do you guys know any lenders who will fax a letter of non-approval for a loan for a land? I tried enquiring about getting a loan for a land, and most lenders say they cant because i just quitted my job to start my own business. And the offer i put on the land, it can be cancelled if i get a letter from a lender saying that i was not able to get a loan from them.
1) I asked around and most of the lenders just say no on the phone, but refuse to write me a letter confirming i called to enquire and unsuccessful.
2) Will getting such a letter affect my credit rating?
i just called several banks and enquired, and they told me they cant lend me that high a % and that i dont have a permanent employment now.
I told the sale rep from the seller and they say sure they can cancel the contract, provided i can provide a letter from a lender.
Do u mean i need to really apply for it (even when i know already that it would be unsuccessful), and perhaps get a black mark on my credit rating? Will that blacklisting make it harder for me to get loans in the future?
It may be way passed this stage now, but another thought was if you could find a joint venture partner or someone willing to put up the finance for you?
mike, which lender on the internet can reply so quickly? tell me a few that u have tried, and i will try them.
Coz now i asked several lenders and they say they can usually lend up to 50% ONLY for vacant land.
So i dont think i can come up with the rest of the money, and since i still have about 2 weeks to get the rejection letter, i can still get out of this contract.
mike, which lender on the internet can reply so quickly? tell me a few that u have tried, and i will try them.
Coz now i asked several lenders and they say they can usually lend up to 50% ONLY for vacant land.
So i dont think i can come up with the rest of the money, and since i still have about 2 weeks to get the rejection letter, i can still get out of this contract.
Ive had the same thing happen to me, so I may be able to help you not sure as yet but will enquire for you.
Dont go getting rejected just yet.[]
Email me I’ll see what I can arrange.
Scott S
“Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”
thanks guys,
i am trying to get a few letters, to really prove to them that i have really been trying to get a loan.
( i have tried at least 8 – 10 lenders on the phone, but once they know i dont have the 20% deposit and a 6 mth genuine saving, they say i am unable to even apply. And they wont write a letter just over a phone call)
I need all the help i can get!