All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Property Investment Software

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  • Profile photo of ksheatherksheather
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 33

    Does anyone else think that the vast majority of Property Management/Investment/Ripoff software on the market today generally sucks?

    If so what sort of features would you like to see in your ideal product, and what sort of price would you be willing to pay, provided that you were getting the best on the market?

    Love to hear thoughts from like minded individuals..

    Profile photo of jempirejempire
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 19

    I purchased Jan Somers PIA software. It has a lot of good features on it, so Im lead to beleive. My only problem I have with it is that I dont know how to use it.

    A software package that would enable you to do the DD on a complete wrap would be good, ie you cost and the cost to the purcahser.

    Profile photo of RobJaniceRobJanice
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 27

    Hi guys

    we’ve found microsoft excel to be the most useful tool

    Try it

    R& J

    “Every family is born with a father as the banker.

    Profile photo of MarcoMarco
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 66

    Hi Folks,

    agree with your comments. I’ve been looking at contact management tools recently (as opposed to property management)

    I’m looking for something that will help me manage my list of contacts but also allows me to attach files ie Letters and faxes that I send, and makes notes of telephone conversatione etc.

    Act! is something that looks good, but it’s a bit pricey.

    Any ideas?



    Profile photo of PG-WAPG-WA
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    I use PIA for Analysis. It’s easy to use and produces a number of good reports. Also good for analysis of multiple properties (ie Portfolio)

    I’m currently testing a programme called POSH for managing my properties. It was recommended by API magazine. POSH also has good anaylsis tools but not as detailed as PIA.

    Good Tenant database, expense tracking, house details, rent, house details etc…

    Profile photo of ez-rentez-rent
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 139

    >Does anyone else think that the vast majority of
    >Property Management/Investment/Ripoff software
    >on the market today generally sucks?


    Thats why I wrote my own.

    Please see my other post..

    Profile photo of DramDram
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 82


    I’ve downloaded the ez-rent program. It’s a very nice application, simple to use with good instructions.


    Profile photo of DaveC

    Hi ksheather

    Try this guy for your wrap software stuff

    His name is Michael Gruber and he is currently the President of the Australian Vendor Finance Association

    Take care
    Dave [:)

    Profile photo of DaveC

    Hi jempire

    If you’re having problems with your PIA software could I suggest you email Ian directly. He’s a fantastic guy to talk with (I have met him personally ) and is very patient and understanding

    Take care
    Dave [:)

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