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  • Profile photo of Administrator

    A question for all,

    I am interested to know what most people purchase wraps on in terms of LVR. I have heard of 80% and 90% being common, has anyone used 95%? If 95% is used, does this mean that the new buyer could have more equity than the wrapper if a large deposit is taken?

    I know that the cash on cash return would be much better on 95% but just want to be wary of the pitfalls on this.

    Any help will be appreciated. [:)]



    Profile photo of oscar

    Hi Matt

    I have used 95% for all my wraps. The cash on cash return is great, with some having a return of infinity. This has occurred, as the deposit I have received has been greater than my costs.

    If 95% is used, your loan amount may be greater than the purchaser if they provide a large deposit. I guess the way you get around this is to put more down as a deposit i.e. a 90% lend, with your banking institution.

    Hope this helps


    Profile photo of jassepjassep
    Join Date: 1969
    Post Count: 40

    Hi Oscar,

    Any chance you might be able to share how you get 95% LVR for your wraps on a consistent basis – don’t the Mortgage Insurers get ‘antsy’ about it?

    If you don’t mind, I’d love to know…

    Kindest Regards
    Jason S
    Check out my E-Bay Auctions:

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Hi Oscar,

    Thanks for the reply. I was hoping that 95% LVR was a possibility and others were doing it. In almost all the scenarios I run on properties with my excel spreadsheet, 95% LVR gets a return of 80% or higher.

    Now all I need is a lender who will let me do lots of these deals. Do you mind if I ask who you use?



    Profile photo of oscar


    See my previous post dated 11/02/2003. The topic was called 95% LVR.



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