All Topics / Value Adding / Info needed on sub-divisions

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  • Profile photo of Karl and Rita

    Hi all,

    Hope someone can answer this.

    Our home is sitting on a 1012 m2 block and are thinking about sub-dividing it. It’s a long block with a street access on both ends.

    Does anyone know the costs involved in sub-dividing? We are in QLD.



    The only thing that limits us…is a limiting belief.

    Profile photo of RedhavenRedhaven
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 81

    Hi Karl and Rita,

    Subdivision can be easy and it can be difficult. First you need to go to your council, find out if you meet their requirements, ie minimum size of blocks, road frontage widths and application fee, plus any other requirements eg Parks Fee (for us 10 percent of undeveloped land value). Speak to your town planner. It’s no good paying the application fees if you’ve got a snowflakes chance of doing it. Doing your homework first can save a headache. If the TP verbally gives you the go ahead, then ask for a name of their preferred surveyor (and yes, they do have favourites!!) and get a preliminary plan drawn up. I guess everyone’s scale of fees are different but we have just had a plan done that cost us $250.

    Submit to the council with their application fee,
    pray for approval, and when received, go back to surveyor and they’ll come out, put the pegs in and do the proper plan (costing us about $2000 but it varies dramatically) which then gets sent off to the titles office, new titles drawn up, and then stamped by council.

    Go for it.


    Profile photo of Alison 67Alison 67
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    We have subdivided in Vic for approx $5k plus original survey costs (maybe $1000). Ring a surveyor for a quote which should be reasonably accurate. A lot depends on the services ( gas, water, electricity ) and the respective charges of the supplying companies.

    Profile photo of Karl and Rita

    Hi guys

    Thanks for your info, now we know where to start. Much appreciated


    Karl and Rita

    The only thing that limits us…is a limiting belief.

    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,248

    Ring Jamie at Caprice homes they are building 15 houses for me now in QLD, tell her Phil sent you her info from residential wealth pty ltd, good luck.

    Profile photo of noelsynoelsy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 6

    alison 67 A lot depends on the services ( gas, water, electricity ) and the respective charges of the supplying companies.could you please explain what you mean about services do they have to be connected at the subdividing stage.


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