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  • Profile photo of Sooshie

    Well Hello all!

    Hope you all had a nice weekend [:)

    and Tara posted this one for info on tax:

    I’m fighting with the computer with a 1 year old…can you believe it???

    Got to go

    Sooshie [:)

    There are no problems, only solutions!

    Profile photo of TaraTara
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 11

    Hi all,

    A link to the latest star ratings on mortgages.

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi all,

    Thanxs Tara for your post [:)

    I’m not sure if I’ve given you this link before but if your after renovating ideas etc…


    Sooshie [:)

    There are no problems, only solutions!

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi all,

    Here’s a new link…

    It might or might not help. I think John was having trouble with his bank… maybe have a peek at this and then hardball your own bank..

    Cheers and Have a great weekend…

    Sooshie [:)

    Ahhmmm…I think the above link is from U.S.A… oops.
    Another link which is not Australian is but there you have it.

    Bonk on the head for Sooshie! [:P]

    There are no problems, only solutions!

    Edited by – on 29/11/2002 10:06:42 PM

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi there,

    AD provided this one:

    Cheers and thanks AD

    Sooshie [:)

    There are no problems, only solutions!

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi all,

    This posting is active once again, with a driver at the helm. So if you want to add links, go ahead make our day (Oh dear! must be all that eggnog). Feel free to post links that you think may help others, but remember this is not for advertising purposes, but for networking and education etc.

    So good to be back [:D


    There are no problems, only solutions!

    Profile photo of 4444av4444av
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    Back to the topic of Kiyosaki, I find his books more inspirational than learning tools, but he does have learning tools, one of which we bought for our kids which is the Cashflow for kids game. My daughter has learnt heaps about money, assests, liabillities, etc from playing this game. She loves playing it and has a far better grasp about money than other eight years olds, not to mention even older kids. At first we thought it was a bit too basic, but we’ve been impressed by how much she has learnt and retained from it. It was $127 but many people spend so much more on toys at Christmas for their kids so we’re thinking we got better value than they did. You can buy it through as well as other educational books and tools on finance, property, etc. Av.

    Profile photo of Sooshie


    Thank you for your post. Your daughter will have an advantage over other children with her knowledge. Perhaps other children who have children your daughter’s age will also benefit from the game.



    There are no problems, only solutions!

    Profile photo of Sooshie


    Nathan put a link in his post (“Some tips on getting started?”) but unless you add the www it won’t work, so I’ve just put it here and it will work. Tested it myself.
    Thanks Nathan (boy do I wish I was 24 again [;)] )

    Sooshie [:)

    There are no problems, only solutions!

    Profile photo of Sooshie


    Thanks AD for your link. Hope you don’t mind it being transposed here? thought it might help others.


    There are no problems, only solutions!

    Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash


    I just thought I would resurect this very interesting post that I will give Sooshie the full credit for.

    I think us Newbies can get a lot from and my 2 cents is check out the Deportment of Infrastructure link, it has excellent info.

    Thanks for the effort Sooshie.

    Leigh K

    Profile photo of mrhedgemrhedge
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24

    Hello there Defence Housing Aust sell houses &lease them back for 6 or 9 years,they also repaint &recarpet ,look hard &you might find a + tv geard one

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks Leigh! I’ve had some troubled waters on the home front, but I have been popping in now and then and couldn’t believe how quick things are moving! That is a testament to how great this site is.
    Michael Lawson emailed me this link that was given by ‘Jumbo’ and although it is from 2001-2002, I agree with Michael that it is still worthwhile looking at. I do have a link for the ATO, but this is more direct for rental property.
    Here goes:

    Thank you for your contributions and I will be updating one of my links shortly.
    By the way, on Today Tonight (Tue 4/3/03) there was a computer program being suggested in helping people do calculations in reducing their home mortage in less time. The program cost $99. Why I mention this, is because my husband created a basic spreedsheet for me ages ago and while it is not up to date to put up as a freebie here, it didn’t cost $99. So just a word of warning, that these programs help, but will not guarentee you will pay off your house sooner. However, if you are chosed at the Steve’s next seminar as one of the 10 people chosen…well you’re in for a very lucrative and fortunate experience.
    Cheers and hello again to all our PI friends

    Sooshie [:D

    p.s Isn’t the new format fantastic!!! [8D]

    Profile photo of The DIY Dog Wash
    Profile photo of peterppeterp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 307

    If anyone’s reading this far, the Home Price Guide
    tells you a bit about various areas you might be interested in. You can also order reports of recent sales.

    Helpful if you fear getting ripped off and useful part of due diligence!


    Profile photo of seahorseseahorse
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    Hi all
    If it’s due diligence you are into – get a professional inspection & report – not to mention some design ideas for renovation or extension works to improve the value of your property. Check out for all your architectural needs.

    Profile photo of watto

    G’day All,

    Here are a couple of links with tons of free articles to download and read….

    Use the search functions to find the stuff you want to read about……

    “Our Firm
    Kevin Munro & Associates is a leading taxation practice, situated in Sydney CBD. We specialise in the provision of taxation advice and planning, corporate advice, superannuation information and commercial and business services. Our practice emphasises domestic and international business tax advice in relation to the various State and Federal tax laws.”

    “Acquiring investment or business assets in your own name or a company is a mistake.”

    “Interested in tax? Want to know what a 3 Generation Testamentary Trust is? Want to know how the government can inflict CGT on even your Family Home when you die? Then this tax site is for you.”

    watto [:)

    Profile photo of watto

    G’day again,

    Here is a quick link into some of Oztralias leading daily newspaper sites….

    “Australia Newspapers
    CIA Factbook on Australia”

    Check out the CIA Factbook there is some interesting titbits to be found….not particuarly property related thou…

    watto [:)

    Profile photo of Sooshie


    Way to go [8D]. This site is just zooming along and you are making it all possible, so thank you for all your posts.
    Here’s another one, very similar to

    I should let you all know, that I get emails from managers of sites wanting me to plug them. This site is not here for advertising, but if your site can BENEFIT the PI forum members than I will list it. If your site involves memberships or any sort of payments, please do not email me as I cannot in good conscience put it up to the forum. So far I’ve been wonderfully impressed with the contributions and the links suggested. Keep up the good work!

    I look foward to meeting you at the next seminar on May 31st and June 1st.


    Sooshie [:)

    <font color=purple><i>There are no problems, only solutions!</i></font id=purple>

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Having a little trouble with the profile signature. Will try to fix it. Unfortunately the mistake didn’t come up in the preview window [:O], now I’m embarrassed [:I

    Red faced

    Soosh [:I

    P.s I can’t see it so will have to fix later. It’s so much easier to do a wrap than to work my way around computers !!! [:0)]

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