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  • Profile photo of neologism

    i all quickly scratching for some answers..

    i just veberly agreed to buy a property, i had organised a time to come in and sign the contracts and all.. then i get told there has been a high offer.. is there anything i can do legaly to say the house is mine with out have signed anything..

    Profile photo of brentbrent
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 165

    The short answer is no.

    Sounds like you’ve been gazumped.

    Verbal contracts aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. Until the vendor accepts a formal written offer and signs a contract of sale, the property is essentially still on the market.

    I guess your choices are;

    1. To either persue the property – you may end up in a bidding war, or it may just be an agents ploy. Or…

    2. To let it go, and move on to the next deal.

    Good luck either way.


    Profile photo of neologism

    thanx heaps guys i stuck to my offer and the vendors decided to to sell to me as they agreed verbaly before hand (nice people) anyways.. i’m now the proud owner of my 1st investment property!

    Profile photo of princessprincess
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    i just read the whole thread and CONGRATULATIONS it looks like u just won against a shifty vendor? well done, and good on you for making the move into property![:I]

    Profile photo of MathewMathew
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 41

    Good work Neo…you have just proved yourself to be better than the average investor who would have simply put in the higher offer and paid more than they should have. Well done.



    Profile photo of neologism

    yeah thank you

    the 1st rule (well maybe not the first but it’s one! and somewhere in the list!) buy with your head not your heart! i didnt want to get into a bidding war and the investment not turning out anygood, if i had of lost it i would of just moved onto the next money spinner i could find.

    thanx all for your kind words [8D]

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