All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Baby Investor

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  • Profile photo of Caeryla

    Hi Peoples,

    I’m a uni student on a limited income (i.e. Youth Allowance [:I]) whos become interested in property investment coz of mum. Has anyone some tips? I’ve heard of the First Home Buyer’s Grant, but would that apply to non-residential properties such as a vacant block? Is it possible joint ownership but with only one person eligible for the grant? If anyone could help me, it’d be greatly appreciated! [:D] Thanks!


    Profile photo of walkernick

    Hi Caeryla,

    I am also a Uni student who is starting a property portfolio.


    I’ve heard of the First Home Buyer’s Grant, but would that apply to non-residential properties such as a vacant block?

    The FHOG only applies to owner-occupiers. I have done a lot of research here and found the system to be quite unfair in that, if you go on the title of an investment property before you go on the title of your PPOR, you no longer qualify for the FHOG. Of course the best way to go about this is to not go on the title of the property via either your parents or a company/trust structure.


    Has anyone some tips?

    My advice, if you do not have the income (servicability) or savings (security) to get a loan yourself would be to set up some kind of investing partnership with your parents. This is what I’m doing – with dad as money partner and me as time partner. The income is split through a discretionary family trust. We have also decided that the best place to start is wraps because it requires low money down, has high returns and thus allows us to purchase multiple properties.

    Feel free to email me at


    Profile photo of davidfemiadavidfemia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 89

    Hello Caeryla,

    Th FHOG applies to all residential properties. As long as you are an Australin resident, have not bought a property before, then the $7000 grant will stil be available to you.

    David Femia

    Femia Property Group
    Property Investment Consultants

    Profile photo of walkernick

    To add to what David has said, the First Home Owner’s Scheme website at states:


    An eligible home must be occupied by the applicant(s) as their principal place of residence within 12 months of completion of construction or settlement of the home


    Profile photo of Caeryla

    Morning Peeps!

    Thanks for your comments [:)] I guess its time to put my holidays into good use!


    Profile photo of INVESTAINVESTA
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Also just a note on the FHOG you are not eligble for this if you purchase a property with someone else on the title (ie JV or Tenants in Common)

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