All Topics / The Treasure Chest / What the APIM game was all about

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  • Profile photo of The DIY Dog WashThe DIY Dog Wash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 696


    I agree with Regina about an advanced level seminar for two reasons;

    First, is as per my feedback form I felt disappointed on day one that I didn’t have an aha moment, but that was due to the amount of research I had put in with your materials prior. So I would relish a deeper level of talks and hearing from others eg: Stuart

    And second, You and Dave both commented at different times over the weekend how frustrating it is to you that most people in that room would do nothing, well fancy working with a room full of people that did do something and are back for more.[:D

    Matt & I would be there.[:D

    Leigh K[:D

    Read, learn, grow but most of all just do it.

    Profile photo of Gus_2Gus_2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 39

    Hi everyone,

    I’m with Regina on her idea of an advanced level of content. I guess I was looking for more ‘how to’ information and less ‘hype / motivation’. For example my key area of interest was on wraps and having read the material on the web site and other sites, the WG book sent out and other material I felt I had a handle on the concept but lacked the tools. Given the unavailability of the wrap pack (which I would have bought on the spot) somehow feel that I don’t have all the tools / information I needed to progress a wrap deal in a legal and professional manner. I will obviously continue to progress my plan, but I feel it won’t be as quick as I would have liked given some unanswered questions.

    Steve mentioned running a wrap boot camp and this I would hope would be a more sophisticated level of education. My feeling is that if I am to do this properly, I want to follow industry best practice and avoid any appearance of being a ‘dodgey backyarder’. The question is what is best practice? What are the key questions in an application that will tell me whether or not I have a good or bad wrapee? What does a wrap contract look like, what are the key elements and what areas are potentially contentious and how do we get around objections? The list is somewhat endless, but the answers will save an enormous amount of time and will ensure that we serve our clients in the most professional way.

    I will be up for any additional wrap advanced education on offer. Good suggestion Regina.


    Profile photo of JabbryJabbry
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Steve, thanks for that. We were one of the tables without the strategy and went in to panic buy. We were all a bit tired and wanted to play, but you’re right, we needed to set a mission, strategies, tactics and action plan.

    Well don’t be disheartened, your teachings have paid off. I’m going in on my first commercial deal this morning and my partner has drilled me and made sure I have every question ready that you told us to ask about. Trouble is, I really want this property because my business is growing and I need it. So I will have to try to keep emotion out of it and walk away if necessary.

    Have a good holiday. You deserve it.


    Profile photo of bobbiebobbie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 13

    I found the game frustrating because of the non contributors on the table. We sats down and worked out a strategy and sent people out with particular tasks. The tenant, finance etc etc. 3 of the people came back with no information because they just went and listened to the ‘group’ which for learning was great but not contributing to the ‘team’ The game certainly has merit and helps us to think outside the square. Look forward to the next one.

    Cheers Bobbie[:)]

    Profile photo of BeckyGordonBeckyGordon
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 49

    Hi All,

    ‘The Game’ was my first experience to any sort of investing, period! I am a mathodical person and realised from the very beginning that we needed a plan, so we sorted out our requirements and luckily for us we had some experience on the table. Off we all went like little squirrels gathering our info, and we even bought 2 houses and I was one of those purchasers, I was on such a high!! [:D

    Think outside the square!!!

    We would love to be involved in more “Game playing”, count us in!!

    Gotta Groove Gotta Move!

    See ya

    Invest in People for a Prosperous Future!

    Profile photo of RabbitRabbit
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Steve,
    I found the game was confussing along with the rest of my table. What our plan was due to time shortage was to spilt up and have people doing different parts of the win wins to maximise our time so a couple of us did achieve in purchasing the 4 properties at different prices and settlement times, then we went back to the table to start working out which property would be best suited to which senario that was required, pending on the info that was bought back by the others. As more confusion set in we then sat back to see what property and what senario where best suited as we started to make some progress the curtains where closed (oh well). Proberly not the best way to go about it but with some out side of the square thinking and more time we could of completed the deals.
    The main thing to remember is never give up on your dream as there is more than one way to create that elusive win win.


    Profile photo of bps1104bps1104
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Dear All,

    I am a newbie to this forum and been reading most of the posts on the discussion boards. I am interested in joining the games night if one is available.

    I am living in sydney, is there any of the games night coming up soon?

    Thans all,


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