All Topics / The Treasure Chest / primealliance

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  • Profile photo of grizzly

    Hi guys,
    Has anyone used the company called Prime Alliance operating out of Castle Hill -Sydney
    I had the first home meeting resently, they buy in Brisbane and use a slightly different form of financing.
    Check there web page out:
    They use an overdraft facility which is linked to a line of credit.Rent is payed into your home loan and interest on your IP comes out of the
    ODraft facility(equity).This ODraft increases in time but is fully tax deductable.Therefore your non-deductable home loan gets paid off quickly.

    Profile photo of Nathan

    Hi grizzly,

    Sounds similar to the type of facility offered in Hart’s Case (check out the post under the same name). I would also watch out for possible two teired marketing (why do they see properties in Brisbane?). Did you contact them of have they direct marketed you? How do they choose an investment property for you, and can you do just as well yourself minus the fee involved?

    Cheers, and happy investing


    Profile photo of grizzly

    Hi Nathan
    They advertised in the paper and I rung them.
    They feel that Sydney is to expensive.
    They buy 5-15kms outside Cbd and stay away from
    multi story high rises.
    Their research is mainly BIS schrapnel whos forecast is 20% growth for brisbane to 2005-6

    Profile photo of Nathan

    Hi Grizzly,

    Checked out their web site. What sort of fees do they charge and how do they select investment properties for you? Brisbane is a big place!



    Profile photo of grizzly

    Yes you guessed it. They have Fees.
    They work with you for 1 year helping you to
    use a line of credit facility properly.(These can be dangerous)
    Then they use their spotter who lives in Brisbane
    to source IPs for them.
    All this for a grand total of $8000.

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