All Topics / The Treasure Chest / New to this game

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  • Profile photo of Willie

    Hello all,

    I’m just starting out, and am researching property investment information. I believe I can make it work for me, but I need more info.
    I have been invited to a forum with NII. Has anyone had any experience with these guys? Am I wasting my time?

    Your suggestions are appreciated.

    Many thanks, Clint.[8D]

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    By “NII” I assume that you mean National Investment Institute?

    As I remember this is Henry Kaye’s organisation.

    I have never been to one of his seminars or information nights, although I did have a private consultation some years ago with someone called Victoria.

    I was ushered into a room that had Robert Kiyosaki books on the shelf and was told that Henry sold property that Robert mentioned in his books.

    At the time I walked away as the numbers did not confirm the assetions made about wealth building.

    However, in hindsight, because of the boom in property, provided people could absord the -ve cashflow and wanted to keep working, then they would have made substantial amounts of money.

    Nevertheless, for me, making money is not enough. I wanted to make best use of my money and didn’t want the obligation of having to work.

    I recommend going along and trying to glean good ideas. When the sales pitch starts, weigh up the cost vs. the benefit and see if you want to go further.

    Finally, remember that people who sell property lack independence about whether or not it is a good investment. Be certain that before you ever sign a contract to buy an investment property of any sales agent that you receive independent financial advice.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Willie

    Thankyou very much Steve (Yes, National Investment Institute),

    You’re advice is most appreciated.

    Like you, I want to make best use of my money and don’t want the obligation of having to work.

    I think I will attend and like you say ‘glean’ appropraite ideas.

    Many thanks, Willie.

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