All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Vacancy rates and Family Trust

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  • Profile photo of 111111

    Does any one know how I can find out the vacancy rate for a suburb (or post code).?

    I know that real estate agent can not be trusted for the info.

    And also does anyone know any books/reading material on family trust ?



    Profile photo of ElvisPresleyElvisPresley
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    Hello 6 x 1,

    For rental occupancy try the local council where you are looking to buy, some help some don’t all you can do is ask.

    As for a book, try your library.

    The king has left the building…..

    Profile photo of TheB

    Hi 111111

    Do you realise that is 63 in decimal??

    But I digress, I did a search for you :

    There are some others that I have heard of, but I can’t recall the names, (sorry)

    You also should address that practical aspect of all this in that you should talk to your solicitor. The law and policy with respect to trusts is shifting sands. I have heard that there is a general movement in the policy makers to lessen the effectiveness of trusts as has apparently happened in the UK. So, you need to talk to someone who can research the latest info for you.


    The B [:)]

    Profile photo of 111111

    Thanks for your suggestion

    Thanks a lot.
    I went into the web site you mentioned and the book seemed to be a good one. I might probably buy it.


    Profile photo of SaskatoonSaskatoon
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 112

    Hi 111111.
    The book ‘Family Trusts’ by Nick Renton is an excellent resource. It can be borrowed from libraries, but is good value!
    Bruce mentioned legal changes. My thoughts are that most of the rich & powerful decisionmakers already use trusts and won’t make adverse changes for themselves!


    Profile photo of TheB

    Hi Terry

    Good call (! [;)]), but, the info on changes was from two of our advisors who are in touch with a number of policy makers.

    You may / may not recall that a bill that enabled entity taxation was defeated only just before last election. If it had gone through trusts would have had to register for TFN’s and would have become taxable entities, unlike the situation now where (for instance) family/discressionary trusts are the conduit to distribute assessable income between their beneficiaries.



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