All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Private investors

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  • Profile photo of FW

    Hi everyone
    I’m looking at finding some private investors to provide deposits for some deals I’m setting up. This is purely in the form of providing money and I pay them interest and repay the capital further down the track.
    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone on the forum had any experiences or suggestions re how to go about finding investors. And what to say to them!

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight

    Hi FW,

    There are a few issues that I’d like to alert you to…

    The first is that by seeking investors on this forum puts you at risk of breaching Corporations Law, which has very specific rules about making a public offer for investors.

    Given that there are over 5,000 members to the site, you are on uncertain ground about whether or not you need a prospectus. I’d get some legal advice about this.

    As for finding investors, I’d start with a closer circle or network of people that you know. For example, you might like to approach your accountant you can put you in touch with high net worth (money rich – time poor) people who might be interested in your terms.

    As for what to say… well, as an investor I’d be asking how much in, for how much back, for how much risk? If you could answer these questions and be accurate and honest for what could go wrong… then I think you will go a long way to being equipped to answer questions.

    Nevertheless, you will only know what to say after you have been asked a question. Don’t be afraid to say that you haven’t considered something if you don’t know the answer.

    My experience shows it’s better to be humble than gung-ho!

    Having said this… you must know your core offer and service back to front.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of hilaryhilary
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 146

    Hi, like you I’d like to do the deals, with silent partners – I guess that’s joint venture of a kind. You would have a problem with accountant supplying info – under the privacy act, they would have to have a signed authority from their client to let you contact their client. Good luck![:D]

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight


    Sorry, I was not very clear. What I meant was get the accountant to approach his/her clients with the offer on your behalf and earn some kind of commission or trailer.

    That’s how financial planning works [;)]



    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of FW

    Hi Steve
    Rereading my post, I realise it could be taken two ways. So I’ll clarify it!
    I wasn’t looking for investors on this forum at all. I was trying to find out from people on this forum who have used investors, how they went about finding them and good/bad experiences or suggestions they could make.
    Sorry everyone, the perils of using this type of communication!!

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

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