All Topics / General Property / To Steve McKnight
Hello Steve,
Firstly thanks for sharing in your book “0-130 Properties in 3.5 years”. It was a great read and eye-opener. I really loved it!
Would you care to share with us about how you are currently going in your Investing Endeavours?
Are you now 0-500 properties in 4.5 years?
Still “Wrap King”??
Look forward to reading your reply.
Hi Eternity,
Firstly thanks for sharing in your book “0-130 Properties in 3.5 years”. It was a great read and eye-opener. I really loved it!You’re welcome!
Would you care to share with us about how you are currently going in your Investing Endeavours?Yep – this is what I did at the recent seminars that I ran, however as a snapshot, I’m”
1. Continuing to buy +ve cashflow property
2. Selling investments (ie. taking profits) on properties that are not meeting performance goals
3. Still educating people about property
4. Being a new dadquote:
Are you now 0-500 properties in 4.5 years?lol [
] No… we got to over 200 and then held back a little with the aim of building up our cash reserves.
Still “Wrap King”??I still firmly believe that when done correctly, vendor financing provides a win-win outcome for all involved. I was the first in Australia to offer a comprehensive program, but my Wrap Kit has not been available for sale this year as I stepped back and re-engineered my approach. It’s coming in 2004 though…
Have a very Merry Xmas,
Steve McKnight
Remember that success comes from doing things differently.
**********Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO
https://www.propertyinvesting.comSuccess comes from doing things differently
Steve, I’ve been waiting to hear of the arrival of your new family member but must had missed it. Congratulations to you and your wife and I sure hope you are managing some sleep.
regarding the new reengineered wrap kit, will existing members who have an old wrap secrets revealed be able to update their manuals to meet the new approach or will we have to buy another manual?
Best regards,
Hey Steve,
I must also add my congratulations to you and your wife.quote:
I sure hope you are managing some sleep.Matt
“If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”
“Isn’t it time for a change?”
Hey Steve
Congratulations on becoming a parent. Now that your book has come out and you have a lot more exposure will you finally becoming to Perth to do a live seminar? I know there is a lot of interest in this and if you have already answered this Im sorry to bring it up again.
“Together we combine our strengths and eliminate our weaknesses”
hi steve!!!
i would also like to offer my best and warmest congratulations to you and julie on your new baby, yay!
As you probably knew, baby is a paint, but it is part of the game. So I wish your baby wealthier than you.
Kind regards
[Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]The very best wishes and congratulations on the birth of your baby!
How many more babies are you planning in the next 3.5 years? [:0)]
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