All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Book Title Contest… Win ‘The Lot’

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  • Profile photo of quasimodoquasimodo
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 100

    Hi Steve…

    A couple of points before my suggestions:

    1) As someone who worked somewhere [:)

    2) 36 months sounds shorter to me than 3 *years*.

    3) You may choose to look at the underlying desire people has (EG retirement, freedom, get to know their kids as they grow up instead of their boss [;)

    With that in mind, a couple of ideas:

    Why Don’t You Just Retire Today?
    (I’ll show you how to get the choice through common houses that pay you each week –
    from someone who bought 130 of them in 36 months!)

    0 to 130 in 36 months

    130 Pay-days a month… and growing!

    Shop for a week, Get paid for decades
    (how I bought an average of one house a week for 3 years and continue to bank cash from all of them!)

    Ratrace Escape
    (A true story of how we did it in under 3 years, in Australia using the techniques in this book!)

    Never Have to Work Again

    Houses That Make You Money
    (I’ll show you how I bought of them 130 in 36 months and you can, too!)

    Paid While You Sleep
    (how to buy as many houses that pay you cash each month as you want!)

    You Don’t Need A Raise
    (How I created the passive cashflow that set me free from work forever in 36 months)

    A Better Solution Than Negative Gearing
    From nothing to 130 cashflow positive houses in 36 months in Australia

    130 cashflow houses, 36 months, low risk
    (Let me show you how to make it happen from someone who did!)

    I don’t Need a Job Anymore…

    Financial Freedom Made Simple
    (from an Australian who made it in just a couple of years)

    How to buy 130 properties that pay you while you sleep.

    How to buy secure work-free money in Australia

    Hope this helps!


    It seems to me that action has a most magic way of answering all the questions our fearful mind tries to throw before us…

    Profile photo of M Simon

    This is my shot:

    Wealth through real estate — FAST!!!

    Will let you know if there is more.

    M Koh

    Profile photo of jasontang888jasontang888
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 6

    Property Smarts

    Climb the property ladder

    Positive Properties

    Profile photo of MarcoMarco
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 66

    Creating ‘Win-Win’ Real Estate Solutions: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years

    A step by step guide to your property investing career:From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years

    Cheers, Marco

    Profile photo of Administrator

    I think a title that encapsulates the searching, and sometimes rescuing (renovating) would get in a lot of the regular “Hot Auction, Location, Location, Better Homes and Garden” type investors (the majority!!) that are out there at the moment. Therefore I propose:

    Real Estate Search and Rescue
    ‘From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’


    The Property Search and Rescue Guide
    ‘From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

    Profile photo of ozchickozchick
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14

    How about these one!

    “Positively! From 0 – 130 Properties in 3 years”

    “Positive Payback” From…..
    “Positive Acquisitions” …
    “Positive Prosperity” ….
    “Positive Asset” …
    “Positively McKnight” …
    “Positive Outcome” ….
    “Positive Power”….
    “Positive Gain”…
    “Positive Achievement”…
    “Positive Empowerment”….
    “Positive Possessions” …
    “Positive Passion” (although this title may be misleading [;)

    Just some that come to mind. Hope there’s a winner amongst them!!!


    Profile photo of NathanNathan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 77


    How about “A winning strategy”

    or “A win win stragegy”

    or even “A winning real estate strategy”



    Profile photo of Gus_2Gus_2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 39


    I like Gus’s

    Pretty cool.

    But hey Gus, do you REALLY need all Steve’s groovy stuff as much as me??? Come on, I’m desperate here! If you get any more ideas, feel free to tell me them first and offer me first dibs on plagiarising them.

    Thanks Susiemac, appreciate the encouragement. We’d all like to win, and it appears there is some pretty stiff competition. You’ve got some good ones too like “Tell me why I don’t work Mondays”. Perhaps that should read “I’ll tell you why I don’t work Mondays?”

    A couple I thought of especially for you is “Trading Places: Making money your slave” or “Make your money go to work so you don’t”.

    All the best of luck.


    Profile photo of NOSAJNOSAJ
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Why not title the book as per your catch phrase

    “Be Successful by doing things differently”


    Profile photo of bigdanbigdan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    Hi all,

    A few suggestions:


    Property investment’s answer to Michael Schumacher tells how he went from 0 to 130 in just 3 years.



    Put yourself in the financial Driver’s Seat with Positive Gearing



    (How I became a millionaire in less than 3 years)

    or finally


    0 to 130 properties in 3 years – financial freedom for life!

    Hope you like them Steve.

    Profile photo of susiemacsusiemac
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14

    You’ve got some good ones too like “Tell me why I don’t work Mondays”. Perhaps that should read “I’ll tell you why I don’t work Mondays?”

    Thanks Gus, but this would be better

    “I don’t work Mondays (or Tuesdays, or Wednesdays)”

    “ASK ME WHY I don’t work Mondays (or Tuesdays, or WEdnesdays)

    BTW, I was on a coffee high the other night… I’m much calmer now.


    Profile photo of Jumbo123Jumbo123
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14

    Ok here’s mine.

    Real Estate – The Real Deal
    Cheers. Some good titles.

    Profile photo of tom1000000tom1000000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 74

    May I suggest:

    Positive People Property
    From 0 – 130 properties in 3 years!

    The title is short and sweet. I also think the title sums up your investing strategy in 3 words. It should also appeal to just about anyone who wants to help others and create “win-win” situations.



    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Hi Steve

    I think you should call it

    ‘How to Become a Real Estate Millionaire in 3 years’
    *how I did it and how you can do it too*

    “Become a Real Estate Millionaire in 3 years”


    “Real Estate Millions”

    “How to become a Millionaire in 3 Years”
    *by investing in real estate*

    ot put the word ‘you’ in there –
    ‘How you can Become a Real Estate Millionaire in 3 years’

    rather than using the word property, I think Real Estate is more international and has a kind of glossy zing to it that
    ‘Property ‘doesn’t. hmmm. maybe.

    A title like this (i think) puts the focus smack bang on what is *really* motivating people who might look for and buy that kind of book….i.e. their dream – “i wanna be rich, retire, etc etc etc etc, get outta the rat race….but I don’t know how”. A title like this tells them what they wanna hear, that it’s possible, ( because you did it ) that you will show them how, (the most important) AND gives them a time-frame which seems unbelievable. Enough to pick up the book, buy the book!!!!!!!!

    It’s an extremely international (read: American-style) title, I know, but hey, Antony Robbins has made hype mainstream, and I think that will help give the book the wings it needs.

    A little sensationalism.
    No matter how good the book is, i think you want the title to JUMP OUT and press some buttons.

    I’m a songwriter and I once saw a book advertised called ‘How to Write a Hit song’. I bought it just for the title. (I was cynical about the content but it turned out to be pretty good!) I notice how many people I work with in my studio notice that title out of all the books on my shelf (and the spine is less than 1 cm thick) and want to borrow it.

    title, title, title.!!!!!!!!

    When i write songs I try to make sure I have musical and lyrical ‘hooks’ that stay in the memory, and I think that a book title (of this ilk, after all you will be on the same shelf as Kiyosaki, Robbins) needs to be as big, bold, button-pressing, challenging, publicity-attracting as possible (provided it accurately reflects the book you’re writing which i think it will.)!

    Oh Yeah

    i think the word millionaire is even more important than Real Estate or Property from the punter’s point of view. I think that more people want to know how to be millionaires than are interested in property. I just think it could reach more people with that kind of title.

    OK enough woffle from me


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Hi Steve,

    Accelerate 0-130 properties in 3 years
    By Steve McKnight

    Best Selling Author!!!!!


    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    another thing i just thought of
    (and I just read all the posts – some great and funny ideas there) –

    the bit about
    ‘ from 0- 130 houses in three years’ – even though that’s really really important, I think it should be on the back cover, or wherever it is on a book cover that you put the bit about who the author is and how come he is qualified to write such a book. I don’t think it needs to be on the front. It’s too specific a detail to be a title, i think. it warrants a good two lines at least to explain that bit.

    However I think what does need to be on the front are the words ‘positive-cashflow investing’ (in some shape or form).

    If you did call it something like I suggested before, i.e. ‘How to Become a Real Estate Millionaire in 3 Years’, if you tagged that with something like *with positive-cashflow investing*,
    or ‘by investing in positive-cashflow property’
    that would catch all those browses that specifically want to learn about positive cash-flow property investing – and, after all, you *are* propertyinvestingdotcom!

    And you would already have captured the dreams of the great unwashed (which I consider myself part of) with the main title
    bye for now


    Profile photo of M Simon


    ‘Wealth through real estate in 36 months
    or your money back’

    Great day to all.

    Profile photo of Pro investorPro investor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 108


    Well I think this is a good title

    Zero To Hero

    Thanks Rob[8D]

    Profile photo of mrhedgemrhedge
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24

    What about a realy original one. \Poor Bloke ,Rich Bloke// . The story of , ect ect Andy .

    Profile photo of STEVE_2STEVE_2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 2

    From 0 – 130 properties in 3 years

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