Hi Louise,
I believe that books are for information and courses for inspiration and motivation, tapes are great too.
My husband has done Henry’s Business Mastery and immediately after it he recommended for people to do it, however over time he has found their mentoring/support system (which is supposedly part of the course) non-existant and has been extremely disappointed.
I have heard Henry speak on several occasions – the man is a genius, however I would not buy anything from his company.
The other thing to remember is that you need to find a presenter that mimics your personality and may be just a notch higher. Henry is highly enterpreneurial, aggressive risk taker and if that’s you you will be in that 0.5% that will take action and go far. If not, he will kick-start you but will leave you floundering
Hope this helps
PS how do you find The Secrets of The rich?
Henry Kaye seems to have taught his NII telemarketers some good sales skills too… I attended a free seminar on the weekend, and was offered a form to fill in for a free consulation with a senior manager at NII, as well as a free 6 month subscription to Wealthcreator.
On the advice of people on this forum, I decided not to go for the consulation – however I received a phone call today to ‘confirm my address’ for the subscription, and following this was told that ‘all the consultants are very busy, but they are available tomorrow morning or friday morining… so WHICH WOULD YOU LIKE?”. I was like, hang on mate I don’t want one at all! Great sales technique tho
I went to Steve’s Property Masters whilst a good mate of mine attended Hery Kaye’s 4 day seminar only a week prior.
Staying at his place, I had an opportunity to look over some of the info included in the extensive pack, with DVD’s!!![]
If you are Newbie, like me I would advise against this seminar. I found everything I need to get started at Steve’s seminar.
Even in the “round table” question time, I was unable to think of anythig I wanted to ask. Reason being that my head was so full of info that I hadn’t worked out what I didn’t know!
Aquire enough info from books and here on the forum I say, but then TAKE ACTION so you have something to compare all this info to.So you can re-evaluate it in a different light. Once you have experience.
I’m not saying that HK’s strategies wouldn’t work, just that they may require too steep a learning curve to be applied successfully and Safely.
Education, Action, Re-education, Evaluation, More Action…
Hi Louise,
Well, you cetainly got your monies worth here today.Lot’s and lot’s of good advice and most of it correct depending on the angle the advice is coming from.
But 15k!!!!sheesh, buy me dinner and pay for the taxi home and i’ll explain all.I had purchased 3 ip’s before i even discovered this or the other forums and have not attended any “seminars”. Dont get wrong,I know some people have gained immensely from them, but it’s all there for free if you look hard enough.Property investing at our level(1 at a time and in most cases under 500k) as distinct from property development is really pretty simple.you do the sums ie.return on investment/vacancy rates/capital gains/add your own due diligence/research and presto. If it does’nt add up it does’nt add up.There is quite a few checks and balances along the way from people like your accountant/financier/conveyencer/friendly agents
( every one should have an real estate agent mate for impartial advice).
So grab your 15k and go and do it.
Dear Louise
I attended this course last year as a real beginner who doesn’t even know what equity is. So it was information overload for me. For those who are in the know the first 2 days were mainly revision for them and only on the 3rd they find it informative. I managed to team with with someone and bought an off the plan property which has yet to settle and has done well. Unfortuanately I am not a go getter nor a leader but a procrastinator and a follower so did not put all the info to good use.For me I really need someone to hold my hands so perhaps I am not so suited to this course. Despite this I am glad that at least we managed to buy our first investment property by teaming up with some else in this seminar. I know some of the graduates had progressed well following the seminar. If you would like to attend the seminar please let me know. Thanks. Have a successful day. Gaik
Gaik, can you please email me offline on ernest@purpleblue.com.au with more info regarding this seminar. cheers
Let me tell you what I did. I found the LaTrobe Property Research CD and looked at the demo and it all made good sense. I then went to the Property Exhibition and got heaps of information, flyers etc.. on all offerings and spoke to the sale people on the booths. I attended the free seminars there. I then went to a few property meeting groups such as National Property Investors who gave a free seminar on how it can work. Oh I also walked out of one seminar could I refused to sign their non disclosure agreement. I think it was the Property Marketing Group in Melbourne. We had like 2 minutes to read this legal agreement and make some sense of the legal lingo. I bet most of those people had know idea what they were signing. Anyway as I was leaving the presenter said there’s one person who wont be a property investor. ( rude of him I thought )
Anyway I kept up my interest and started looking on the net. I did web searches on all things “property investment” and “Australia” I have found many web sites with heaps of free information and of course this forum. All sorts of sites like bank sites and other finance sites that give you property investment gearing calculators. Sites like Master Builders association, government bodies, quantity surveyors institute, property valuers sites, conveyancing web sites, property article sites, the tax office site, Bureau of Stats sites, landlords insurance sites, real-estate sites, the list goes on and on. There is just so much free information out there. It took me about 3 months of research ( about 5 hours per week ) to get a handle on things work and now I feel comfortable and confident enough to make it happen.
In fact I just bought my first investment property a few months ago $244K rented at $280 / week. I’m just about to purchase another. All this in the space of 6 months. I am gunning for two per year and possibly 3 depending on my capital growth.
I would keep ur $15 grand to go toward your investment. Perhaps buy a book or two if you like reading books, but I simply scoured the net for information.
I do all my tax calculations manually and compare that with the gearing calculators as a cross reference. You need to get the income tax rates formulas. I find the key thing is to get independent professionals that you can trust, to help you make it happen. ( easy said, harder done ) Stay away from high rise and big property complexes. Go for typical mainstream type investments, brand new flats, town houses, units etc. Get your first property valued by an independant valuer. They give you a full report on the property and rent expectations, risk analysis etc… I’m starting with flats and units until I can build up enough equity to spend a bit more on a townhouse, and then move up to full house.