All Topics / The Treasure Chest / BAD experience with real estate agents.

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  • Profile photo of NewInvestorNewInvestor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 18

    Recently I bought a property.

    Everthing went well until we paid and the day we have to finalise the lights were missing and we proved the agent that the lights were in the website and the pictures. Yet he favoured the vendor. We came to know vendor was the agent’s cousin.

    He behaved very badly and smart.

    I was badly offended, but could do nothing since the settlement was over.

    So all I could do was mail his agency saying that all I have to loose is lights which are cheap and could be bought but all the company has to loose is integrity and future clientele.

    I wonder what happened whether his boss shouted at him or what.he called us back asking for an apology and retured the lights immediately.

    Has anyone else had a similar experience?

    Profile photo of davidfemiadavidfemia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 89

    Unfortunately, these things happen at times.. Dont let it put you off investing though. Its all one big learning curve.

    David Femia

    Femia Property Group
    Property Investment Consultants

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    Hmmm – seems like a bad story [B)]

    It might be worthwhile reporting this agent to the applicable State branch of the Real Estate Institute.

    May not count for much, but you can at least voice your frustration.

    Also, it would be wise to cc the licensed agent who owns the agency, and attach a quote for new lights asking them to make good the problem.

    You never know…???…

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of hwd007

    Well we all know where not to go then. Thanx. and hope things improve from here on. [;)

    Profile photo of peterppeterp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 307

    I don’t wish to make light of your predicament, but here’s hoping for a brighter future for you and the property!

    Profile photo of hwd007

    Yeah, hopefully there will be light at the end of the tunnel


    Profile photo of scott

    The advice that I’ve been given is to ALWAYS inspect the property just before you settle. That way you know your getting what you looked at when you purchased. As I think AD said, the
    negotiations aren’t over till you’ve settled. If there’s no lights when you inspect negotiate a discount to the value of new light fittings I’m sure that’ll hurt em![:D

    Best of luck,

    Scott S

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of dr housedr house
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 281

    send a formal complaint to the R/E institute.
    I did, when I was totally overquoted by the local R/E shonk to get the listing.
    He was fined a paltry 2,500 and because basically it is also run by R/E agents, I was not awarded anything, the fine went into the R/E institutes pocket.
    Consumers? what lights?, oops rights.

    Profile photo of sushi03sushi03
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 33

    hey all.

    Well here we go.. its taken me some time to finnally get up the nerve to start investing.
    LAst friday a rang a R/E agent in Ararat whose name starts with an S… and booked in to view a property this Saturday. spoke to them twice actually.

    TOnight i looked at the net for properties and lo and behold the house wasnt there. checked the sold properties page and there it was. Sold on Monday. Todays Wednesday. full 2 days to contact to tell me.Not only that not even a call to see if i wanted to beat the offer. Well no wonder Real Estates have a bad name.

    It makes a good start for me in the world of investing. I guess i can understand now why R/E agents have such a bad name even in the country areas where peopleare usually known for thier hospitality.

    From now on i am Taking no prisoners.

    Sorry about the long post guys JUst venting i guess..

    Lesson learnt Dont trust real estate agents……..


    Profile photo of scott

    Hi Alex,
    I think everyone buying at the moment has the same problems! R E agents have it too easy at the moment as far as sales are concerned.
    If however you’ve got a property to sell you get preferential treatment. Ir’s just too easy for them to sell properties at the moment, they’ll get thier own back when the market slows, those who’ve given good serivce will be the ones who get the buisiness when the going is tough![;)

    Scott S

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of hwd007

    Yea I think its about building relationships with good honest and reliable agents and developers where you can all bennefit by from an ongoing business relationship.

    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Not having much experience with agents I’m wondering if they all have a valuation done on properties they are going to sell or if they just take a price from the vendor?

    Looking at warehouse/showroom deals in West End, Brisbane. A property that we KNOW went in the mid $400K range is now listed at $735,000 by the agent who says that is the price the vendor gave them.

    Are they trying it on? Is the vendor genuinely unwilling to sell so he’s put a ridiculous price on? The agent has given nothing away when I ask about it, just “That is the price the vendor gave us”.
    { affordable domains + quality hosting }

    Profile photo of fulloutfullout
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 233

    can u tell us who that real estate agent is?
    I dont wanna deal with anyone like him!

    I was lucky enough to deal with honest and reasonable agents… made friends with quite a few of them.

    Next time when u are looking at a house, in the middle of a conversation, casually tell the agent u have this other house or land somewhere that u are thinking of selling soon (doesnt matter if u have or not), near his area. Then casually say maybe he can help u sell it when u are ready to sell.
    This will make him say “oh yes, if u want to sell that in the future, i can sell it for you”.

    Now u got him serving you and trying to win your friendship. They will be damn nice to u and kissing your ass after that, believing they got a big deal ahead.

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