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  • Profile photo of Chris2004

    I went down to my local LJ Hooker office today to have a look at the for sales in the window. I saw a property within the same street that I live, started to read discription of the property – sounded nice. I noticed the house had the same front door as mine, then noticed ‘MY GOD’ it was my house with a sold sign on the picture!!

    It seems that LJ Hookers once had the property for sale over 18 months ago with the previous owner but I purchased the property from the owner direct with a private sale.

    I went into the office and asked them kindly to take the picture out of the window as they never sold the property!

    Wow sales must be slow!

    Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    Hee hee Chris. How unfortunate!

    Our place was still being advertised on the internet and on the real estate agents wall for a good 2-3 months after we had settled. We had people slowing down and stopping to look at the place! The worst thing was, the parents of one of the kids in my class thought it was for sale and wanted to buy it, only to find we had bought it already!!!

    Very strange eh…?

    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of MigMig
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 13

    That’s totally deceptive on LJ Hookers behalf, and even more so if they show the price from the sale 18 months ago during the boom, and attempt to pass it off as a representation of one of their recently sold properties…

    Profile photo of holdencommodoreholdencommodore
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 88

    Chris, which LJ Hooker office was it? I am basically finished my Real Estate licence, and believe that agents really have to lift their game, and earn the respect of the public. They need to earn a reputation of being reliable and trustworthy, rather than on par with used car salesmen.

    You should report the agents to your local (state level) Real Estate Agent watchdog, because that is misleading/deceptive/annoying!

    (“,) $$$ HoLdEnCoMmOdOrE $$$ (“,)

    Profile photo of Chris2004

    Thanks I think I will. The office is in Alice Springs.

    It’s sad really for them, they obviously haven’t sold many properties over the past year to replace the photo. It’s not like it’s a beautiful expensive house either that they would want to hold claim to selling, it’s just an old housing commission house nothing very special at all!

    This same office never returned my phonecalls when I tried to get them to manage my IP’s when I leave town. I guess they don’t want the business! [biggrin]

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