All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Which Accountant

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  • Profile photo of djones

    Hi All:

    Wanted to know which accountant would you refer (or use) for tax purposes. The reason I ask this is because the accountant that I used to use for my normal job salary and expenses seems not very upto date with tax rules regarding property investment, prepaid expenses, depreciation etc.
    So I would like to go to an accountant who sort of specialises in the area of property investments and enable me to claim all the allowable deductions.
    Iam based in Melbourne and would like to hear from all the fellow Melbournians as to which ones they recommend.

    P.S: Is HR Block worth a try….



    Profile photo of ADAD
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 636

    Try this fellow,
    Dale is the man and I use him and I live in Brisbane. He is a moderator on Somersoft forum and answers question sin the API Magazine so he is not too bad.

    AD [:0)]

    “”Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
    Albert Einstein

    Profile photo of G-MAN007

    Brandi & co in carlton seem to know there stuff, they specialise in property investment.

    Profile photo of djones

    Thanks guys fopr your replies. I will certainly talk to them. G-MAN0007 can you send me the phone number of Brandi & co in carlton .


    Profile photo of G-MAN007
    Profile photo of PropertyInvestor

    Hi Darren,

    Dale Gatherum-Goss comes highly reccomended.
    He is my Accountant and the Accountant to most of the investors I know.


    “It’s too late to go back and make a brand new start, but from today you make a brand new end”.

    Profile photo of Kellie

    Could you please give me details for Dale Gatherum-Goss. I also tried a website which I was told to look at for trusts and I gather this is the same person but I had no success. Your help would be appreciated.


    Profile photo of PropertyInvestor

    Hi Kellie,

    Follow this link:

    Say hello to Dale for me.[:)


    “It’s too late to go back and make a brand new start, but from today you make a brand new end”.

    Profile photo of HueyHuey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 213

    Would anyone please let me know approximately how much the accountants charge for doing a tax return with fixed income + 1 IP + bank interest + dividents for 3 shares + charity donations ?

    Many thanks in advance.



    Profile photo of peterppeterp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 307

    One accountant I spoke to (will be using him this year for the first time, seemed enthusiastic about my cashflow postive strategy) quoted approx $140.

    On accountants, I’ve just been reading ‘The Millionaire Mind’. Thomas Stanley finds that wealthy people not only use accountants for their tax, but also use them (and lawyers) to provide more strategic advice on the soundness of investments they’re thinking of making.


    Profile photo of Kellie

    Hi Mannie,

    Thanks for the site. Had no problems this time. Will be sure to say hello to Dale for you.


    Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash

    I am so glad I already have my initial appointment booked with Dale for next week, otherwise I wouldnt get in to see him with the amount of times he has been recommened here.

    I see his name pop up in all sorts of forums and news letters for property investors. He seems to be highly regarded in tht industry.

    Leigh K

    Profile photo of fullout

    Anyone can recommend me accountants who knows a lot about Positive Property Investment and Tax Deductions in Victoria?
    I have spoken to a few already, and would like to get more opinions.

    Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash


    Anywhere in particular in Victoria?


    Profile photo of brentbrent
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 165

    Hi Everyone,

    I’ve been receiving a lot of e-mails recently from people who are looking for a good accountant, and want to find Steve McKnight’s free report entitled “Finding a Great Accountant”.

    This is available from

    Just go to and click the “Free Report” button. Follow the prompts and it will be automatically e-mailed out to you.

    Warm Regards

    Brent Hodgson Admin

    Profile photo of fullout

    i am in Melborne city, and i work in Hawthorn. Any ideas? i dont mind if he is somewhere in the suburb, not too far away.

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