All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Anyone know about National Investment Institute ?

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  • Profile photo of 111111111111
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 29

    I have been to a seminar (free of charge)run by the National Investment Institute.

    I also met one of their senior consultants (free of charge).

    The consultant explained how to buy a property at 15-20% below the market price (ie. whole sale price) and mazinne fund

    Finally, they offered me a course (Investment Mastery Program) to attend.
    The course fee is A$15000.

    Has anyone heard of the course ?


    Profile photo of oscaroscar
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 41

    It’s run by Henry Kaye. [}:)

    The name should be enough to put you off (let alone the $15,000!)

    Safe and happy investing [;)]


    Profile photo of WillieWillie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 9

    Hi there,

    I too have been to that same seminar with an open mind, and also completed a free of charge consultant session. I was amazed to find out the course fee. However before this, I asked some questions of the consultant, who was not totally convincing, nor did I receive a reply to an e-mail question I asked the following day; not knowing alot about the leader Henry Kaye it was also not exciting to know that he will be facing civil and criminal proceedings; not to mention a website that was under construction for at least a week – not a great level of comfort given a $15k investment in knowledge.
    I do believe innocent until proven guilty, therefore I took Steve’s advice to me, and extracted the free information I felt beneficial to me from NII, then I have reverted to the forums to build my knowledge, access to publications and have signed up for the seminar end of May. At the very least if Steve was a con (no offence Steve) then I’d be more prepared to invest in a $2k loss than a four year payment plan costing $15k.
    My last point re: NII, is they don’t seem to rate highly among the forum members, which at the moment have been more helpful and provided comfort to me.
    Hope it may help. I guess at the end of the day, it is your choice.

    Regards, Willie.[:)

    Profile photo of jassepjassep
    Join Date: 1969
    Post Count: 40

    Hi 111111,

    ASIC is investigating HK and his company NII for openly stating in some of their publicity material that they are ‘ASIC approved’, which ASIC is contesting in court.

    Integrity is important – where does this leave HK & his company. Even if innocent until proven guilty… ;o)

    Kindest Regards
    Jason S
    Check out my E-Bay Auctions:

    Profile photo of quasimodoquasimodo
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 100

    One of my friends *was* one of their main testamonials who would get up and talk about NII at their introductory sales pitche…ahem, “seminars”. Let’s just say that since discovering the properties she bought with them had been over valued by about 20-25% each and that they’ve lost $50k each while the Syndey property boom was still on, she’s not exactly their biggest fan anymore…

    Oh and that’s not even mentioning the two friends I have who are currently in legal disputes with NII…

    Caveat emptor! (Buyer beware)


    We are all but half formed images of our true potential.

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    I know someone that did the course. $15K personal loan. 2years later still has the loan which makes it hard to qualifiy for a housing loan!!!

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
    Email Me

    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of seahorseseahorse
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    As an architect with 20 years experience in the property industry, I would not recommend to anyone that they spend their money on the NII course – it’s not worth it in my opinion.
    Furthermore, if you have been ‘stung’ by NII I would like to hear from you. I am having some ‘discussions’ with NII about there busines practices. I am also preparing a story for the ASIC and the media about their activities.[:)

    I can be contacted via or email

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