Sim City with Property Investment module. Now that would be a cool game to play. [8D] For those that hav not heard of Sim City, its a software game that graphicly simulates the running of a city. its pretty cool. even better it it had a property investment aspect to it with full tax and accounting aspects
I’ve spent countless hours building cities with this game and you’re right – it is cool. As technology has improved it has more realistically represented urban development as it is in reality. There are lessons for property investors in terms of the ‘what constitutes a good area’ question. A good area in Simcity, for example would:
-have good transport links, but not too close to highways/heavy rail lines (eg it might have a subway or bus station)
-be close to commercial areas
-be a moderate distance from polluting industrial areas
-have good school coverage, including primary, secondary and tertiary (also areas with private schools always managed to achieve better living standards…funny that)
-have good hospital coverage, including small medical centres as well as access to hospitals and research facilities
-have its fair share of recreation facilities such as parks, basketball courts, etc
So while its only a game – so is monopoly and cashflow so I definitely think it’s worth a look at for anyone interested!!
“Be courageous enough to act immediately” – Mark Fisher
Thanks Nick, yea if someone could write a seperate investment module for it I recon it would be great fun and a good learning tool on the finance side of things and boost sales for the developers.
Reminds me of the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” story of the story about how Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad learnt wealth creation lessons from Monopoly about buying houses and hotels. Perhaps there are real lessons to be learnt in current games like SimCity which start to include such a huge amount of managable details to property. (Perhaps not as many valid lessons in Doom3 tho…heh)
Brett []
“Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
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