All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Site Contamination.

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  • Profile photo of hwd007

    Site Contamination. What if your EMR ( Environmental Management Register ) searches reveal site contamination with heavy metals lead asbestos etc, but there has been a site management plan applied to the construction of the property to burry the contamination in clay soil and cement ?

    Is this a unusual thing to happen ? What if the report says the site is OK for flats but soil access must be restricted ?

    Do we abort the buy or accept this as part of a typical range of manageable scenarios. I guess don’t tell the tenants about it eh ? I guess if they say its safe for flats then what can you do, I mean they are the ‘experts’ aren’t they?

    Profile photo of scottscott
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 110

    If it was properly contained it shouldn’t pose too much of a problem(Sounds like a negotiation tool to me!). But if not properly contained, it could be a serious litigation risk.
    Regardless I wouldn’t go building a 3br house with nice yard on it![;)] Units should be ok.

    Scott S

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of hwd007

    Yea its a new block of flats just built. I have siged up for one, but the report says it has a site management plan to contain the soil contamination, like min 30 cm of clay then 30 cm of cement or soil. Must be some nasty stuff under there ! its got lead ans asbestos in it [|)]

    Profile photo of DaveCDaveC
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 79

    Hi hwd007

    Just thinking if any future buyers/renters etc were going to live in your property and they came across the same info that you have, would you honestly expect them to go and live there????

    Remember. Most people buy/sell etc on emotion rather than fact so if this place has a reputation for being a contaminated dump, in the future what will happen to your investment??

    Just my thoughts. Hope this helps……..

    Take care
    Dave [:)]

    Profile photo of hwd007

    Dave I very much see your point. I’m just wondering how common this type of thing is and whether its worth being concerned about or whether its just a scenario that can be easily dealt with by correct property waste management planning. Anyway it’s on the first floor and it’s a brand new construction.

    My other thought is that well if it was that dangerous now, the property would surely not have been registered by the local council. I understand standards relating to such matters are much higher nowadays. ( I hope :/

    Now that I think about it, I recently had a coat of oil based lead paint put on my own ceiling after rain damage to seal it. Then they applied a non lead water based paint on top of it. :/

    At this stage I am leaning towards the gamble, as it is in a high capital growth inner suburb, but will gladly have my arm twisted if someone can convice me to abort take off.


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