All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Book Title Contest… Win ‘The Lot’

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  • Profile photo of Steve McKnight


    It’s time for a contest.

    I already have a title for the book, but I’m happy for someone to come up with a better one.

    The book is blend of information about positive cashflow property investing and many of the true stories that have happened along the way to buying a swag of property.

    For marketing purposes the subtitle of the book has been chosen. It’s:

    ‘From 0 to 130 properties in 3.5 years’

    Can you think of a good title? The only limitation is that I don’t want to use the word ‘wrap’, because it is not a book about wraps.

    The winner (ie. if I select your title and you consent to me using your suggestion) can have the complete Property product selection, including the revised Wrap Library when it’s released later this year.

    Just post your thoughts at the end of this post.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Thunder

    Hi Steve,

    A couple to ponder [:D

      ‘ Investing in Positive Cashflow Real Estate’

        ‘ The Real Estate Lifestyle’


        Profile photo of MatthewKellyMatthewKelly
        Join Date: 2002
        Post Count: 17

        How’s about…

        “130 not out…Investing in Positive Cashflow Real Estate.”

        (Learn how I went from 0 to 130 Positive Cashflow Properties in 3 years!!!)

        Matt K

        Profile photo of Kirby319

        “The Positive Way to Real Estate Riches”

        Or, you could use the word “Success” instead of “Riches.”

        Profile photo of Kirby319

        “The Secrets of Real Estate Success”

        Profile photo of Kirby319

        “The Secret to Real Estate Investment? Be POSITIVE”


        “Beat Negativity With a Stick!” [;)]

        Profile photo of Steve McKnight


        I should also add that I want to steer away from the word ‘secret(s)’.


        Steve McKnight

        Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

        Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

        Success comes from doing things differently

        Profile photo of Thunder

        One more attempt [:P]

        ‘Achieving your lifestyle with Positive Cashflow Property’

        Profile photo of williwilli
        Join Date: 2002
        Post Count: 186

        Here’s the first thing that came to my mind..

        “Positive Real Estate Systems” or
        “Positive Property Investing” or
        “Passive Income From Positive Property Investing” or
        “Passive Income From Positive Properties”

        But I do like Kirby319’s


        “The Positive Way to Real Estate Riches”


        Profile photo of YHLCYHLC
        Join Date: 2003
        Post Count: 14

        Here’s the title i propose (using your words) with the layout of the cover

        Right Property
        Right Strategy
        Right Price
        Money (or Intant Wealth)

        “From 0 – 130 properties in 3 years”

        When i chose this headline, i shifted my mindset from being someone who is familiar with the concept of making real estate riches by lateral thinking to someone who considers the A”taxman” funding the difference of a negatively geared proeprty as later thinking .

        I feel my headline is straight forward and to the point in simple everyday english.

        by the way steve, is there a time limit for this contest?


        Profile photo of susie_langmaid_2susie_langmaid_2
        Join Date: 2002
        Post Count: 44

        Sorry, but mine’s just “different”

        “McKnight In Shining Armour”


        Profile photo of Nathan

        Hi Steve,

        My thoughts:

        “A passion for people and positive cashflow property”

        or lessening the mouthful

        “A passion for people and property”

        I am sure my english teacher would be proud of the alliteration!



        Profile photo of jassepjassep
        Join Date: 1969
        Post Count: 40

        Hi Steve,

        Several suggestions below…

        1. ‘Positive Paradigm: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        2. ‘Supercharged Success: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        3. ‘Magic Mindset: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        4. ‘Small Shifts, Big Results (ALT: Small Shifts, Big SUCCESS): From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        5. ‘A Plan for Action: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        6. ‘Liberating Lifelines: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        7. ‘The Ultimate Freedom Manual: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        8. ‘How to Go From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        9. ‘Aussie Adventures in Freedom (ALT: An Aussies’ Adventures in Freedom): From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        10. ‘Following the Flow: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        11. ‘The Stream of Prosperity: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        12. ‘Banishing the Brainwashing: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        13. ‘Who Says You Can’t? From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        14. ‘An Odyssey of Success: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        15. ‘Calm Mind, Free Life: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        16. ‘On the Creation of Financial Freedom: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        17. ‘To Succeed, or Not to Be: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        18. ‘If It’s to Be, It’s Up to…ME? From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        19. ‘Instant Cashflow: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        20. ‘The McKnight Plan: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        21. ‘Positive Vision, Positive Cashflow: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years’

        hmmm…bit of brainstorming here, got a few more than I thought – hope it helps! ;o)

        Jason S

        Kindest Regards
        Jason S

        Profile photo of Nathan

        Another one poped into my head:

        “The positive approach to people and property”

        make that 2 or 3!

        “People, property and positive cash flow”

        “People, property and financial freedom”



        Profile photo of ADAD
        Join Date: 2002
        Post Count: 636

        WOW…..Lots of great suggestions so far. I think you will struggle with choosing the right one from so many excellent options.

        Here are mine:

        1. Freedom through Property :

        2. The passive way to financial freedom :

        3. More time, More Life :

        4. The passive way :

        5: From Life Sentence to Lifestyle :

        6. How I found Financial Freedom :

        7. Mindset for Money :

        8. Let the Money Flow :

        9. Open your Mind to Freedom :

        Some Thoughts…..

        AD [:0)]

        “”Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
        Albert Einstein

        Profile photo of driver61driver61
        Join Date: 2003
        Post Count: 1

        Hi! Steve,
        From a newie.

        You CAN do it TOO!

        Financial Freedom Through

        Positive Cashflow PROPERTIES

        0 TO 130 Positive Cash Flow Properties
        in 3 years!

        Profile photo of Brett_2Brett_2
        Join Date: 2002
        Post Count: 47

        Howdy folks,

        1. “The Journey”

        2. “Live The Life You Imagined”

        3. “Home Sweet Home”

        4. “Absolutely Positively”

        5. “Property Porsche: From 0 to 130 properties in 3 years”

        Brett [:)

        “Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

        Profile photo of DonaldTrumpDonaldTrump
        Join Date: 2003
        Post Count: 1

        Here is my suggestion:

        The real “realestate way” 130 properties in 3 years by Steve McKnight

        Profile photo of EssykayEssykay
        Join Date: 2002
        Post Count: 16

        JUST DO IT – WE DID!
        130 Properties in 3 years

        Profile photo of KevmanKevman
        Join Date: 2002
        Post Count: 24


        When I hear you talk, you often state that property investing is a people business. The assumption is that this new book may contain a lot of that wisdom.

        People and Property Problems
        How I solved 130 problems to financial freedom.
        By Steve McKnight
        Melbourne’s property king

        I put the tag line after the author because I checked my various real estate books and virtually all of them have an author tag line. I just tagged the ACA label on you.

        The only reason I dropped out the property mention is that to some people 130 properties sounds like a nightmare rather than financial freedom [:)

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