1. Purpose: | Give your investing a non-financial context |
2. Plan: | Create a road map to get you from 'now' to 'then' |
3. Profit: | Clarify the type and return you want to achieve And then, and only then - i.e. once you've worked through steps 1, 2 and 3 – can you progress to step 4 with clarity and certainty: |
4. Property: | To identify the characteristics of the investment that will provide the highest likelihood of delivering the Profit, help you achieve the Plan, and to help you accomplish the Purpose. |
Wealth Action Plan To help you set purpose to your investing, to document your present financial situation, and to ascertain your broader financial goal(s). |
Property Acquisition Plan To help you clarify your desired profit outcome and the critical financial and non-financial characteristics of your ideal investment property. |
Property Inspection Template Don't wander around lost and confused. Use this template to complete when doing a physical inspection of a potential property to help you identify deal-breaking issues, and to give you ammunition to seek a price discount. |
Property Finder Request Complete this template and send it off to real estate agents to empower them to find your ideal property while you focus on more important, and profitable, activities. |
Property Maths Matrix My 'fill the gap' template for crunching the numbers on a property deal that enables even the most maths challenged person to confidently and accurately calculate the likely return on their investment. |
PFA Excel Spreadsheet Automate your number crunching using my proprietary Excel spreadsheet that takes all the hassle and hard work out of manually calculating key investment returns. |
Due Diligence Templates Three game-changing templates (P1DDR, P2DDR and P3DDR) that will reveal critical information to help you determine whether the property is a great deal, or a dud that you should avoid at all costs. |