All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Roll Call

Viewing 20 posts - 61 through 80 (of 100 total)
  • Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash

    Hi All

    Just thought I would bring this post forward again so the newbies can tell us who they are and read about who we are.

    Cheers & Goodnight[:O]
    Leigh K[:D

    Read, learn, grow but most of all just do it.

    Profile photo of mothermother
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    I’m a Newbie so I will also let the cat out of the bag!

    My name is Lee-Ann (23) my husbands name is Andrew (32) we have two georgouse kids (not biased honestly) 3yr old boy and 1yr old girl, they are so CUTE at this age!

    I studied fashion design at TAFE and then got Preggers so have not worked untill recently when I became a Nutrimetics Consultant, mainly for the flexible hours, my husband owned his own painting business for 10 years and closed it down at the beginning of the year to got to Tafe and study Horticulture, he is now trying to get a JOB.

    We live on the southside of Brisbane, in our Ppor and can not wait untill we have some extra money to be able to buy our first IP.

    Finding this site on the net was a godsend, as you are all so helpful and give wonderful advice.

    Hearing all about everybody elses stories is great, and very inspiring.

    Would love to find other Southsiders or Brisie people in general to talk to.

    Chow Lee-Ann

    Profile photo of BeckyGordonBeckyGordon
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 49

    Hi All
    I’m Becky, 32 and have wanted to start investing in IP’s for years with my partner Gordon who is 35, no kids yet and one Cat (aka fluffy head:-) we signed up for the seminar and had a ball! We haven’t bought an IP yet but do have a PPOR with heaps of equity. It’s great to hear about all of you and what you do. We met a few of you from the forum when we went to the seminar but weren’t familiar with all the names until after the seminar. We live in Ferntree Gully, I am a secretary and Gordon owns his own computer shop. We can’t wait to get out of the rat race and join the 5% that can fund our own retirement and help others in the process. I have been watching this forum since Feb and can’t believe that I missed this discussion until now! I must say that this forum has some very supportive and generous people, keep up the good work everyone and hopefully we will see some of you at the Wrap seminar in mid July.

    Bye for now

    Invest in People for a Prosperous Future!

    Profile photo of jack01jack01
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1


    As you can see my name is Jack. I found this website about an hour ago and have just finished reading all of this thread (took me quite a while). I think this it’s an excellent idea to find out a bit about everyone, makes you feel like your a part of a big happy property investing family (cue the sappy music, haha)[8D].

    Anyway I finished engineering last year in Brisbane, but after much deliberation (4 months), i decided i wouldn’t follow my mates in finding that ‘secure’ job. So after much reading I have set some goals and at present these goals revolve heavily around gaining a financial education.

    The trouble is all the different investment options sound so good, but i realise I must focus on one or a few areas (not really a bad dilemma, i suppose). Hopefully this forum helps with my eventual focus (which will be decided before the end of the year).

    Oh, I’m 22, live on the Sunshine Coast (after spending the last 6 years living in Brisbane) and currently have 1 asset. My mind. I’m trying to condition it into producing a financially free life.

    Thanks for reading,


    “Do today, what you want to do in your tomorrows” – Rich Dad

    Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash

    Wow those last few were some really great posts, and thanks for the kind words, I too have loved reading every word in this thread.

    It is great to know that we are all so similar but all have the same burning desire.

    It is a pleasure getting to know all of you[:D

    Leigh K[:D

    Read, learn, grow but most of all just do it.

    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    Dear All,

    Name: Chandara
    Nick Name: Chan$, Chan, Chandy, Kev, King Kong, Ya, Ra
    Alias: Chandara
    Home: St Johns park, Sydney (near Cabramatta)
    Status: Married to Jun with a beautiful daughter, Kayla, 13 mth and 5 days(love her, she is so wonderful)

    Start investing in 2000 and currently have 5 IPs, but still renting (hope will find my dream home soon). I was actively looking for IPs up until 15/07/03 and decide to stop.

    Now thinking of going to NZ to look for IPs.


    Profile photo of davo70davo70
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 56

    Hi everyone my name is David I am 33 yrs old and work as a Finance Manager for RE/MAX. I have been involved in the finance industry for many years but never really found out how it could work for me.

    In 1994 my partner and I bought an IP in Coorparoo in Brissy. Got it cheap spent $7,000 fixing it up. Held it had some tenant problems I got cold feet and we decided to sell in 2000. HUGE mistake. We sold for $163,000 the same house sold last month for $300,000. I have been kicking myself ever since. So last year started buying investment properties mainly becuase my sister needed somewhere stable to live.

    I now had far more knowledge about the property market and it was Rich Dad Poor Dad that started it for me. We now have 1 PPOR we owe very little on and four +CF ppties. We are now tossing up between buying a commerical ppty or a block of flats.

    We have an amazing cat no kids. So if the Brisbane people get together we would love to be involved.


    Profile photo of soleilsoleil
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 25

    Hi everyone

    Well this is as good a time as any to write my first post [:)

    I am 22 and struck it very lucky (by chance really) with my one and only IP. I bought it 4 years ago for $70,000… it’s returning $230pw and is now worth $260,000 or so.

    Anyway so I am looking to use the equity in it to buy my next property, and stumbled across this site whilst researching on the Net. It has been invaluable and very interesting to read the various opinions, stories and advice from everyone. THANK YOU!!

    I live in country Victoria with my lovely boyfriend, and my real name is Anna.

    Good luck to you all & happy investing :)

    Profile photo of Elysium-MElysium-M
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 259

    Hi everyone,

    I’m Melvin, just turned 31 and am a lawyer (no I don’t chase ambulances or litigate!).

    Hey Minnie – I’m in Perth too. So you’re not the only sandgroper.

    I found this forum by searching google, on one of my internet surfing expeditions to find property investment websites. I like forums, because they are populated by real people with real experiences.

    Maximus – that’s an inspiring story. Keep on going mate. I hope that you will find more than enough happiness in the years to come to make up for the pain.

    I spent most of my youth punting on the stockmarket, got lucky early and became cocky. Nearly lost my shirt in the tech crash, with enough debt to buy an IP but nothing to show for it. That’s when, with my tail between my legs, I decided that I needed a proper plan.

    After years of reading, research, attending seminars, surfing the internet and just asking people, I came to the conclusion that IPs are one of the easiest and strongest foundations when you’re building financial independence.

    So, after clawing my way back out of my self-dug financial hole (which took me the better part of 4 years), I finally bought my first property just over a year ago for an absolute bargain price, when the banks still didn’t want to know me. Thanks to a great mate of mine, who’s a mortgage broker, I got into a Liberty home loan which allowed me to borrow 110% of the purchase price – together with the FHOG, I only had to stump up about $1,000 (only thing was the high interest rate [:(]). I lived in it while I renovated it, and the bank recently gave me a great valuation when I was refinancing, which has nearly got me out of the woods! Unfortunately, I made the big mistake of getting too attached to my apartment, and can’t make myself rent it out. It’s just the best apartment now, and I can even take the ferry to work in the mornings, which is a bonus!

    I’ve been writing a book on the conveyancing/settlement process for WA, because I couldn’t find anything out there which catered for us out here in the West. It’s basically a condensation of my experiences, both at work and personally when buying my property. It was mainly for fun, and also to help me when I bought my next IP. But it’s starting to look pretty good, so hopefully, I’ll publish it soon, although I’m not sure exactly how and what to do. I sold a few on ebay a while ago, but that was hard work and slow going. I’d welcome any tips or comments, whether on what should go into the book, or how I should go about flogging it off.

    Looking to buy my next IP now – hopefully soon. I had a 10 year retirement plan – it’s now reduced to 9 years, and I need to get moving!

    I think everyone who posts on this site is great – people who actually care enough to share their experience, knowledge and even secrets in property investing. Unlike many other forums, I haven’t seen anything remotely resembling flaming! It’s a great community.


    Profile photo of himnherhimnher
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    Hello Everyone

    We are not new to investing in properties but are very new to this forum and web site, which is a great source to hear/share ideas, stories and opinions with other people who love property as an avenue to financial freedom.

    We purchased our first property in 97 but have grown capital through buying, restoring and selling our own owner/occupied properties. At each sale we have made reasonable capital gains and now have reasonable capital such that one of have left their profession to just restore houses. The first stage of our financial plan (at it still has about 5 years to go) has been to grow capital from property rather than generate a cashflow.

    After our second renovation we took a year off and spent it travelling Australia and sitting on all those wonderful beaches enjoying the sun, people and nature. I suppose our main aim from property is to leave our professions, maintain a reasonable source of wealth and enjoy life.

    We have been through 4 houses so far (we keep telling ourselves to speed up LOL) and are now involved with purchasing properties on subdividable blocks and carrying out the full development i.e renov the front house and build a house at the rear.

    We were tempted to buy a couple of IP’s earlier this year but backed out of it as the market seems to be quite “overheated” in Perth at the moment and positive geared IP’s are becoming harder to find. So we’ll just keep fixing up lovely old properties.

    Having just found this site, we have been visitors every second day. Reading all these interesting stories and insightful comments seems to invigorate us and push us just that little bit harder.

    Keep it up and thanx.

    Mark and Ali

    Profile photo of QueenBeeQueenBee
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    Hello everyone,
    I’m a newbie, found this forum about a month ago, have been checking in regularly since. I am so impressed with the strong sense of community and the warm and helpful folks that I’ve decided to join in. I hope to be able to contribute more as I get more experience and confidence in PI.

    I live in Sydney with my lovely husband, Jono and my “never fails to amaze me” son, Liam, who just turned the big 3. I work in management and IT consulting (don’t your eyes just glaze over when you read that, it usually does when I am pressed to say what I do to earn my crust!!), but I’ve just become an official statistic (yep, been given the chop, made redundant, toes cut off, made an ex-parrot, etc). I’m not down about it though, just abit fearful (but also excited) about the future. I’ve decided to take a break from consulting and spend more time with my son, try my hands at doing some right brain stuff and learn and do more PIs.

    The situation is that we live in our PPOR (mostly paid off), have a PI (but horrors, it’s under a company structure, trying to sort it out at the moment, any help will be appreciated) and will now live on 1 income in expensive Sydney (very scary). Plan to do more PIs so that we can retire and do more volunteer work.

    Thank you to all for contributing and please keep it coming….

    Profile photo of RodCRodC
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 335

    G’day my name’s Rod, I’m 39 married to Kate for 16 years with 2 kids, Thomas (10) and Emma (5). I’m a telco technician based in Melbourne CBD. We own our PPOR in the outer Eastern suburbs and have 4 IPs (2 Melb, 2 QLD) – first one puchased in 2001. These are all basically neutral (after tax) but have had good CG. Now I want some real positive ones!

    My interests are family, property and old aeroplanes (I need more IPs to pay for the planes!).


    Profile photo of birdmanbirdman
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 38

    Hi there!

    My name is Stephen, 33 and married to my lovely wife Linda. We have 3 children – Kathryn who is almost 4, Christopher who is almost 2 and Timothy who is 4 months. I am an IT professional, these days managing a Technical Support Centre that services Asia Pacific and Japan. My wife is a Research Scientist with a really flexible work environment which helps when raising the kids.

    We live in Bridgeman Downs in the northern suburbs of Brisbane having recently moved from the next suburb of McDowall.

    We had been researching property investment for about 2 years before we finally took the big step about 15 months ago. We now have our PPOR, 3 rental properties and a block of land on which to build number 4. Each of the properties are slightly cash flow positive after tax (except for the land of course) and are in high growth areas.

    We have a 10 year plan of slowly building up our portfolio to the extent that we can give away our jobs and never look back. The biggest hurdle for us was going from no debt (had payed of our previous PPOR) to having significant debt (but good debt) and managing this carefully. It also takes us quite a while to locate suitable properties for our buy and hold strategy in the local area. We are beginning to look at the renovation side of property.

    Neither of us had family that had done anything like this, so were constantly baraged with negative comments and doomsayers. Finding out that some of our friends had been doing it for years was enlightening and a wealth of additional information followed. We have also encouraged a number of our friends to do the same, which has been great.

    Take care,

    Profile photo of dino61dino61
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    Hi, my real names Dean. Im 47, 3 kids, separated, living with g/f in Glenhaven Sydney. Been an electrical contractor in Sydney for 18 yrs. Found this site today, and its got a heap of info hasnt it! Worked in the renovation area of the electrical trade in Sydneys eastern suburbs and saw people make a lot of money on blocks of units over the years,but other than a small home unit bought and sold about 14 years ago not forayed into property investment before. Owned 2 houses but sold the last when I split with the ex 2 years ago. Still kicking myself, sold 5 bedroom, 2 story double garage full a/c etc in Castle hill for $392,000.00
    Due to a motorcyle accident 4 years ago Im about to finally get a cash settlement, which I intend to use to buy cheap country rental properties that will show a good return,to give me cash weekly, and in time a reasonable cg.

    Profile photo of marcellmarcell
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    Hi everyone,
    Name is Jerry,29 years of age, currently studying(returned to studying after some years working -well, to be honest after many,many years)Information Systems (on the side studying for my MCSE and CCNA).
    I live at home with my mum, who I dearly love.
    Looking forward to purchasing my first property, thats is if the banks give me the go ahead.

    The end[:0)]

    Profile photo of RedRed
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 20

    Hi all,

    It’s great to here all of your stories.

    I wonder does anyone know if this thread is the longest?

    Will it ever stop…..hope not…


    Profile photo of ChrisAChrisA
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    Howdy All,

    My name is Chris, 36 yrs young in a few weeks, married 5 1/2 fantastic years to gorgeous Julie, who is 32, and live in Ringwood North, Victoria. We’re expecting our first child in January on Australia Day. How patriotic is that? In the meantime we’re busy practising our parenting skills on our cat Cossie and 3 chooks, Jackie, Molly and Snowy. Somehow I think it’s going to be a little different, but can’t wait until I’m a daddy! Has anyone tried burping a chicken?

    My job in sales at Telstra has just been made redundant, but it’s something I’ve wanted for a long time and am really looking forward to the future. It’s a new beginning in so many ways for us but gee it’s mentally exhausting thinking up all the different strategies to take. I just need to harness all that energy and get stuck into it.

    We paid off our PPOR in less than 4 years, have 2 -ve grd IPs, which we bought nearly 4 years ago, one in Toorak and the other in South Yarra. With equity in excess of half a million, including a decent redundancy package, we’re in a great position to launch into something substantial as far as investing goes. I know you should never have regrets, but I wish I had paid heed to my parents advice when they told me 15 years ago to buy property. I was too interested in going out to discos and getting drunk though.

    Anyway, our goals are to generate income from our investments and live on a small acreage either in the Yarra Valley or Mornington Peninsula and run a B&B and tours, I’m studying a Rural & Regional Tourism course, while my wife writes children’s books. Oh, she has to have a Llama as well! This is a 5-10 year plan and I know we will get there.

    Keep up the great work everyone, this forum is so inspirational.

    Profile photo of recoverymanrecoveryman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 122

    my real name is Glenn married to suzanne 2 boys 16 and 10
    live on the south coast of NSW
    work for health dept
    have over 10 PI
    I am 41 have been into PI all life Dad was a farmer who sold up and got into PI in the 60;s and 70;s, but the alcohol got him. One stage he had over 11 PI in Stockton NSW chaep they are around 200=250 each now
    he never realy try to get me into PI which is a shame because I am into now with my 16 year old
    Perhaps my father knew that I would not listen to everything
    my pi’s are in WA Qld TAS and in NSW
    I always buy for casshflow
    I use to put more time and effect into my low paying govt job which change about a year ago
    when I asked a mate at work what he did on leave and he told me 3 PI in Tas
    it was like he was telling me big secret which is just how I use to be with PI stuff
    anyway we both feed off each other and are buying 1 pi every 2 month or so
    my wife has no interest in this, would like to live in a small mud hut with own garden which is fine but I dont have any faith in the health or govt and when I get old (older) That is not going to happen for a while. As soon as I get any sort of money it goes to get another PI
    this forum has been great
    I have no one else except my mate who does not live near me
    and it is fantastic knowing there are other people out there doing this
    I dont useally write beacuse I am a bad speller with grammer skills to match
    A spell checker would be good
    hope this gives people some idea who I am

    Profile photo of perthguyperthguy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    Hello to All

    Another newbie, my name is Darren 32yo married to Debbie 29yo. We are only now starting to look at investing in property, and i stumbled across this forum. What a stroke of luck, or fate as i have been reading posts almost non stop to try to get a better understanding.

    I work in finance for a credit union, and deb is an admistrator for Chubb security. We are from Perth (surprise..surprise…) and looking at starting a family shortly. I guess i just wanted to say thankyou to all of those people who have offered advice on this forum, good honest advice is almost immpossible to find and you people offer this for free.

    This is an amazing place full of amazing people.

    Darren & Debbie

    Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash

    Hi All

    Well these posts are fantasitic to read and some very funny … some inspirational.

    I just looked up the useful links thread and it has 111 posts, so we are close to making this the longest thread on the forum.

    If you haven’t told us about yourself – come on wot ya waitin for!

    If you are out there just lerking about … come out come out where ever you are.

    I look forward to seeing you about!

    Leigh K[:D

    Read, learn, grow but most of all just do it.

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