companies wanting to take the hassle out of investing for me… It just doesn’t happen like that.

    Sales pitches are marketed to appeal, it doesn’t necessarily make the product an appealing product. Illusionists and magicians, how quickly they can part with your money….
    See you later [;)]
    Sooshie [:D

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of vluu27


    When I did the course you were able to choose between a’half course’ for $7400 or the full course for $15000′ And you know what the difference was. The DVD pack. In the $7400 course, you get EVERYTHING included in the full course but without the DVD for reference.

    That would have meant that you actually pay $7600 for the DVD Pack and $7400 for the course. HAHA LOL. How can u justify paying over 7k+ for 4-5 DVDs.

    I mean for 15k you can do a Post Graduate Degree at Melbourne University in Finance that will lead to an MBA. At least than you have something more credible rather than a “Certificate of Attendance” from the NII.

    What I then did was I was still able to get DVDs of another client who wasnt to happy with the NII for FREE.

    But I still had to pay the initial $7400.

    One thing I learned from the NII is in LIFE dont pay thousands of dollars for these seminars that tend to preach to you they have a magic formulae for wealth.

    The best thing I have found is learn from people that have done it before you and listen to people that have the fruit on the tree.

    Hope this helps


    Profile photo of Terryw

    Do they still offer a full refund if you withdraw on the 3rd day?


    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of vluu27


    Man. I tell ya. Trying to get a refund from the NII is like trying to milk a whale. Not impossible but they will make it as hard on you as possible.

    I should tell you they once ‘accidentally’ took out money from my credit card without my consent, and it wasnt a small amount, about $3500, for a course i cancelled. I chucked the biggest dummy you wouldnt believe it. I threatend to go to court etc. In the end it took them about 4-5 weeks to return my money. But the emotional stress, all of a sudden i couldn’t pay my bills from that account, is just something really you dont want.

    I know a friend of mine couldnt get his money back after a no of days. I dont remember if it was after the 3rd day but he signed up for the 15k course and couldnt get any of it back. He didnt even complete half of it.

    Hope this helps


    Profile photo of Terryw


    I had the same problem with an overpriced course I did in SYdney a few years ago. I ended up reporting the company to the Dept of Fair Trading and then they quickly gave me the refund.


    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
    Email Me

    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    A friend of mind become a millionaire this year using HK strategy. I did not do the course so I don’t know. He spended $14000 for the course.

    Is it worth the money? For him?, yes! For me? I don’t know because I have not done the course


    Profile photo of Ryder

    In the interest of a balanced view I am not saying the course itself is bad. Just expensive and I just hate the hard sell that seems to come with it.

    I have also met people who have had a huge amount of success following HK’s strategies. One is a multi-millionaire just 18 months after doing the course – the 15K course fee has been paid back a 100 fold for him.

    As I said in my previous mail if nothing else the course has given me lots of ideas and has given me the right mindset to get my head down and start researching all of this.

    I just hope that in a years time I can also mail this forum saying how successfully I am used his strategies [:)]

    Profile photo of dino61dino61
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    A mate of mine did the course a few years ago in Sydney when it was 4k odd for a 40hr in 3 days(I think) weekend course.They had a follow up seminar a few months later that he got free tickets for and dragged me along to.Man that guy (HK)gave me a headache in about 3 minutes , I couldnt have stood days of it…….From what I gathered from my mates course notes that I read, his premise for building wealth through property could be summarised in a few A4 pages.The info was correct, altho in some cases hard to put into practise..For instance he suggested in ONLY buying townhouses off the plan, using deposit bonds, etc etc, to accumulate properties at (almost) no cash input. Well we tried, but couldnt find 1 townhouse to buy off the plan at the time, and that involved a lot of trips to councils and their websites, scouring DA’s newspapers etc.I think his ideas about tarting up a property to aid its rentability were helpful I must admit.. Good luck to anyone who uses the info to good end tho.and now he charges 15K? Im in the wrong business!

    Profile photo of vluu27

    Dont worry Dino61,

    Ur not in the wrong busines. Remember my earlier posts. Well PCG have done it again. They just send me a letter of “Intention to Sue” Read my Post “Beware of PCG” for a full story.


    Profile photo of Joanne

    i have been looking at the HK course and I am in two minds .It is over priced and headed by a very controversial fellow but may have the info I need to take the next step in investing. I’m doing it on my own right now and feel at a pass. I would like to look at the course notes or dvd’s if someone would be happy to share what they have learnt.It may help me to decide whether this course is really what I am looking for without the high pressure sales. I’d be interested in any help or advice from people who have done the course. You can contact me directly at
    Hugely appreciative Joanne
    of course I am willing to do an exchange either of money or help in some other way to say thanks

    Profile photo of scratchmescratchme
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 56

    Hi Joanne

    I am not sure people are allowed to lend you the DVD’s or the manuals.

    If they did they would have to make sure that they didn’t sign any contracts saying they couldn’t.

    This NII group doesn’t sound to good! Wouldn’t suprise me if they were reading this thread so beware!

    I can tell you now, $15,000 is way to much for any seminar. This leads to a good question though. Which is the best value for money seminar you have attended?
    Perhaps people could advise on this. I will start a new thread so that people can discuss this.
    I would recommend you read some books and go to as many FREE seminars as you can WITHOUT signing anything or joining their Course unless you are sure they are good.

    There are a few threads that discuss which books to read. Do a search for books.

    Soshie, is there a page on books somewhere?

    Profile photo of Joanne

    Hi APIM,
    thanks for the reply and for starting up the new thread on value for money courses. I had a quick look and already I have some new ideas. I may not end up doing the HK course but I feel confident I will find something somewhere to help me take the next step. So thanks for the help

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