All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Melbourne meeting

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  • Profile photo of FW

    A while back I said I’d post details of the next ninemsn forum meeting in Melbourne, so here they are! I’m not sure if the URL has copied correctly though… [:)]
    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Below are the full details of our next meeting…

    The next Melbourne meeting will be on Thursday 20th March, 7:00pm at:

    Room BA201
    Swinburne University Hawthorn Campus
    Level 2, BA Building
    (brown brick 15 storey building south side of railway)
    John St

    Agenda remains unchanged, being:
    1. How to choose a top performing investment property
    2. How to avoid the biggest mistakes made by investors
    3. How to avoid the biggest mistakes made by landlords
    4. Development tips


    Note: everyone is welcome, feel free to bring a friend & remember it is free… I hope to see u there…

    Profile photo of wattowatto
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 50

    Just to add to FW’s post….

    March Melb MSN group meeting – Michael Yardney guest speaker (post #1)


    Michael Yardney of Metropole Properties has agreed to come along as our guest speaker for our next Melbourne MSN meeting to be held at Swinburne… we intend to run the next meeting on Thursday the 20th of March, (at Swinburne – Hawthorn)

    Michael suggested he could talk to us about :
    1. How to choose a top performing investment property
    2. How to avoid the biggest mistakes made by investors
    3. How to avoid the biggest mistakes made by landlords

    Due to his development background, I would also suggest we ask him to briefly cover subdivisions/development, but I know we will be limitted to time… if you have any other suggestions (keeping in mind that we only have a max of 3hrs to cover this in) feel free to give me some feedback…

    Note: these are free meetings (no cost) consisting of forum members from both the Somersoft & MSN forums…



    Profile photo of RodC

    Thanks for the details, hopefully I’ll get there.


    Profile photo of RodC

    Hi all,

    I’ve just been looking at the ninemsn forum and it looks as if this meeting has been cancelled/postponed.


    Profile photo of FW

    Hi Rod
    Yes, originally Michael Yardney was speaking, but then he ended up setting up a free night through his company Metropole, and the forum members were encouraged to attend that instead.
    I’ll post details of the April meeting when I have some.
    Thanks for pointing this out Rod!

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

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