All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Perth Investment Network

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  • Profile photo of Sebastian

    Hi All,

    In the Post

    Tracyimb, David Fermia & Andrew all showed interest in a Perth investors network to share ideas, expirences and exchange information etc.

    I would like to say that this is a fantastic idea, and I would myself me very interested in such a network, as I am new to property investing I have much to learn and I’m sure that a network such as this would be very benefical to alot of Perth investors, both expirenced and new to the game.

    I agree with David that Perth seems to be lacking in this type of network. So I would like to take this opportunity to have people register their interest.

    Another thing is that I understand that there may be plans for a Perth APIM seminar. I am sure that many Perth investors that did not get a chance to attend the recent one would be interested in a Perth event. So lets show some support and get Steve and the gang over here!!



    Profile photo of avranjesavranjes
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 58

    hi sebastian,

    that sounds like a great idea, you can count me in!

    Profile photo of KellieKellie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 13

    Hi Sebastian,

    Sounds good to me. I am always interested in talking to WA investors as that is where I am based. Would be very interested in this.


    Profile photo of Andrew6Andrew6
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7


    Count me in. I assume by the comments posted thus far, there are networks functioning on the east coast. How do these work? Besides a person(s) to coordinate the effort what else is required to make one successful?


    Profile photo of JustinJustin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 18

    Hi Sebastian,
    Count me in also. To answer Andrew, I think we each make ourselves successful, however with a group of like-minded friends helping we have the power to achieve great things. Simply by sharing ideas and experiences we all grow.
    I was one of the lucky Perth people able to attend the seminar and it was fantastic! I met Traceyimb there (Hi Tracey) and one of the most important things I learnt was the need for contacts/friends/investors. These people can guide us, warn us, assist us, and we can do the same for them. In the process everybody benefits. Setting up a Perth investors group is a definite goer.

    Profile photo of Sebastian

    Hi Everyone!

    Good to get some support!!
    The general idea of this type of network is as Justin mentioned, to share ideas, information, opinions and in general to make friends, contacts with like minded people so that we can all benefit from each others knowledge and expirence.

    I know Tracy wants to drive this and will be getting something organized, so that maybe we can all get together and meet.

    If anyone would like to email me so that we can all get in contact my email address is



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