All Topics / Heads Up! / Glbn Groups, Clubs, Mentors, Seminars

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  • Profile photo of wealthseeker

    As i am very new to property investing and yet to make a purchase i am wondering if anyone knows of any groups, investment clubs, mentors or seminars in or around Goulburn NSW?
    I have read many books and have been learning for years but am yet to actually grasp a lot of the details in regards to +cashflow investing and feel i’d do better with someone to talk to.

    Profile photo of easymoney

    Hi Cath,

    I am also a Goulburn resident. I don’t know of any groups around Goulburn, although there may be some in Canberra.

    I think starting a social group would be a good idea. I’ve just bought my first IP using equity in my own home and am planning a trip to the US in August.
    The problem is I’m still young so my girlfriend and friends don’t understand what I’m doing and my family is negative so I don’t really have anyone to discuss my ideas and goals with.

    Is there anyone else on this forum living in Goulburn.


    Profile photo of wealthseeker

    Seems we’re the only two!
    My dad and i are just starting out and are a while off actually buying yet as we still don’t get all the in’s and out’s, well even most of them for that matter.
    It would be great to have someone to talk to who actually know’s Goulburn.
    You may contact me by email if you like and we can maybe arrange to meet up or start our own group once we find a few more + cashflow investors in our area.Like you mentioned even in Canberra would be good.
    My email is

    Profile photo of TzakiTzaki
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 36

    Dear Golburnites,

    In Canberra we have recently formalised a social group called the Canberra Region Investor’s Network. We get together and talk about investing etc. We are mainly from a property base, but also look at other forms of investing as well. If you want to keep up to date please email Ed Nixon (Loans Approved) on and ask to be placed on the mailing list.

    There are other groups of investors that hols seminars etc in Canberra such as Wise Investments who sell properties to investors (negative geared) and Prime Property (who sell their own developments to investors).

    Wise is good for basic education and I have bought through them (for capital growth/neg geared). Their general info is sound though and they do have some good info sessions.

    The Canberra Regional Investors Network is a not for profit organisation who aim to gather investors with a like mindset together to discuss property and other investment ideas. We also get speakers & Panels to talk on subjects of interest to investors.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Steve K.

    Steve Kerr

    Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!

    Profile photo of easymoney

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks mate I’ve PM’d you and asked to be added to the mailing list so I’ll probably be meeting you soon.


    Profile photo of wealthseeker

    Hi Steve,
    Just what i was looking for.
    Thanx for the help.


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