All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Property Software Packages

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  • Profile photo of askegg



    Surely the issue about software is to look at what needs you have and then find something to match it within your budget.

    Personally all I use is MYOB and some crafty Excel spreadsheets.

    But then again I’m a cheap sod.


    Profile photo of askegg

    Opps, sorry about that !


    Personally all I use is MYOB and some crafty Excel spreadsheets.

    I also use a (now large & complex) Excel spreadsheet in concert with QuickBooks Pro.
    Spreadsheets are great because you can adjust them to any situation/investment/analysis you like.

    (another Tassie PI)

    Profile photo of wilsonkaywilsonkay
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 52


    So where in Tassie are you from? Send me an email, maybe we could catch up?


    Tim Wilson

    “Poverty is not an option”

    Profile photo of Perky29Perky29
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 14

    Just a quick question to the accountants out there –
    if you purchase one of these software packages can
    you claim it as a tax deduction?

    Thanks – David.

    Profile photo of NormyNormy
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Danny,

    I think the PIA software is fantastic, I have had the old DOS version for two years and recently updated to the windows based version and I never purchase property before ensuring I run the figures through the software. I have also found that if you require any assistance with the software Ian Somers is very helpful. Also when ordering you can use it immeadiatley if you have access to the internet. Gret value for money.



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