One more for you! My name is Rai and I live in Adelaide. I have an almost 12 year old and I have been brought her up own my own mostly.
I work full time – and purchased my own property in Sept 02. This was a mile stone for me as the market was very high but I did it and have already made a significant gain of at least 40% in 9 months. Timing I suppose!
I am currently trying to use the equity in my home to purchase my 1st PI, will be teaming up with a couple in a JV. Had our 1st meeting with a broker last night.
Between us we have more than enough equity to get started so all looks ok. Our goal is to become financially independant and set up some super annuation.
I came across this forum by accident and it has been a great resouce of information.
Had a cat called elvis for 8 years but he passed on recently hence my nick name. [
Hi everybody,
What a great idea this post is. Just returned from some r@r and found it.So if anybody is interested, here’s me.
Real name is Chris,married to beautiful Michele for 20 years with 3 gorgeuos,georgous children, oldest at vic uni doing sciences.
We live in Seaford (near Frankston) and live a very secure and comfortable lifestyle.we live about 100 metres from the beach so summers here a like holidays.
About five years ago I was made redundant from what i thought was long term secure job. While I had no problem getting reemployed I vowed that day to be come self sufficient and in control of my own destiny.
At the time we looked at starting or buying a buisiness using the considerable equity we had in our house.But then we thought, why would i throw in a 60k job, mortgage my house and then work my butt off to pay it back?
So after many bottles of red wine and lot’s of soul searching, we drew on our equity and begun what has been a very exciting and profitable buisiness.investing.
At present we have six ip’s, having dealt with 13 in that time.we have one very nice house in Sth Frankston,2 units in an over 55’s villiage, and 3 houses in regional towns.all are cash pos.and we have an lvr of 55%
One thing i would say is that when we started (not that long ago)good information and advice was very hard to get and it could be a bit lonely and scarey making decisions, as i don’t think there were forums like this. My family thought we were mad.But not now.
The plan:As soon as our youngest is indipendant in about 3-4 years, we are selling every single thing we own,going to walk around the world,come back, buy a yacht and live on it.
So, thats about it for us, thanks for providing a unique meeting place and being able to share in the fun.
PS.When we were researching small buisinesses to buy or start, one that did come up as a real earner was politics.A local state member (upper house if you really wanted to take it easy)only has to survive 2 terms or 8 years and nett earnings were around 2 million with all the add ons.a very cynical approach i know but i actually do know a sitting member who did it for economic reasons.He reckons it is the easiest dollar around
sad is’nt it?
Another newbie to this site. my real name is Kevin. I live in Alice Springs with my wife Michelle and 4 kids, age from 12 to 18. We have been investing in property for the last 5 yrs. We have 6 properties all around Australia. A balance of +ve & -neg properties. Goal is to be able to retire in 6 yrs time.[8D].By then I will be 47 yrs old. When I say retire, that is from my paid day job…I will never give up investing…
Cheers, Centralian.
Hi Leigh! What a great idea! It was great to catch up with you again at the wrap seminar. Keep up the good work.
Anyway, my name is Jan and have been married to David for 24 years come November. We have 2 boys Phillip (15) and Cameron (12). I manage David’s orthodontic practice. For some reason, he just wants to straighten teeth and not worry about anything else!!! Great life if you can get away with it![] We now have 2 properties, 1 neg geared and 1 positive. We are also waiting on 3 more positives to settle. All the positive cash flows have happened since the seminar in May. Thanks Steve for the prod to get out there and do something
My name is Rae and I have been in the Army for ten years. I am originally from Tassie, but have lived in Sydney, Darwin, Wagga Wagga and now Nth Brissie.
I bought my ist IP in 96 as part of a two tiered marketing scam. It is almost valued at what I originally bought it for. Big incentive to make me find the knowledge to never make the same mistake again.
2nd IP bought in 98 and then 3rd IP and PPOR (which I rent 50% to my partner)bought in 01. Have been very quiet since then as I have been working in Bouganville and East Timor for a period of ten months (combined). The only reason I’m not in the Solomons is because I had to go to Steve’s seminar (and I have an injury). My partner is currently over in the Solomons after spending only 6 weeks back in Oz after 4 1/2 mths in Timor. We have been playing tag team over the last two years (it’s no wonder I haven’t finished the renos on my PPOR).
Constantly reading anything I can get my hands on in regards to property, etc. and hoping that I can get some time off work to start looking for my next purchase.
Remember to stay positive and ‘The only stupid question is the one that’s never asked’
Rob paul is my name Im a newbie 35yrs and 120 months old .
Married 13yrs no kids but a dog who might as well be one.Originally a kiwi but dont hold thus against me.
2 ips one in auchenflower brissy and one off the plan crows nest sydney,just recently sold one in dee why to pay out our mortgage at ppor.
Have recently formed a partnership with a colleage to buy and onsell after renovations in the Sydney northern beaches.
Rental returns are so low at the mo,and we need the initiall cashflow.
Looking at buying a business to support venture as I have just given up my job.
It is good to see everybody has a story and willing and able to share it for the benefit of others.
cheers all
Well here’s my story… Name is Patrick, live in Inner west Sydney in a unit I bought just over 2 years ago. Was my first property purchase ever, and bought it as both a place to live, but also as an investment, with the intention of upgrading to a larger house whenever family commitments came around. This has increased about 30% since purchase, so well happy []
Age 27, not married, but have a wonderful girlfriend who is extremely supportive. My next property purchase was an off the plan in Southbank in Melbourne. This one is due to settle later in the year, and has me a little worried given what everybody is saying about inner city units. If only I found this site before that one! But now that I am well informed I know more what to look for in the current market.
I work in IT, which pays the bills, but got in to property because I have always loved it, just could never afford to purchase any. Long term plan is to build up enough equity, and subsequently cashflow to be able to work for myself, while still having financial security behind me.
I’m Ish and my first real experience of this positive IP community was at the Masters Seminar. I’m hooked!!!!
Yesterday I negotiated and agreed on my first IP!!! Thanks so much to this community and site in assisting me to be educated enough to do that.
A little about me, I’m 36 and live in Sydney’s southern suburbs. No partner or kids…yet.[] I do however have 2 beautiful nieces, 6 and 8 years old.
I work as a training consultant for a company based in North Sydney but spend most of my work time in Australia’s capital cities running training courses. Plenty of time in hotels for searching the internet for properties I guess!!!
Nice to hear a little about all of you and was wondering if maybe we could go the next step. How do people in Sydney feel about setting up the occassional social meeting? Like minded people getting together and sharing experience, face to face! I’m more than happy to be the organiser so if you’re interested, drop me an email with the following preferences:
Frequency – ie. 1/month, 1/3 months, etc
Day of week
General Location – city, north, etc?
Drinks only or food and drinks
Hi Leigh and everyone,
I am a newbie and love the forum. I learn so much from it each time I log on. My name is Linda and I’m sure I must be one of the oldest newbies if not THE oldest.[]
I’m 48 and married to Paul and we have 2 boys whom we’re very proud of. We own our ppor in West Pennant Hills in Sydney and own 3 ips (all -ve [xx(])in Q’ld.
Just recently read Steve’s book and would love to help people own their own homes and of course also help ourselves financially so we can spend more time together doing what we want to do. Going to work is not what one of them!
Thanks everyone for all your contributions.
Hello,my name is Karen,and live in Oak Park, Victoria I am new to the forum and thank everyone for all their posts as I am learning so much. I am 37 and have three children, Amy,Matthew and Emily. I am seperated,and dont have any IPs as yet. I am seriously thinking about investing in New Zealand as there are so many good opportunities there.I am taking it very slowly though as I am still a bit nervous to take that first step.Thank you to everyone you all inspire me immensely. Karen
I am Amit 28 year old (Single). Reading and learning about IP for the last 6 month(attended lot’s of 3-4 hours and one 3 days seminar). And now ready to start. Me and my friend will be doing together we just finalise structure to buy IP ( Big thanks to all who answered my silly questions regarding structure ).
Short term goal is to create at least $10K(per year) passive income by the end of year. Which we think is not very difficult. I keep on informing how I am going with my goals.
Good to hear about all you guys and gals. I don’t get much chance to babble on anymore as there is such high quality replies on the forum. It is amazing to see how far it has come.
Keep on letting us know who you are and all about you.
Karen – Great opportunities in NZ….Nothing wrong with nervous energy just keep on researching.
Amit – It will be great to hear how you go and your questions were never silly as you needed to know things.
Sweetie – The book certainly is an eye opener. So much has changed for me thanks to Steve/Dave and the others on the forum. It really is a privelege to help someone own their own home.
Hope you all have a great week.
AD [:0)]
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”
WEll, for those who don’t know me, I am Steph and my hubby is Paul. He goes under the ID Cremo.
We are 25 and 26 nand as you can see, don’t live in Aus. We are living in a one bedroomed flat that if you convert what we are paying in rent, works out to be a spastic $1500 a MONTH!!! YEah yeah, mad I know, but we are saving even more than that per week, so it all works out.
I am originally from PErth and my hubby from ALbany 400km south of perth. (And somehow we managed to meet and get married!???) We do not currently own any properties but hope to own two by Easter next year. One will be our PPOR and the other a IP.
When we come back at Xmas time, we will be moving away from Perth, don’t quite know exactly where but hey, if we can move accross the world, moving in our own state wont be so difficult!!!
So that is our story. I have really enjoyed learning tonnes from this forum and thank everyone for their input as it has been priceless knowledge. Can’t wait to put it into practise!!!
As you can tell, my name is Mary (34). I’m happily married to Brett (31) for 3.5 years (no kids yet) and am a newbie to this site (less than 1 week).
We live in Inner Sth West Sydney in our PPOR unit. We are about to settle on our first IP which will be slightly -ve geared, in QLD, using the equity from our PPOR.
I purchased Steve’s book in a bookstore last Sunday and read it in just over a day and now am eager as ever to invest in more. Brett is very interested but also a bit wary and hesitant. This is not going to stop me as I am very persuasive (at least with him).
Am looking forward to being a regular on this Forum and have even updated my internet hours just to be able to log on and read what you more experienced (and not so experienced) guys are saying. My belief is that you can never know too much and at present, I certainly don’t.
I’d like to thank all you guys for the questions and answers and think it’s great that you all give of your time to contribute.
Marco here, just doing my daily surf through the forum. My wife and I live in Adelaide with our 9mo son.
Been researching and setting things up for a little over 18mo and thoroughly enjoying it. I work for a company that helps people with their personal finances, budgeting etc. Very rewarding when you see the light come on in peoples eyes []
Always happy to help, although I do take a low profile for two reasons – the quality of the answers are wonderful and I just don’t spend that much time on the net.
Keep up the good work, hope to meet some of you in real life at some stage.
Hi everyone! Nice to hear about everyone. Figure I shouldn`t be shy. My name is Scott, am 25 and currently living in Japan. Yes, teaching English. I have been here for nearly 3 years. Originally from Toowoomba, but call Brisbane home after 6 years of university there.
A friend gave me a property book to read about a year ago, which started my interest for property investing. Since then I`ve been reading and researching and trying to decide what my goals are. After teaching so many businessmen here in Japan, seeing there work schedule, time they spend with family, etc, I am keen to have a passive income I can live off as soon as possible.
Heading back to Australia mid next year, looking to purchase by then. Thanks for the educational, constructive advice. Hope I can contribute.
Hi my name is Adrian (gocats) and have just started out. From Geelong and have three stepdaughters and 10 step grand children and two sons. Employed as a School Chaplain in a country secondary school which I enjoy.
Hoping to build a small portfolio of properties over the next few years and then see where it goes.
Kind regards.
P.S. May be a good investment to back Geelong for 2004 AFL premership.[]
Real name Damien, married to lovely tania (who I went to high school with), and a son – Karl. Why did I buy Steves book and research here? At the moment with the hours I work, and the study I do, I feel soooo guilty about the small amount of time I get to see Karl grow up. I know I’m not the only one to work/study these hours with a family in tow, but it is quite a sad state.
Originally from Tassie, but left to join the Army for 10 years, then a most unhappy stint with HP for four years, and the last 5 managing a small technical sales office. Now live in Eltham Vic.
Seems to be lots of people in the forum from the E/NE suburbs of melb.
9K to go on our own home which was valued at $270K, so I guess we’re going to try to use the equity to borrow against. Have 2 offers in on the same property at the moment (in WA). Both offers, if either one is accepted, will ensure a good +ve cf start.
Got a couple of great business ideas, and want to get back to Tassie to activate them, but need cold, hard $$. So goal is to do an interstate trip in late Nov and buy as many IP’s as I can in 2 weeks.