All Topics / The Treasure Chest / renting to animals

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  • Profile photo of glenda

    Hello to everyone
    I am new to this forum and I am finding all the postings very interesting and informative.
    We have 4 investments properties and are looking for another.Have recently brought Steves cd”s on property secrets revealed and fast track.It has put another way of doing things in our head.Always going to seminars and reading to get diffent opinions on property investing.We are in a country coastal area 260ks north of Perth and try and do a search of surburbs when time permits.
    We recently went to perth and roamed the area of Girrawheen which is about 10Ks.out of perth cbd.
    It is’nt the best of areas,but surrounding surburbs are on the move because of rezoning and govt.putting in there bit.We started our trek. of looking at home opens on sat.the first prop.looked okay from front ,inside was a different story.What a dump.That doesnt worry us normally as we love to renovate.Came out and said to agent, “a lot of work to be done here” He came back and said “why bother to renovate,just rent to animals{he means people} just advertise “animals wanted” that is all you will get around here. Just bowl it over later on and develop it.We said we don”t think like that, this is our investment,and a decent tenant also likes somewhere nice to live.What a way to think.Great real estate agent Hey!

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    I really enjoyed your post [:)

    I think it illustrates the attitude that many agents have towards tenants.

    A good friend of mine yesterday was complaining that the real estate agent he rents through knocked on his door the other day.

    It was answered by his sister who was out from the US at the time. Being told that an appointment had been booked, she let the agent in.

    Shortly afterwards the agent opened the door to my friend’s bedroom and there he was with his partner asleep.

    He was furious. The agent has issued an unreserved apology, but the violation has already happened.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of andrewkimber2andrewkimber2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 27

    Hi Glenda,
    Great attitude i know, and I bet he wasn’t offering the services of his agency to manage the property for you?? I was once a property manager and believe me, no reputable agency would even consider taking on management of a property with the risk of renting to “animals”. One bad tenant creates more work than 50 good managements! I realise you wouldnt rent to undesirable tenants, but I would have taken the agent’s comment as a personal insult!
    Enjoy the hunt for your next investment. [:)

    Profile photo of MarketmadMarketmad
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 30

    Hi ,
    Just wondering what areas like Leeman, Geraldton, Lancelin and Bunbury are like.Would you consider investing in any of these areas?


    Hello to everyone
    I am new to this forum and I am finding all the postings very interesting and informative.
    We have 4 investments properties and are looking for another.Have recently brought Steves cd”s on property secrets revealed and fast track.It has put another way of doing things in our head.Always going to seminars and reading to get diffent opinions on property investing.We are in a country coastal area 260ks north of Perth and try and do a search of surburbs when time permits.
    We recently went to perth and roamed the area of Girrawheen which is about 10Ks.out of perth cbd.
    It is’nt the best of areas,but surrounding surburbs are on the move because of rezoning and govt.putting in there bit.We started our trek. of looking at home opens on sat.the first prop.looked okay from front ,inside was a different story.What a dump.That doesnt worry us normally as we love to renovate.Came out and said to agent, “a lot of work to be done here” He came back and said “why bother to renovate,just rent to animals{he means people} just advertise “animals wanted” that is all you will get around here. Just bowl it over later on and develop it.We said we don”t think like that, this is our investment,and a decent tenant also likes somewhere nice to live.What a way to think.Great real estate agent Hey!

    Profile photo of glenda

    Hi Michael,

    Very good at pressing the wrong buttons.
    We actually live in a town called Greenhead,which is between Jurien Bay and Leeman.Prices have recently have risen in all areas along the northern coastline as a coastal highway is about to be finished in 2004/05.This will link Lancelin through to Geraldton.At the moment in Greenhead houses as only on the market for maybe a week.Leeman has a lot of mining houses in it as it caters for and mineral sands co. called Illuka Resources which is based 40ks.east of Leeman.These are all on the market at the moment giving the miners the option to buy or rent at normal rent value This is not a popular event for some.I have been told a lot of these houses have already gone. I am a bit biased as we prefer Greenhead as it is a more attractive town.As far as investing in these towns I would say people have already decided they would be a good investment long term. Compared to down South prices are reasonable.Renting could be a problem as they are crayfishing towns which has a 7month season and you certainly don”t get the rents that ;you would get over East.Don’t know much a about Lancelin except it is onthe coastal strip and closer to Perth which would make it attractive.Geraldton has problems.Employment would be one of them.It is a lovely town and their local government is injecting money into it, which is badly needed.Crime can be a bit of a problem. Bunbury is a city south of Perth don”t no much about it except South is booming.
    Hope this has been a little bit of help.

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