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  • Profile photo of will

    Hi all,

    Just a query on doing renovations. The builders licence act 87 stats that you can do residential building work excluding specialist work (e.g. electrical) if you own the property. It also mentions something about the cost of materials and labour for the work being below a particular value. Does anyone know what this value is? Also if you do the work yourself and sell the property within a particular time frame does the work require a warranty (i.e. do you need a builders licence). I would not be intending to sell the properties anyway however if is something i need to consider that if i have to sell what situation i could be in.

    Cheers Will

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    Good questions, but out of my specific area of expertise.

    However, I seem to remember something about owner builders haveing to provide a 10-year guarantee???

    My neighbour is a owner:builder, I’ll see if I can remember to ask him.

    Can anyone else shed any light on the matter?

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of toddo27toddo27
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    Hi Will,

    Last i knew about this was that any work where the total cost was more than $6,000 required insurance. You may want to check with the Master Builders Association.



    Todd O’Neill
    ‘Move to the next level’

    Profile photo of MathewMathew
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 41

    Hi Michael,

    I looked at the links you provided however they had no information about the current topic. Are we talking about adding a new room or some other major works, or a simple kitchen renovation as being classed OB and requiring insurance?

    I have been involved in a few deals where simple works were done before the property was resold and knew nothing about OB insurance.



    Profile photo of will

    Thanks for the replies,

    Interesting topic, as i was aware OB licences have a particular life and cycle. I thought that you could only apply for one every 3 years. This being the case i guess one would have to look at purchasing properties where the work required was all internal and not major so that you would not be limited in the number of properties that you could do in a particular time frame. Heres the next one, what about installing a carport. I’ll have to ring the council and see what they say.


    Profile photo of wayne_2wayne_2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 13

    Hi Will, the area you are seeking advice on a number of variables and depends an which state you are dealing in so if you would like to contact
    me just email me at and I’ll be happy to provide you with my phone # and explain it to you.
    But for general information which may assist other members I will compile some web site adresses and post them on the forum.


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