All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Solutions One
I’m just curious to know if anyone has heard of or got any financial advice from a company called Solutions One? I believe they help you put together Joint Ventures, set up Trusts and help re-negotiate loans.I’ve got an appointment to see them this week and just wondered if anyone had any positive/negitive in regard to them.
Simon.I haven’t heard of them. But let us know how you go.
I’ve heard of them. They have a lot to do with Property Consulting Group (PCG) and Henry Kaye. They charge a fee (~$900?) which is refundable if you do business with them. I’ve been to a few presentations by Paul Lemme, and he never really gives any detail – just says come in and see me (and pay me some money) and I’ll tell all. I never did, but would be interested to hear your experience.
With that association (HK & PCG) I would be inclined to stay away.
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