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The Power of Action

Date: 14/11/2017

Procrastination is both the thief of success and the friend of stress.

Implementation, not knowledge, is the key. There are many ways to make more money. You have to work smarter, not harder and understand cutting edge marketing skills to create more leads and conversions. However, if you know all those ways and don’t act on them, what is the point?

When I first came up with the idea of writing my first book, the obstacles seemed insurmountable. For starters, I couldn’t type. It was 1999, and back then not everyone typed. I couldn’t even tap with two fingers.

Not only that, I wasn’t a writer, so I got a typing program and took some courses on writing. Later, I was staggered when two major publishers told me it was an extremely well written and well crafted book.

I never thought of myself as a writer and I can tell you my old school teachers didn’t, either. There is an old saying, that starts with a question: “How do you eat an elephant? The answer is: “One bite at a time.” Basically I had a big goal and all I had to do was follow the steps to get there.

sitting in front of a computerThis next part may sound strange to you, but do you know what my deepest motivation was to write the book?

I honestly believed, after decades of research, I had to put down in print what I knew. But even for someone like myself who loves talking to people and has trained tens of thousands of them on three continents, sitting in front of a computer every day was a challenge.

What spurred me on was the thought that I had to finish this book before I got hit by a truck and never got a chance to leave what I believed was an important message. So here is another clue: Find a purpose that is bigger than you are.

After I had finally written the book, I had the deepest intuition to self-publish it. Everyone thought I was mad. The howls of derision were deafening: “Do you know the odds of a self-published book ever making it? Are you crazy?” But I went ahead anyway.

Everyone said I would never stand a chance against the big publishing houses. I didn’t know anything about publishing. But once again, we did the research and we opened up our own publishing house. We called it “Avargo Press.” Say the name, “Avargo,” quickly – it stands for, “Have a go.” That’s a big clue.

bestsellerWhen the book hit several bestseller lists, many people were dumbfounded. Eventually, Harper Collins published it – one of the world’s biggest publishing houses. So, the next time you have a dream to do something – just simply begin. Keep following the steps until you get to where you want to go.

Mark Twain once said: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Profile photo of Brendan Nichols

By Brendan Nichols

Brendan Nichols has the audacity to believe you should work a little for a lot and shows his clients how he averages three months holiday a year. He is financially independent and a best selling author, published by the giant publisher, Harper Collins. He has appeared in the media dozens of times and about a million people watched an exclusive ABC television documentary on him. He has trained tens of thousands of people, on three continents. He originally started from nothing and had several successful businesses before he was an educator. One of these businesses was a highly successful Real Estate project marketing company, where he launched major campaigns.Brendan’s specialty is showing you the steps to make more money and have an amazing life in the process.To get more information, go to

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