All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Melbourne meeting

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  • Profile photo of FW

    Hi everyone
    Sorry, I’m a bit slow posting details of this month’s meeting in Melbourne organised by people on the ninemsn forum. Here it is!
    I believe a number of people are taking along development plans for discussion purposes. Unfortunately I won’t be there. [:(]

    The June Melbourne Meeting is scheduled for:

    Thursday 26th June
    6:30pm in BA1002 at Swinburne University
    Hawthorn Campus

    As always, everyone is welcome.

    Please take note of parking restrictions (and never believe what I tell you about closing times of car parks!)

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of jars11jars11
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    Felicity, what is this about, never heard about if before? Can you please give me a run down of what is covered, & how long, etc?



    Profile photo of FW

    Hi Helen
    It’s a reasonably informal get together of people interested in property who live in Melbourne.
    Usually each meeting has a “theme” – this month a number of people are taking development plans and discussing developing in general. In the past there have been discussions about positive cashflow property, wrapping, OTP purchases, finance hassles etc etc. There’s a lot of experienced people who attend, and there’s always an opportunity to ask questions.
    Unfortunately I have a prior commitment and won’t be there, but wander along and I’m sure you’ll be welcome. Usually it runs for a couple of hours.

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

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