Hi all, I’ve just started looking into property investment, doing LOTS of reading and number cruching.
My question: I went to an evening sales presentation, oops, I mean investment seminar, by National Investment Institute (Henry Kaye) a few months ago. Did my ‘free’ consultation with a qualified advisor (you know the speil). Anyway, does anyone have any information on their Investment Mastery course?
The $15,000 one.
I was quite interested in this. Yes, it’s a lot of money, but I plan to get a lot out of it. But the more I read, the less I think that I need this course to hold my hand. Is this vanity/ego/tight-fistedness getting in the way? Would I get $15k worth from this course.
Thanks for your post and welcome to the property investing.com community.
There are many seminars available on various strategies when it comes to real estate, shares, off-shore investments etc.
At the end of the day you need to evaluate each course in terms at looking at the content, quality of speakers, the experience that they bring to the table and then match that with your own strategy, available resources (time / money) and also your knowledge shortfalls.
As far as my opinion goes, I’m not overly flattered by the Henry Kaye approach. However, the last time I looked at it was a few years ago when it existed under another name… perhaps that tells you something? Perhaps not?
I’m against the idea of buying property and then living off the equity (ie. redrawing equity to fund lifestyle expenses) because doing this will disqualify the interest component on that redraw from being tax deductible.
I’m also worried that there appears to be some commissions that are earned when you invest / partner Henry that were previously disclosed, but only in the middle of a lot of paperwork.
Having said this though, given the recent property boom, investing in Henry’s system three / four years ago in Melbounre would have seen you make a substantial amount of money. But then again nearly all property has performed well in that time.
A question that should be asked is how will you be able to afford the investment in periods of higher interest rates, bigger vacancies, when the fit out dates and newer buildings are erected to attract the premium market.
In short, while this is a little negative, at least considering the worst case scenario is appropriate no matter what investment you are undertaking.
In conclusion, there are many ways to make money in property and Henry offers his take on the way he has achieved success as do I on mine. The truth is you can learn from everyone and so long as you properly implement the approach then you should be well poised to profit.
$15,000 is a lot of money… a deposit on a house perhaps? Be sure that you’ll receive at least that much amount of value by being certain that you’re comfortable with his investing approach and that you will take action as instructed.
Finally it would be remiss of me not to recommend my own ‘Property Master’s seminar’ as a great point to start. There is information on this site (via the home page) about this.
I welcome other discussion on this matter from the forum, particularly those who have done one of Henry’s courses and can provide more insight on its usefulness.
Just a quick note. I heard on a radio station, this man saying that it would cost him 28K for himself and his wife to do this property course. [] 1st person @15K and 2nd person @13K. By golly I wish I was one of those people who could afford to pay that money for a property course!!! [] I reckon for 15K I’d like private tuition in my own home and someone holding my hand exclusively for that price. Maybe a trip to the USA to hear John Burley would be cheaper. Why don’t you try Steve’s seminar, my husband came home revved and eager to go! It wouldn’t cost that much and you could still have enough money to do a wrap if you so chose.
I agree with Steve. In the end it’s up to you. Perhaps read the posting on <font color=purple>Costly education</font id=purple>, check out the http://www.ninemsn.com website at ACA for their property investing advice.
Good Luck with whatever you choose
Soosh []
<font color=purple><i>It’s all our imperfections that make us perfect! </i></font id=purple>
Dear Louise
I attended this course last year as a real beginner who doesn’t even know what equity is. So it was information overload for me. For those who are in the know the first 2 days were mainly revision for them and only on the 3rd they find it informative. I managed to team with with someone and bought an off the plan property which has yet to settle and has done well. Unfortuanately I am not a go getter nor a leader but a procrastinator and a follower so did not put all the info to good use.For me I really need someone to hold my hands so perhaps I am not so suited to this course. Despite this I am glad that at least we managed to buy our first investment property by teaming up with some else in this seminar. I know some of the graduates had progressed well following the seminar. If you would like to attend the seminar please let me know. Thanks. Have a successful day. Gaik
Hi Louise, first I need to say I haven’t attended or completed any of Henry’s courses or seminars so my comments need to be taken with a grain of salt.
That said, I have followed forums for a while now and Henry has been the subject of discussion both positive and negative. Keep in mind, any information posted on a forum is subjective at best and it’s difficult to ascertain the truth.
I have heard incidence of a video being played for the first day and a half, and the presenter appearing live well into the course. Again, I have no idea if this is accurate or not, and I certainly wouldn’t go and make any decision on this as I read it on a forum and there may be no substance to it at all. This could be a huge injustice to Henry, so I simply mention it to encourage you to ask more questions before you outlay your money.
I’d strongly recommend the Property Masters Seminar, as you would have access to many different presenters on many different proven strategies. These are all well respected top 5%ers in their respective fields. Plus it’s only $2K leaving you $13K left over to actually purchase a property.
I think similar to Steve (God help me [] ) in that every substantial sum of money is a deposit on a house. There is a CANYON of information available in libraries and forums etc… without the need to outlay $15K. For many people, $15k could be two years savings. Then it would take you another two years to save the $15K again for a deposit, and by that time the information and stragey presented two years prior may be out of date.
In my mind, you can’t go wrong with spending 3-4 hours per weekend looking at property. Make sure you put in written offers every single weekend, make sure the rents in the area will cover the loan repayments, rates and insurance and buy a property. Offer 75-80% of the asking price.
You’d be suprised how much you’ll learn talking with real estate agents, and by visiting/networking with investors at investors groups.
Only my two cents worth.
Remember, life’s about Family, Fun and Finance (probably in that order).
Agree with you totally, you have to ask yourself, is the presentation really worth $15,000 of your hard earned cash. This is irrespective of the presenter, could be MR. HK or any one else. Having been to a no of seminars, and spent lots, I am suffering from seminar overload and have now worked things out for myself.
I also go to the library to borrow the odd invest. book(free)
I am sure $1000 would get you absolutely every property book you ever wanted to read.
Take every thing with a grain of salt, see previous notices.
I discovered about half an hour ago that a work colleague did the course, and even has the course notes which he is quite happy to lend me. He also said that anyone with a regular 40+ hr/week day job is going to be hard pushed to spend the recommended time following the course recommendations, and that only about 0.5% of the course participants would “succeed” using the HK method (no, he wasn’t one). While he thought the course was not exactly a waste of time, he wasn’t ready for what it gave him.
I think I’ll save my $15k.
(which you can finance, by the way. $500 down, and the rest over 4 years)
Steve, I can’t do your seminar next month either. I’m going to be spending my hard-earned cash on a warm tropical diving holiday. When’s your next one?
I did the course 2 years ago when it was only $3,500, some of the infomation is good and some i feel is super high risk.However i have taken action since that course on only things that i am comfotable doing, which is a mix of WRAPS, Buy & Holds & trading. However the biggest thing that i have found is that everything that i learnt at that course 2 years ago i have read about in diferent books, magazines and on forums like this one. One good thing that Henry does teach you, is to find people with the results that you want and go and interview them. That is the best form of education that i have done. So i now spend my days, reading, studying and interviewing. Cheap education!!
Just my thorts.
Do they still offer a money back guarrantee? They used to offer money back plus $400 if you left by day 3. Gives you time to get some of the information.
I did one expensive course in Sydney, wasn’t very impressed with it, so I asked for, and received, my money back!
I have done the HK course. Benfits depend on your personal situation. Need more info.
What I can briefly say is that I have done a full circle in 18 months figuring out the formula that is best for me.
Kiyosaki and Burley, Stuart Wilde and a host of others have the mantra of CASHFLOW IS KING. That’s it in a nutshell. Cashflow first then build your portfolio of growth assets ( sell some keep others)
Cashflow can be obtained from businesses, property and share….same goes for growth assets too.
Therefore you need to learn this for the lowest cost. Life is a business so treat it with the respect it deserves….it is YOUR life after all and ONLY you can be truly accountable….not Mr Kaye etc etc etc.
Goto http://www.tradingsecrets.com.au for shares eductaion (cashflow strategies mainly)Buy and hold is simple stuff. My website http://www.wealthpartner.com is under construction and will feature all kinds of resources in the not too distant future.
Read think and grow rich by napoleon hill (unabridged version….brown cover) if youm haven’t already
Goto www,thesecretsofgettingrich,com amd download the free ebook. It’s terrific and summarises the above book too. Great stuff. I say this because it is your mind which will determine how well you go. that’s the number one lesson I have learned so far. So take your brain to the gym and pump her up!! []]
The list goes on and on Louise but this could be a could summary for a starting point. more info will assist in fine tuning this OK.
The planning is key so if you havn’t written a plan, DO IT ASAP. Clear goals, mentors and action.
Hope this helps a little. The responses you had were great too.
There’s alot more to discuss so feel free to contact me on email; first pombeau@yahoo.co.uk
Thanks Julian. I’ve seen many of those websites (thanks to Sooshie for this). I read The Secrets of Getting Rich over the weekend (printed it out and took it to the beach [8D]).
I’ve also cancelled my appointment with NII (and therefore “saved” $15k already, although they were quick to point out that this could be a drop in the bucket with all the great deals I’d be making).
I’m going to keep reading for a few more months, and do something in the new year.
Thanks to everyone for their feedback. It’s refreshing to get so many honest opinions and to read about other’s mistakes. So often in forums, people who admit to a mistake get slagged off for being so stupid, so you never get a free discussion.
You guys are my mentors. []
So, where do I find a good property investment accountant on Sydney’s Northern Beaches…?
hi lousie…… I did the Henry Kaye course last year , and all I can say is that it got me going, I took out what I liked and used it, as I did with all the courses I do. Steve’s courses are also awsome, and have since used many ways of buying….In 12 months I was able to buy 7 positive cashflow properties, so it can be done…..just go and do it, what have yu got to lose for the first 3 days. Good luck
The course is now structured differently. It’s not a 4-day course, but appears to be more of a correspondance course with home study materials (presume notes and CD-ROM) and seminars held on each module once you’ve done the home learning bit.
This is good, because it means you don’t have to spend 4 days frantically scribbling notes. But I don’t think there’s a money-back option. The guy implied that once I was in, I was in. No way out.
Also, Andy paid $3500 a couple of years ago, my work colleague paid $10k about a year ago, and now it’s $15k. That’s one hell of an increase… I guess they’d rather have 2 people pay $15k each, then 10 people pay $3500. Less work I suppose. Fewer annoying clients to have to deal with… ?
Please think carefully before spending the money. Go to a good bookstore near you and buy 100 books, you could even do a real estate course that would give you more contacts, tips and advice than doing a 15 K course, that has no way out (???) I hope they’d offer Gold nuggets for the catered lunch, rather than chicken nuggets..for that price [] A home based course is better, but it depends whether you have the time. I don’t know if you have children running around, but I’m sure if you do, you would be aware of the time constrictions of doing a course via correspondance.
If I had the 15K I’d go on a desperately needed holiday and take my books to read with me on a beach (Sounds great Louise!!!) Obviously Bali (where we went on our last 2 holidays) is now out of contention, very sorry to say []. Our prayers our with all that suffered.
As we are just starting we too could not afford the $15,000 for Henry Kaye’s course. We too, would too appreciate anyone who has notes from his course to share them.
Tedgalee I tried to see if we are in the same state and maybe if we were that you would be kind enough lend us the course notes for awhile please.
I sounds as though you did get something out of the course. A partner to invest with. We too would be interested in partnering with someone. How do we go about this. Do we have to attend one of these courses in order to find someone.
I’ve done Henry’s property course and have actually been working in the seminar industry for quite a while (am currently off in Canada not working for anyone so my advice is relatively unbiased at the moment . My experience was that I was very impressed when I first went to Henry’s course as he rattled off masses of information at a very high speed. His techniques of extreme due dilligence and selling are very strong. Particularly the selling part. And this is where I would be extremely careful. It didn’t take me long investigating the techniques taught at his seminar to realise that to a large degree they were based on an ever rising market, massive leverage with scant risk mitigation and some extremely dubious issues of non disclosure. On a more personal note while Henry was able to sell me on his negotiation and sales skills, he wasn’t on his integrity. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t being overly hasty and so checked with a number of industry friends. It turns out that one is currently suing NII for not disclosing that they happened to be selling developments in many areas that just “happen” to get strongly suggested in seminars. Another who used to be the key testamonial for this seminar informed me that the three properties she “invested” in with NII at her risk have lost about 3x$50,000 on three properties, although she maintains that it is not so much they went down in value as that they were never worth the valuation price in the first place. Henry talks at length in his seminar how to get valuations changed.
Anyway, all of these bits of information should obviously not dissuade you from making up your own mind. With any seminar presenter you’re thinking of spending money with my advice would be to at least check pending legal disputes with the office of fair trading first. There are many presenters who do a great job of both presenting strategies and strong ethics together. Steve is a great example here, as is John Burley or Anthony Robbins (be mindful that his Wealth Mastery course is only shares and options though. Great stuff if thats your direction.)
Hope this helps.
PS Henry *is* a great salesman. I’d study any sales package he put out in a heartbeat!
pps If you check the fineprint in Wealth Creator magazine you’ll find the whole thing is an NII creation to sell their seminars. See my previous ps!
If you like study so much invest in a University degree in something that really interests you through a reputable University. It will probably see you commanding a higher salary ie. a fairly good rate of return – which is at the very basics what this whole discussion database is based upon – a high rate of return on investment!
Don’t get all wrapped up in the property investing hype. There are some people getting very rich from very much open source information!![]
As an architect with 20 years experience I “checked out” the NII course. I would not recommend it to anyone as value for the money they are charging. Furthermore, I have found through my personal experience with NII that their business practices (at least with me) to be misleading – as indeed the Australian Securities and Investment Commission have also found and are now pursuing a case against the NII in the Federal Court. I am preparing a story for the ASIC and the media to shed some light on what is, in my opinion really going on with the NII business methods. I would like to hear from anyone who would like to contribute to this story.
You can reply to me at []williamatucker@optusnet.com.au
I found this forum through searching for NII and although I realise I’m about 2 months late, I’d just like to thank you all for your sharing about the course. I think I’ll hold off and increase my knowledge (I’m new to this game) first. Thanks for the advice!
Also, Tedgalee and solaris9991, I’d also love to find out about the course material, so please contact me at peteheery@reasonnightclub.com if you have the time – much appreciated.
I look forward to hearing all of your thoughts in the future on these boards.