Don't Buy A Dud!
Find Your Ideal Property
& Avoid Expensive Mistakes
With Steve McKnight's Amazing
Property Investment Purchasing System
Keep reading to discover how you can
start your FREE 7 Day Trial today
From Steve McKnight
Professional Investor & Best Selling Author
Saturday, February 1, 2025

Dear fellow investor,

There’s a saying I’ve come to know is true: the teacher comes when the student is ready,
so however you’ve come across this webpage, I’m confident that it wasn’t a fluke nor random coincidence – you’re here to learn and profit from something I can teach you.

Let’s try to figure out what that might be…
Who Am I?
Just like you, I was once someone trying to figure out how to successfully and sustainably use real estate to achieve my financial goals (which in my case included no longer having to sell my time for money a do a job I didn't enjoy).

It was 1999, and aged 27 and with little knowledge, but lots of courage (and perhaps more than a little bravado), I began investing in real estate: a pretty little three bedroom home in  one of the less desirable areas in Ballarat. 

I made lots of mistakes, some of them quite expensive, but less than five years later I’d managed to buy more than 200 properties, and in the process had accumulated enough positive cashflow to achieve financial freedom and never have to work again.

Things only accelerated from there, including buying hundreds more investment properties while also being blessed to be able to guide, impact and influence millions of people to invest more successfully. The latter came about via the best-selling books I’ve written, the many live training sessions I've conducted over the past two decades, and the library of acclaimed investing resources I’ve published.

Today, I control a purposeful property portfolio that delivers an annual high six-figure passive income. This empowers me to provide for my family, and enable us to live the life and lifestyle we desire, as well as supporting causes and charities that add significance and meaning to our existence.

I continue to firmly believe in the wealth building power of real estate, and look forward to helping people make sense of investing, and to guide them to become more empowered and confident in their decision making.
Four Short Steps To Success
Just about everyone buying and selling real estate, or teaching real estate investing, has a singular focus: the property. They say, or teach, that buying the right property, in the right area, with the right tenant, is the best thing you can do to make the right profit.

I respectfully disagree.

Just like your perfect life partner can’t be simplified to someone with blue eyes and brown hair, your perfect property investment can’t be dumbed-down to just a street and a suburb.

Your job as an investor, is to match your desired investing outputs (i.e. make the most money, in the quickest time, for the least risk and lowest aggravation) with your available investing inputs (your time, money, skill and risk tolerance).

My '4 P's of Property' is central to finding your perfect investment property. They are:
1. Purpose: Give your investing a non-financial context
2. Plan: Create a road map to get you from 'now' to 'then'
3. Profit: Clarify the type and return you want to achieve

And then, and only then - i.e. once you've worked through steps 1, 2 and 3 – can you progress to step 4 with clarity and certainty:
4. Property: To identify the characteristics of the investment that will provide the highest likelihood of delivering the Profit, help you achieve the Plan, and to help you accomplish the Purpose.
Do you see the difference? The masses advocate property as the first (and sometimes only) consideration, whereas I teach the the right property is the one that has the highest likelihood of delivering your desired outcome.

What does it matter? Focusing on property first usually results in a dysfunctional property portfolio that lacks cohesion and results in management inefficiencies, resulting in profit slippage and higher aggravation.

Here’s the lesson: don’t let the shoe dictate the foot size. Have the foot (i.e. your purpose and plan) dictate the shoe size (your profit and property).
Hot Tip: Look For Something, Not Anything
There are presently thousands of properties currently for sale. How do you know which is the right one for you?

Most people just want one that will be profitable, but that’s not much help because every agent with a property to sell would faithfully share that it might be profitable. So how do you narrow down the thousands of properties currently for sale to a handful that you can focus on?

The answer is not to spend hour after hour looking at real estate websites trying to find a great deal that other investors have missed, because the chances of landing the prize fish in a pond already fished-out by more experienced and professional investors is a long-shot at best.

Here’s what I advocate (assuming you have worked through the four steps I shared above)…
  • Calculate your ‘buying budget’ (based on your available capital and borrowing capacity)
  • ​Narrow down your ‘target area’ to locations where you can afford to invest (based on your buying budget)
  • ​Search for properties that meet the criteria you’ve outlined by completing my 43-point ‘Ideal Investment’ checklist as part of your Property Acquisition Plan

    And once you’ve found some properties that look promising…
  • ​Test their suitability by putting them through my three-part proprietary due diligence system to determine whether they are good deals, or are duds in disguise.
  • Calculate your ‘buying budget’ (based on your available capital and borrowing capacity)
  • ​Narrow down your ‘target area’ to locations where you can afford to invest (based on your buying budget)
  • ​Search for properties that meet the criteria you’ve outlined by completing my 43-point ‘Ideal Investment’ checklist as part of your Property Acquisition Plan

    And once you’ve found some properties that look promising…
  • ​Test their suitability by putting them through my three-part proprietary due diligence system to determine whether they are good deals, or are duds in disguise.
Are you starting to see how real estate investing can be about choice, rather than just buying something and relying on chance? That your success is within your grasp when you invest with purpose?
Ready To Take The Next Step?
If what I’ve outlined resonates with you, and you want your success to be a matter of choice rather than chance, then here’s how I can help.
Using my 20+ years of real estate knowledge, experience and expertise, I’ve created what I regard to be the most powerful and purposeful system ever written for planning, finding and buying high-profit, low-risk real estate, my STEPS TO SUCCESS: PROPERTY PURCHASING SYSTEM (or just STEPS).
Course Outline
The programme focuses on twelve steps that I have identified that summarise the buying process from concept to completion, and that are grouped under the following ‘READY – SET – GO’ illustration.

STEPS begins by asking you to establish your very own Wealth Action Plan – a very important document that will become your blueprint for setting and accomplishing your wealth creation goals.

Many investors fail to have such a document, and without a ‘conductor’ their wealth creation is rather like an amateur high school orchestra. By itself an investment may sound and play okay, but in unison, the investments are often out of time, and out of tune.

Also included in STEPS is my Property Acquisition Plan – a six page template that includes in it a list of 43 key characteristics that you need to define that will become the benchmark for your ideal investment property.

Once you’ve completed the template, you’ll have a written benchmark upon which you can compare the deals you find to see to what extent they match your requirements (and to what extent they don’t)!

Next, and by no means least, my PFR template to find deals the smart way: by having real estate agents find them for you (including getting access to deals not listed for sale on the internet).

STEPS 5 to 9: SET

By the end of step 4 you’ll be ready to start searching for properties, and, when deals start coming your way, you’ll want to put them to the test to see whether they are as good as they look.

The process is called ‘due diligence’, and, sadly, few investors know what to do, nor when to do it, so they do nothing at all.

But not you! You’ll be armed with my three-phase due diligence technology, which is the exact system I use when I buy investment property to determine whether it is a good deal, or a dud in disguise.

You don’t need to be an accountant, or have an MBA. Just follow the step-by-step instructions.

Oh, and if maths isn’t your strong suit then don’t stress, because I’ve included my Property Maths Matrix – a very helpful worksheet that walks you through how to quickly, easily and simply crunch the numbers like a pro investor.

STEPS 10 to 12: GO

Once the property has passed due diligence, and you’re ready for the contract to go unconditional, you’re on the home stretch, but there are still several steps to walk through to ensure you’re ready to profit from the first day you own the property.
Course Structure
STEPS is comprehensive. It comprises more than 720 pages of detailed guidance and instruction on investing theory, and guidance on how to successfully apply and implement it to find, analyse and buy high-profit low-risk real estate.

To help you progress through the course and apply the content to your unique situation, I’ve split the 12 Steps into 90 sessions, all of which are delivered via the online training portal accessible via your account.

The training session includes:
  • Written course materials (which you can read online, or print out, if you prefer)
  • Application questions
  • Instructional videos
  • ​Additional course assets and bonuses
It's estimated that will take between 60 and 90 minutes to complete each session.

Remember, you don’t need to wait until you have completed the entire course to start buying real estate. After just the third week you’ll be empowered enough to find deals with confidence, and to start putting them through their due diligence paces.
STEPS Templates & Checklists 
One of the features of STEPS is how easy it is to understand and apply. I’ve spent months breaking down usually complex topics and presenting them in easy-to-understand ways, and by making use of templates and checklists and spreadsheets wherever possible, including:
Wealth Action Plan
To help you set purpose to your investing, to document your present financial situation, and to ascertain your broader financial goal(s). 
Property Acquisition Plan
To help you clarify your desired profit outcome and the critical financial and non-financial characteristics of your ideal investment property. 
Property Inspection Template
Don't wander around lost and confused. Use this template to complete when doing a physical inspection of a potential property to help you identify deal-breaking issues, and to give you ammunition to seek a price discount.
Property Finder Request
Complete this template and send it off to real estate agents to empower them to find your ideal property while you focus on more important, and profitable, activities. 
Property Maths Matrix 
My 'fill the gap' template for crunching the numbers on a property deal that enables even the most maths challenged person to confidently and accurately calculate the likely return on their investment.
PFA Excel Spreadsheet
Automate your number crunching using my proprietary Excel spreadsheet that takes all the hassle and hard work out of manually calculating key investment returns.
Due Diligence Templates
Three game-changing templates (P1DDR, P2DDR and P3DDR) that will reveal critical information to help you determine whether the property is a great deal, or a dud that you should avoid at all costs.
What Do People Say About Training With Me?
We're so incredibly grateful for your life-changing course!

- Genevieve Snape
Training with Steve has helped me become a more intelligent investor who now relies on financial data and analysis to determine whether a deal is worth pursuing or not. If you have the opportunity to learn from Steve, I strongly recommend you invest in your skills because Steve teaches you how to fish for longevity.

- Tuyen Hoang
If I had Steve’s systems when I was starting out I know for a fact that my property investing would be more advanced than it is today. If I was you, I'd stop procrastinating and get on with creating a great future for yourself using Steve’s systems and wealth of experience.

- Ross Burke
Since finding and learning from Steve McKnight we've been motivated to take massive action in planning, carrying out due diligence and discussing findings with others, and making offers. It's like being swept up in a wave of investing empowerment, being humbled by those further along the journey and encouraging others who are just starting out.

- Keith & Linda Lai
Prior to training with Steve we lost over $500,000 on two failed property projects. Since signing up with Steve in 2010 we've completed 14 development projects worth $20m, made close to $5m in profit, and used that money to buy our dream home. I love what we do. I have a huge amount of flexibility, freedom and time to spend on what I choose as compared to my prior life in the corporate world - and I’m earning much more in doing so.

- Amanda Conroy
I went from zero to 3 properties in under 8 months, and made $107,000 profit in one year. I'm now on my 5th deal... all by using what Steve teaches.

- Shehan Tambinayagam
Training with Steve has been phenomenal. His knowledge is second to none and his ability to share that knowledge, in easy to understand terms, made it informative and interesting and fun. As a result of Steve's teachings I have refined my real estate strategy, learnt how to assess opportunities and had the confidence to buy when others were still looking. Do yourself a favour -sign up and you will learn more than you thought possible from a very genuine subject matter expert.

- Gayle Philpotts
The training materials Steve has produced have given me a tangible way of becoming a more sophisticated investor instead of aimlessly gazing at real estate ads. It has also motivated me to put in the effort required when the rest of life just wants to take over.

- Daniel Hitchcock
Steve’s proven strategies, systems and experience sit well clear at the top when it comes to wealth creation education. There has been nothing more valuable than learning in real time, side by side from an expert investor who is so giving of their knowledge, experience and time.

- Troy Small
The new knowledge we've gained through studying with Steve has increased our level of confidence, provided us with a systematic approach to conducting due diligence and management, helped us successfully sell two of our investment properties and ultimately saved us tens of thousands of dollars now and hundred's of thousands into the future. Steve has given us the tools for a strong and steady foundation upon which to continue to build our investing, come rail, hail or sunshine.

- Rebecca Le Brown
Training with Steve has helped me immensely with due diligence in analyzing deals and following through on the numbers that validate a good deal and also support effective negotiation techniques. Without the straightforward step by step and considered approach that Steve teaches, I'd be lost. Many thanks Steve for your awesome skills, pearls of wisdom and guidance that supports ongoing life and financial success!

- Chris Ashdowne
My father was a really big property developer and went broke for over leveraging with the banks so I was afraid to enter the market. After doing Steve’s course and reading many books I was able to get over my fear.
I now have a property portfolio well over 15m.

- Ramzey Bacon
Training with Steve has helped me gain the confidence to invest in commercial property with his clear process and guidelines.

- Nathan Gasparotto
I have in the last two plus years became mortgage free and own my home / got rid of bad and bought two investment properties that are now neutrally geared with one property nearly doubling in value. Thanks Steve.

- Venkata Ramana
Steve has helped me appreciate that there are opportunities in advertised deals, and that it’s us who can shape these opportunities with a “growth mindset” and then back it up with a diligent and thoughtful “risk mindset”.

- Andrew Gemmell
I can’t really describe in short how Steve’s common sense and straight talk make it perfectly clear what the ingredients are for a happy, better, and meaningful life. Sure, he turned my view on investing around, greatly contributing to the current financial independence of my family.

- Peter Smit
Steve has given me a whole new perspective when assessing property. He not only knows the theory, but is also a gifted educator.

- Jeremy Quek
Training with Steve has helped me understand the different aspects of property investing. His practical knowledge and wisdom will always make you think and act accordingly. With Steve's teaching, I am able to make a good property portfolio.

- Soumen Mondal
Steve has given me a broad knowledge of different types of real estate investment. He provides tools to help you work out your potential financial position on any deal before you lock it in, which gives you the confidence to make very large and important investing decisions. You won’t get this type advice anywhere else.

- Jul Wiljoh
Training with Steve has enabled me to become financially free. He is generous with his knowledge and has taught me wealth building strategies that are applicable to a wide range of investment opportunities.

- Sharon Werka
Training with Steve has turned me from a property speculator into an investor well on my way to financial freedom. His knowledge and the method in which he delivers this is unique and with the highest level of integrity. Not only is that rare but its priceless. I would have never been able to have achieved what I have to date without Steve’s help.

- Simon Culotta
Using what I've learned from Steve I've now bought two properties, both in separate joint ventures, over a three month period.

- Jason Stanley
Training with Steve has given me the tools to remain unemotional about any investment consideration. To able to see the forest within the trees so to speak!

- Peter Gaudron
For the first time ever you can now gain access to Steve McKnight's STEPS to SUCCESS for FREE

To demonstrate the power of Steve's program, and to give you complete confidence you are making a great investment in your future investing success, you can now access the first seven sessions for seven days for FREE .
Once your 7-day trial has ended then, or earlier if you'd like, you will gain full unrestricted access to the course and all the bonus items mentioned below by purchasing the full course at a massive discount to the full retail price (see details below).
Just be warned... the incredible discount outlined above is only for a limited-time and may be about to end without further notice. Sign up now for the FREE trial, while you can.

Also included (once your trial period ends) are the following four additional FREE bonuses (worth $1,295):

Additional Bonus #1: Owner Interview Questionnaire

Rarely do sellers have to disclose known problems. Instead it's up to the buyer to ask questions to tease out the problems. However, because people don't know what to ask, they don't ask anything! But not you! I'll gift you a template that contains the questions I ask the seller as part of my due diligence process.

Additional Bonus #2: Tenant Interview Questionnaire

Ever wondered what questions you should ask the tenant to find out whether they're happy with the property, or to tap into their knowledge to find problems that only they know about? Wonder know more, because as a bonus item I'll send you a list of the questions I ask tenants before I buy a property.   

Additional Bonus #3: Agent Interview Questionnaire

The real estate agent is another source of great information about the property - both as it is now, and how it might be if you added value. Join STEPS and I'll give you as a free gift my 'Agent Interview Questionnaire' template which includes the questions I recommend you ask. 

Additional Bonus #4: Meet My Mentor

Also included is a special audio interview series I recorded with one of my real estate mentors. In it he shares many incredible insights gained over his 40+ years of investing in residential and commercial property.
Just be warned... the incredible discount outlined above is only for a limited-time and may be about to end without further notice. Lock in your savings by joining up now.

But Wait, There's More!
Recordings Of An 8 Week LIVE Group Training
With Steve McKnight
Also included as another FREE bonus item are the video recordings of 'Deal Club' - an 8-week live group training event, hosted by me, where I workshopped real life deals in real time.

Polish your investing skills as I review and critique real deals and provide raw and unfiltered feedback. Gain incredible new insights into real life investing, and glean new ideas, tips and techniques about how to find and filter new opportunities.

Valued at $1,995, it's yours absolutely FREE as an additional bonus item once you upgrade to full and unrestricted access.
Okay, What's The Investment?
How much would you pay to gain access to the most powerful and profitable property purchasing system ever created - something that has been used time and time again to find and buy highly profitable investment properties with absolute clarity and confidence?

$20,000? That would be incredible value compared to the money you'll save and make by using the course.

But you don't have to pay anything! Sign up to the FREE 7-day trial and gain access to the first seven sessions at no cost. Thereafter (or earlier you elect) you can gain access to all the life-changing content, plus collect the additional free bonus items for only four monthly payments of $990 per month. Alternatively, if you can pay it all upfront you'll save a further $1,000!

I’m new to investing – is this suitable for me?
Absolutely! There is no better way to start than off the right foot, and being part of STEPS will ensure you do just that.

I already own property – is it too late?
I recommend that you put the property you own through the STEPS experience in hindsight to work out whether it was a smart purchase, or something that may be holding you back. Of course, you’ll also benefit from the knowledge you’ll gain on your next purchase ensuring you don’t repeat any mistakes you might have made.

Can I go at my own pace?
Yes, you can. You can just work through the course at your own pace. Access to the first seven sessions is instantly available, with the remainder unlocked once the 7-day trial period ends.

How long until I’ll be ready to start looking for deals?
You’ll be ready to start looking for deals in earnest from Session 20 (end of week 3).

Does STEPS include how to make offers with confidence?
Yes, it does. I outline how to make an offer that is dependent on your deal passing due diligence so if you decide you want to pull out (before the contract goes unconditional), you’ll get 100% of your deposit back.

Is the course tax deductible?
You’ll need to see your accountant to check, but as a guide, if you already own investment property then there is a strong case for it being tax deductible. Regardless though, don’t let the tax tail wag the investing dog! Wise people invest a little in education, because ignorance is expensive.

What support is offered?
The course is written to be self-sufficient, however if you encounter problems than you are able to lodge a no-cost support query.

If you’re after 1-on-1 assistance and mentoring from me personally, then I make myself available when time permits to those in the STEPS community for an additional consulting charge.

Can you offer an installment payment plan?
Yes, you can pay in four installments of $990: today, and then 3 monthly payments thereafter. However, you’ll save even more if you can pay in one lump sum payment.

Can I pay via EFTPOS?
Yes you can. Details of how to electronically transfer funds direct into’s bank account will be given during the checkout process. Your access will be granted once the funds arrive.

I have a question not answered here…
Please email it to
How To Start Your 7 Day Trial
It’s easy to begin your 7-day trial.

Simply click here and make a zero dollar purchase of the course using our 100% secure online shopping cart.

Don't worry, you won't be charged for 7 days. If you'd like to cancel you can do so from the dashboard or by simply contacting us.

After proceeding through the cart you'll receive an email in less than a minute containing details about how to begin (if you don't receive it check your spam box).

I look forward to welcoming you into STEPS and empowering you to confidently succeed in the realm of high-profit low-risk real estate investing.

- Steve McKnight

P.S. The free trial will only be offered for a limited time. Sign up now before it's too late.

