All Topics / The Treasure Chest / What qualities make up a good tenant?

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  • Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    Let’s start a discussion on what qualities make up a good tenant, and, on the reverse side… what qualities make up a potentially bad tenant?

    Anyone want to share their thoughts?

    Post away!


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    In my experience a good tennant is someone with a fulltime job and is renting though necessity but has a long term goal of one day owning their own residence.

    Usually these tennants are quite upfront in terms of how long they expect to be tennants and respect the value of a good reference as a tennant when moving on.

    I suppose I’m talking about people with clear. upfront personal goals.

    Profile photo of Mike_3Mike_3
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7

    OK here is my experience of a ‘bad tenant’

    Couple in theire early 30’s no chilren, he is a diesel mechanic on good casual money, she works in a local store.They previously owned a business that went belly up, neither have business quals or other, they own few posetions.

    He gets injured at work and is on compo for an extended period of time. She gets pregnant (trying for a long time?) He tries to sue his employer, mean time living on Gov assistance he develops the atitude that he deserves a pay out. Rent falls in arears, they have no strategy to recoup lost rent. I evict them. I take them to court, judge orders them to pay $50.00/m they do this twice and skip, which I am sure they have been doing all their lives.

    I was burned over $600 and now screen more carefully.


    Profile photo of scottscott
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 110

    In my opinion a good tenant is a person who carries themself with self respect and pride. This sort of person will not only be proud of theirself for who they are , but also their home (rented or otherwise) and thier dealings with other people (eg landlords). Those who have no self respect (bad tenants) tend to treat others, and their property the same way.
    These are my observations anyway, how you distnguish these people when letting a property is a bit harder!
    Scott S

    Profile photo of ziz

    Hi All

    Well lets be controversial my stock standard answer is ‘there is no such thing as a good tenant’ [:D

    In a property managers eyes a good tenant pays the rent on time.

    In the property owners eyes a good tenant is one that pays the rent on time, looks after the property like it is their own rather than somebody else’s carries out any minor repairs in a most professional manner and even looks after the gardens. Oh yes, and stays for years.

    Invariably where the PM reports a tenant to be a good tenant all they are refering to is the payment side and when you go into the property at changeover the place is a pigsty or everything is broken and nothing has been reported etc. THis obviously changes the tenants status in my eyes from a good tenant to a medium tenant.

    An interesting story.

    I had a family in a 2 br unit that also had a seperate room next to the kitchen as a dining room but could be used as a bedroom. In this unit lived the parents, the youngest daughter(16-17) and various other parties that came and went. In general there were 6 or more people using the unit. Furthermore any time, day or night, the most unbelievable aromas came from this unit reflecting a good cuisine.

    Although they payed on time my impression was that with so many people living there that the property would be deteriorating excessively. They had occupied this unit for about 2 years prior to my ownership.

    As I wanted to renovate this unit and with the impression of excessive wear in this unit I evicted them. With their departure I found that the stove was beyond redemption but suprisingly the unit was very clean as if it had been painted recently.

    I have had units where 2 people have left more holes and general filth then this group.

    So in this case they were seen to be mediocre tenants that turned out to be better but unfortunately every other time the reverse has been true.

    I guess as a general comment any tenant who may be ‘good’ can turn into a bad tenant rapidly due to a change in their financial status.

    First they start slipping with the rent then they start complaining to try and cover up. Then the final stage is abandonment with a pile of mess to be cleaned up.


    Profile photo of auskenausken
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6


    Profile photo of Stretch_2Stretch_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 19

    I wouldve done an inspection first, and why hadnt there been one in the two years previous?

    There are those that LET it happen, and there are those that MAKE it happen!!

    Profile photo of ziz


    On renovating the unit I lift the rents from $130 pw up to $175pw and that was in a stagnant rental market. Total spend is about $8k.

    I thought it was an interesting story in contrast as to what it looked like to what it actually was.

    Stretch, as far as inspections go you can inspect as much as you like but in the end you can not impose your standards on your tenants.

    Another example in relation to whats acceptable.

    Tenants in a newly renovated unit, kitchen 6 months old. Tenant used the bench top as a chopping board, result the bench top has major cuts in the formica.

    As tenant is fine apart from this we elected to say nothing and simply noted the damage on the property report for the subsequent claim at bond time. (Have already ordered a new top ready for when unit is vacant) This particular tenant is from the same ethnic class as the other tenants I have posted about and has now been in unit 2 years.

    My view, in general, is that you will get most damage on the move in and out so if they stay for a long time they live with their damage.


    Profile photo of RobertmooreRobertmoore
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 5

    Good tenants/bad tenants. The last one I had: seeing is believing. Wanted to rent as they were in a caravan park.
    Paid everything on time for the first 5 weeks, however every week there was a phone call about something. First the WC was starting to block up and wanted something done asap-Sunday night at 10pm. The WC was playing up for the whole week and they waited until Sunday night. I called an after hours plumber. Next week the sliding door came of the track-tenant advised he wanted approval for someone to repair–Sat night 8.15pm.Carefull instructions on the phone enabled the tenant to slip the door back on the track. Next week they tipped water on the elect stove and blew it up.
    A big arguement between each other one night and that was that. No rent payment when due and a check over a week to see what is going on. Eventually thro the Court, the court gave me abandonment rights and away we go again for a tenant.
    It took just on 2 months for the paper work for possession and once we did enter, meals half eaten were on the table and the fridge !!!!!.They left all their gear and disappeared never to be seen again. Back to Court next week for costs to be awarded. Some $700 down the drink. Fortunatley I have found enough documentation in the unit to get an order against them on their Centrelink payments. Approx 80 letters for demand payments etc, return to sender. I think it is Karma.
    I live some 270km south of Perth which causes some concern for watching over the unit.

    Profile photo of Dr_BellDr_Bell
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    what makes a good tenant? – someone you would like to live with!.

    How do you attract a good tenant and keep them? – get a good agent and follow the rules of RTA (including the owner!). (had one bad owner regards to this once).

    I speek from 7 years or renting experience. I am an excellent tennant myself (my last place i rented the agent commented on how imaculate the walls were “just like i had moved in” and was there for 3 years and “it has been a long time since i’ve giving the full bond back”.

    Who am i?? I was a unistudent / dole recipient and now young prof saving for 1st property.

    I always pay my rent ontime – never missed a day in 7 years, always report repairs during inspection (not at ungodly hours) (unless emergency like burst water main), keep the place clean – and dont party much.

    As a good tenant i expect:

    1) When i report faults to the agent, they are repaired in 1 week by trust worthy and competent tradesman (that i can be trusted to get into my place while i’m not there and fix things).

    2) Agent is very helpfull and cooperative regarding 1). I had one agent that refused to get pest man in to spray flees that had hatched from the carpet cause she thought i had a pet there (not![:(!]) (place was dorment for 2 months and flees whent dorment and hatched 2 days after i handed in condition report). This was the start of a bad relationship with that agent (i have no quarms about slapping a “notice to remedy breach” on a bad agent) and i stayed only 5 months – her loss!.

    3) Rent increases are small and far between – don’t just increase them cause “the market has” or “interest rates have gone up” – (interest rates go down to – but does rent go down?? – no) If i move into a place and plan on staying for years i want to see the added value of living there to justify paying a rent increase eg like installation of air con or new stove or something.

    4) excellent (and compatable) neigbours. Some of my best friends were neighbours from years ago!.
    (and there nothing worse then bad neigbours).

    5) Flexable lease conditions. Some agents are very ridged about the 6 month or 12 month lease. (My current agent has allowed me to take a 10.5 month lease). Also need to be helpfull if for some unforseen and perhaps emegency reason i need to break the lease (like urgent transfer interstate / tradgedy what ever). I would hate to be billed for the 8 months or so if i had to move (especially when i didn’t want to in the 1st place).


    If the place is multi listed I need to know who the agent i will be dealing with is (been caught out here once to in the early days)

    Also, if i get a bad agent – i wont rent any properties from them.

    Basically if the agent and owner treat me right i will stay a long time (untill i need to upgrade etc).

    And, having rented from some good agents – i would not hesitate getting them to manage my places when i get them. – and with choosing flatmates to live with me i now have experience (or at least an idea) on the types / demographic / characteristics of tennants i would like living in my places. – i.e somewone like me or i could live with!

    Profile photo of LouiseLouise
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 17

    Well, I reckon I’m a pretty good tenant too, and I NEVER deal with agents. ALWAYS pay my rent on time, and treat the place with respect. About half the block is owner occupier, so the neighbours are pretty good too. Also haven’t had a rent raise in 2 1/2 years. [:D

    I think the key ingredient is “no fuss”. If the lease trundles along with no conscious effort on either party, then it’s a good tenancy. My landlords are pretty relaxed and laid back too.

    Profile photo of trying


    Profile photo of ziz

    Hi Trying

    I know this thread is supposed to be about qualities for a good tenant but about your 2nd property that your having some tenant issues with. May I suggest that you start using 12 month leases rather than the standard 6 month.

    My reasoning is that with a tenant willing to sign up for 12 month you cut down the changeover work between tenants but more importantly when they sign for 12 generally they don’t have it in mind to move at the end of the 12, so they are way more committed to the property.

    The down side is that your property can be empty a little longer waiting for the right tenant.

    I use this technique with units where there tends to be a high turnover in the area.

    A recent experience was an application for a renovated unit where the applicant had sold their house. Agent spoke to me about applicant, I pointed out the 12 month lease, agent came back ‘they only want 6 months’. My answer was NO. These tenants were solely planning to an ‘in between’ move.

    Three days later we had tenant, older couple government subsidiced rent with family living in same area (block next door & up the road). Which to me means stability and with older people less wear and tear.

    So I am happy as I don’t have to worry about this unit for another year and in all likelyhood this will go for much longer.


    Profile photo of trying

    thanks for your ideas that sounds like the way to go [:)

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