Hi everyone, are there any property investors in adelaide who use a good team of accountants, lawyers, conveyensors etc…. I am currently using my dads old team and apart from the fact that they are all heading towards retirement, some of their ideas are also out dated. my accountant recently told me to go back to traditional work and to use superannuation as an investment strategy instead of properties [!] No thanks!!!! Some ideas, although great 30 years ago are not so great now. I desperately need a new team. Any recomendations???? They need to be PI investors themselves.
…. I was hoping to find glowing testamonials… I don’t want to be told to focus on my “real” job either. That’s not the type of advice I’m happy to pay for!!
Yes there are Adelaide people here <grin>
I posted much the same question some time back and got stumped as well. It doesn’t surprise me that nobody answered. Probably the thing holding people back from answering your request is due to one of the following:
A) The size of Adelaide’s corporate sector. It’s small compared to the other capital cities, so people tend to keep their contacts close to their chest.
The cost involved in doing “Business” in Adelaide, compared to other states. Seems to me, if you want to put a decent contract together it’s close to a deposit on a house…
Tips – do a search on this forum. There are a number of people who recently swapped contact details for a meet here in Adelaide.
Alternatively, if you want to chat, feel free to contact me – wenzel@mbox.com.au
Hi Xenia.
I use David Hilton as my accountant.
He is a property investor too:
DHC Group
Level 6, 24 Victoria Sq., Adelaide
8218 4888
My conveyancer is Robyn White
360 King William St
8410 9149.
Have heard positives about Margaret Duncan for accountancy, but don’t have first hand experience.
Haven’t needed a solicitor for property yet!
Usual disclaimers for above – no benefit to me etc.!
thanks for the advice guys, i actually went to a seminar about property investing given by Robert Kiyosaki, very motivational and highly promotional of his own products (cant blame the guy for trying) anyone else go?
anyway, i met up with a group of accountants/finance advisors from the mint group in adelaide and consequently will be meeting with an accountant called Hank Wamsteker from pierie executive services, im told he is a PI and dosent sound half bad. anyone know of him or had any expereince with this group?
i’ll let you know how the meeting goes and what advice he can give me (i already know what i want to hear [][])
thanks saskatoon, i will try your conveyensor on my next property deal []
just curious, but i just spent 3 years in saskatoon, canada doing medical research, my son was also born there [][] any resemblence to your alias [?][?][?]
Hi Xenia.
A lot of other Aussies don’t know of Saskatoon!
It’s a long story, but I met my future wife on the station when catching the train to Vancouver .
BTW, Robyn wasn’t fazed when I mentioned lease/options! She has been quite efficient in three settlements.
thanks saskatoon, i will try your conveyensor on my next property deal []
just curious, but i just spent 3 years in saskatoon, canada doing medical research, my son was also born there [][] any resemblence to your alias [?][?][?]
Terence McMahon
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