All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Those doing or thinking of renos……..

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  • Profile photo of sushi03

    Hi all,

    For those people doing renos or thinking of doing them…or even those that wanna do their own maintenance. If you want to try to save a little cash and do some of the work yourself but dont know how Bunnings have DYI shows on the weekend where they show you the basics. whether it be tiling, painting, building decks etc.

    I dont know if this has been posted before but i hope this helps some of u save eating into your cashflow or CG.

    Seeya ALL

    Profile photo of dorkyboydorkyboy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 16

    Thanks Alex [:)

    regards Dorkyboy

    Profile photo of sushi03

    i think it might eat into their profit margin dorkyboy………


    Profile photo of RudiRudi
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    I would highly recommend attending a Bunnings DIY workshop (particularly if you’re not very experienced in the field of renovating). My wife attend one recently. Before she went, she wasn’t too enthusiastic about getting her hands dirty. Now, I’m fighting with her for all the power tools! [8D]

    Profile photo of williwilli
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 186

    Another idea of how to get RENO experience is to offer your time to a local curch or community group such as lions or apex.

    They do alot of great things for their respective communities and they might be doing some handywork which you can help out at and get some experience from….


    …Beware of the dreamtakers…

    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974

    Hi there,

    Another way is to get a DIY video from the library. Although this may not be the best way to get hands on experience. I did a course at Bunnings and it was great.

    Sooshie [:)

    “Giving is a Blessing, receiving is the bonus”

    Profile photo of JonerJoner
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    Hi All
    If you phone your local Bunnings they should send you a calander sheet, with up and coming DIY demo’s with times, dates and what they will be doing.
    Thought it might be useful to know!!!!

    Profile photo of HurricaneHurricane
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    Yeh go for it

    I reno’ed this and my last PPOR. If your prepared to learn, and ask lots of questions, it can be a very rewarding experience.

    Eg Polishing the Floor boards. I remember getting a quote once, and thought you are kidding!

    Anyway, I asked lots of questions and found many answers, and saved a bundle by doing it myself.

    Another organisation to get familiar with is your local Hire place. Having the right tool to do a job sometimes makes the difference in getting it done right. It is worth paying for the hire.

    Oh, and I am no builder or tradesman (quite the opposite in fact), I just put in the time and effort to learn. It can also be a lot of fun too…


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