All Topics / The Treasure Chest / My Scenario! Help….I’m sinking in confusion

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  • Profile photo of brisbanescouting


    I am now in the process of buying my first IP – but from a realistic perspective – my first purchase of a property in the banks eyes. NOW I have a number of options relating to first home buyers grant, should it be an investment or my own home. I am buying in Queensland – so this will more than likely be rented out by a tennant. [:P]

    I am confused and this all seems so complicated. From rough estimates from a close friend of the family who will give me the loan – I can borrow approx 250. I have 13K for a 5% deposit – and another 10k for possible rennovations.

    Could anyone offer a suggestion relating to my problem because I really need some help here!!!

    Thanks Guys,


    Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash

    Sorry Brad

    I think I missed the big question here, so I will just give you my two cents.

    If owning your own home is something you want to do, then go for the FHOG why give away $7000 when it’s available to you.

    Also, as far as IP’s go, I would use the 13k as a 10-20% deposit on something cheaper, the bank will be happier lending you money in the future if you don’t max out your mortgage insurance.

    Talk to your dad about accessing the equity built up in the unit, if you have an agreement with him that it is yours then he should be happy to go that next step. Or it may even be time to sort it out and have it transfered to you (sold! which includes more stamp duty).

    So I hope you got something out of that, but you may also like to clarify what your problem is. As for being confused, stay here a few more months and you will be buy’n with the best of them[:D

    Leigh K

    Read, learn, grow but most of all just do it.

    Profile photo of brisbanescouting


    I would appreciate a number of opinions – so if you want to help out – I would be very appreciative.


    Profile photo of scratchme


    None of us really know what your problem is.
    Could you elaborate a bit more…

    Australian Property Software

    Profile photo of scott

    Gday Brad,
    A letter from your father, and some supporting documentaion if possible would help to show your ability to service a loan, although it looks by the numbers as though it would pertty well take care of itself!
    I’m unsure of the laws surrounding trusts, but you might want to look into forming a discretionary trust, where both you and your father are benificiaries, and directors of the company trustee, then borrow in the company’s name with you as a guarantor.
    I’m working with my parents to build our wealth, so I might shoot you an email so we can share some ideas.

    Scott S

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of brisbanescouting

    Ok, I will explain my current situation. I am paying off but do not own my current unit. It is currently in my father’s name (because I was still at uni and couldn’t get a loan) under some sort of trust – however – I will be unable to sell this unit i.e. get $$ from it until I am 25. A stipulation we both agreed on so I would have some sort of base to work from.

    I am now 22. So the availability of transferring this will not take place for 3-4 years which is fine because its sitting there making money!

    Now – [:D

    So, my problem is – I have the $$$ but not sure on the avenue to go down. It will be a medium term investment – probably negative geared because I am on a high tax bracket so it will help me out there. I’m looking around a 240K property – rented out $250 p/w. I am eligible for the first home buyers grant which will pay for all the legals and stamp duty which is great!

    Is that all I should be thinking about? Are there are other things / issues that are evident that I’ve missed.


    Profile photo of scratchme

    Hi Brad,


    Is that all I should be thinking about? Are there are other things / issues that are evident that I’ve missed.

    YES… What are your goals? What is it that you want to achieve?

    Australian Property Software

    Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash


    You can’t get the first home owners grant to buy an investment property, sorry.


    probably negative geared because I am on a high tax bracket so it will help me out there.

    The more tax you pay means your earn MORE money not pay out 1 dollare to get back 48 cents.

    Leigh K[:D

    Read, learn, grow but most of all just do it.

    Profile photo of brisbanescouting

    Now I’m completely confused.[xx(][xx(][xx(][xx(][xx(]
    If I buy the property, and then rent it out after 3 months – can it then be classified as an investment property? Argh……so if I buy it as my residential property, when can I get someone to rent it…….


    Profile photo of scott

    Hi Brad,
    You can buy the property and rent it out straight away as along as you intend to use it as your PPOR within a specified period of time (1 year I think). The lenght of time that you must live in it is a grey area, it isn’t specified. I’ve heard of people staying in a place while the fix it up, over a couple of weeks, claiming this as their period of residency.
    I don’t exactly know what is required as proof of residency, but it’s probably something like bills in your name going to that address or something like that.

    Hope this sorts out some of your confusion![^]

    Good luck[8D]

    Scott S

    P.S. If you would like some info, like local real estate section or those local real estate books etc let me know and I’ll post them down to you. It will at least give you an idea of the market up here![;)]

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

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