Gidday guys, just wanted to know if any of you here are from Adelaide. Maybe we could correspond and bounce ideas and tips of each other???? Any takers??
Property boy
Hi am from sa but not adelaide..just up the coast
Whyalla..still good to hear from anybody in sa as everybody seems to be from the east coast..
Woops! Havnt got the hang of this yet. (My First post, Sorry)
I’m from Adelaide & I agree, we do seem to get overlooked by seminars, magazines, & information providers. I would like to chat to like minded Adelaideans about positive geared I/Ps, purchase planning, finance, accounting, mentoring and generally swapping ideas for mutual benefit. I’m not sure how to go about this on this forum. Any tips anyone?
Yep, I’m from SA too, in the Adelaide Hills. I just joined the site as I’m looking to get a 2nd investment property. Been fairly pleased with the 1st, in Bridgewater. Had it about 8 years, always tenanted. Jumped in CV from $100K to about $180K.
I’m looking at 3 places for a 2nd property and would appreciate any comments:
1. stick to the Adelaide Hills – Bridgewater, Mt.Barker etc
2. South Coast – Victor, Pt Elliot, Goolwa
3. Darwin – do you think the rail link will give some returns on CV?
You may be right about Darwin but would take some seting up so far away.. I have some famly down south and it is looking v good thay get some good reterns, Victor, Pt Elliot, Goolwa all are on the move.some good propertys.
Hope it works out.
All can see the tactics by which I concur,none can see the strategies out of which victory has evolved…
Hi All,
It looks like there are a few Adelaidians with like minded interests.If you would like to contact me so we can get together for a chat and maybe form a group to help each other with investments my email is I have four investment properties so far and am looking at ways to increase this substantially over the next few years.
Regards Summo
im from adelaide and i think its a good idea for a group discussion at some satge, maybe after easter. Im in the Western suburbs..
..I’m from Adelaide and have only just joined this forum I have three properties and have just got the foundations down on two town houses in Seacombe gardens ( not sure if I would do it again) I think it would be a great idea to get together.
I am very interested in buying in SA. Im from adel but have recently moved to syd for work. Would love to be involved in some more chatting about the market.
My name is Mark and we are just staring our search for our first postive cash flow property – we have severalnegative geared and liveing in Adelaide – would like to meet like minded investors with the view of helping all to leapfrog the learning curve.
I just received info about Rick Otten coming to Adelaide on Tues 23rd Sept. I may be a good opportunity to find out more about sourcing positive cashflow I/Ps, and also to meet & maybe toss around a few ideas. We can get a discount if three or more people attend of $10 ea from $39 to $29. Let me know if you are interested. Regards Summo
Hi Property Boy. I’m also from Adelaide. Looking to buy my first positively geared property. I’m with you my friend, would be good to get together and share ideas etc. All we need on this site is for someone from SA to become the central station for contact, then we can take it form there to organise face to face discussion forum. I must apologise but I can’t utilise my work numbers for personal ventures. Sorry. If someone else can, I’m happy to chat.
G’Day Adelaidians,
I am happy to act as central point or go-between if you would like to email me with your suggestions for meeting place, date, time, agenda items and any other ideas you may have to get things mobile. I can then send emails to all interested people with a deadline of say about two weeks to the initial meeting. Regards Ray
Greetings all Adelaidians. I am From Salisbury and always keen to catch up with like minded people. I can be contacted on Mob Ph 0407 607 890 or Email If Via email please put in heading property investment or similar otherwise it may be deleted as spam.