Another link that may be of interest is for a free monthly property invetsment newsletter written by someone who has successfully invested in property for 30 years <<Edited Out by Admin – See Comments Below>>
After discussing your post with several independent people I have decided to edit your link as I feel it is disrespectful to community members.
My reasons for this are:
1. While you may have interesting and insightful comments to make on the forum, your only post has been to promote your own site and add no other value in return.
2. Sooshie went to great lengths to independently review sites that she thought were useful. You have made an unsolicitored advertisement of your website which is in clear breach of the acceptable advertising policy. For more information see the Forum Rules.
However I do encourage you to make posts on this forum and indeed promote your website in the acceptable manner which is by way of a signature file. This offer is made subject to:
1. Future posts being insightful, helpful and generally beneficial to the wider community; and
2. Your posts being subject to the same rules and constraints as all other posts.
If as you say you have 30 years of experience then I’m sure that you have plenty to offer the members of this site. I would ask that you be respectful of the forum rules and adhere to our acceptable advertising policy.
Hi guys, Soosh you’re doing a great job with these links. Awesome work!!!!! I faced heaps of “hurdles” just like everyone else when I started the journey into wrapping. So, I decided to put together a site to help everyone out. Steve recommended I make the free Five-Part-Wrap-Course available for everyone on this thread so it can help everyone kick start their own learning curve. If anyone is interested in receiving this free course just send an email to
It explains a heap of things in plain English so I hope it helps. Feel free to visit my website at and bring any of the links across onto this forum. The more help we can provide, the better for everyone. There are heaps of links for the FHOG in each state, REIQ, REIV etc…, other wrap sites etc…. Dozens and dozens of links. Bring em on over to this site. []
Have just made contracts available for each state also.
Hope it helps,
Remember folks, life’s about Family, Fun and Finance
(Probably in that order)
Thanks Mike for your encouragement [] Sounds like a great site, I’ll pop over there shortly []
On a seperate issue, just a quick note; when posting a link, please make sure to follow the forum rules and if you have any doubt as to whether or not you should post, please contact PI admin for permission. This will keep everything running nice and smoothly and keep everyone happy. TA!
Here’s a link for you to check whether your getting the best deal. It does cost money, but if your wrapping in one area, it may be worth it. It’s a service, which you need to decide if you need or want. It’s up to you!
There are also programs called ‘Room for improvement’ or ‘Auction Squad’. Now I’m not saying they all have what you need for real estate, but there might be some tips to be found. Does anyone know about it? If anyone has read about them please respond to this posting. It just concerns me when there is no priced listed for services.
Not sure if anyone reads Australian Property Investor magazine –
but it has some good articles.
Some of the articles are on under
the news section.
We have recently setup a website for property advertising by either owner or estate agents. It is free for private advertisers, agents get 12 months free trial (no obligations) and there is a small membership fee after that.
You can advertise in any of the following categories: Residential Sales, Rentals, Holiday Rentals, Commercial Sales, Commercial Lease, Rural and Land.
Also, people who are looking for property can register their interest for free – specify their requirements to the smallest detail. Property owners and estate agents can then match their properties with these stored requirements i.e. property type, suburb, price range, number of bedrooms etc.
Please have a look at <<edited by admin for the same reason as Michael Yardley>> for more information. Let me know if you have any questions.
Jerry <<edited by admin for the same reason as Michael Yardley>>
It’s the weekend. Yaay!
How is everyone liking the links? Are there any dud links or one’s that you feel should be deleted? As you can see there are 3 pages.. Let me know if there needs to be some chopping or changing or whether a new one should be started?
I still have problems locating a link to Vic country (or any other state for that matter) realty links. The one’s I’ve looked at are the owners selling their property at their idea of what its worth, which is generally a emotionally derived figure.
Come on everyone, add something even a little link,
says Sooshie with a wink []
If you have to get me to rhyme
You know I have no time
To find the link on wraps
So can I depend on you perhaps?
Sooshie []
p.s. Would you believe I passed English in VCE??? []