All Topics / Opinionated! / Don’t you just hate it when….

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  • Profile photo of Spanky

    …you’re waiting in the “express” lane at the supermarket for a good 10 minutes, only to see someone front up to the cigarette counter on the other side. All of a sudden the checkout chick drops everything to go and serve someone a packet of smokes, while you are left there to wait (even longer) holding a sack of potatoes and 5 litres of ice cream.

    Any more little irritations? Post them here

    Profile photo of jhopper

    People driving slowly in the right hand lane!! Bloody regulators as an ex of mine used to call them!

    Profile photo of lifeX

    ….people like me who will deliberately slow down if some one comes speeding up behind me. Often using other cars on two lane roads to block “speed demons” getting through. And particularly enjoying slowing right down to catch red traffic lights.

    HA HA

    Live, Learn and Grow


    Profile photo of kpkp
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 509

    Good one lifeX……lol

    And then waving to them with a big cheesy grin when they pass you and give you the inevitable ‘finger’.
    As in ‘have a nice day’

    I always do that when someone does the “road rage” thing to me…
    Wave back in a friendly way ( albeit with a pronounced and prolonged wave)….seems to make them even madder…..all that wasted energy and steam……


    Profile photo of jhopper

    That reminds me, must get a bull bar for the 4WD :)

    …..just waiting for the next post of people that hate 4WD owners!

    Profile photo of lifeX

    lol…..too funny

    Live, Learn and Grow


    Profile photo of agile

    I too brake for tailgaters. They are a menace.

    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Profile photo of Spanky

    I once slowed to 20kph in an 80 zone for a guy tailgating me. There was a rockface on one side and heavy traffic on the other. We were the only two cars in our lane though so it didn’t affect anyone else – the guy was furious – even more so when my little brother got a bit, umm, cheeky, so to speak.

    I think he learned his lesson.

    Age doesn’t negate effort – you can never be too young or too old.

    Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    I love annoying the crap out of fast drivers like that!! IT is a little scary though on the trip down to Perth when a big semi comes hurtling up to your behind and there’s on coming traffic…. Ohh….quiver… Makes me nervous thinking about it now…

    Umm… Things that annoy me.. well now, where do I start?…

    When you put your singlasses or keys down they magically disappear or move themself to somewhere you would never think to look.

    When your arms are full and you get an itchy nose or you start dribbling snot and then someone comes and talks to you…

    Umm… Oh you are talking to your mother-in-law and you desperately need to break wind. Geez, that’s a tough one… But very annoying..

    Need I say anything more?

    Oh and children that say they can’t so something but they have failed to even have go at it!


    Profile photo of shaunwalkershaunwalker
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 403

    mines, finding a fast line at woolies or the bank etc, only to see it slow down.
    this happens to me ALL the time, i hate it with a passion. its gotten that bad that i do my grocery shopping at 8am in the morning now.
    banks are pretty bad, but now i just ring up in advance and get the bank manager to meet me when i walk in.
    waiting at red lights for 15 minutes gets me on edge, however i have a zen thing happening at present, and my record is 12 green lights in a row (i keep a tally). [biggrin]
    cheers all

    Lead, Follow or get out of the bloody way

    Profile photo of BlackJackBlackJack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 111

    … you’ve just finished a 10 hour day at work, taken your son and his friends to yet another sports activity, the meat for dinner is still in the freezer and you’re only half way through the uni assignment that is due tomorrow.

    The one vice left in your life is that cigarette you have with a cup of tea when you get home before you get tea on, clean up the debris in the living room, go and pick up the kids, put on the washing, have dinner, help with homework, do your own homework, clean up after dinner, do tomorrows ironing, blah, blah, blah.

    So.. on the way home from work one realises that ones secret stash of cigarettes has depleted!!! Weighing up the valuable time it takes, one stops at the supermarket, dodges the disorganised trolley-bearing cretins that choose to do their shopping during ‘peak hour’, praises the gods that there is a separate counter for those of us unholy enough to smoke, only to be blatently ignored by the checkout chick who persists in serving blank faced, eye twitching, feet shuffling ‘express’ shoppers balancing what one can only assume are the vital incredients for some exotic meal (things like potatoes or icecream, of course) that they have been ordered out of the house to retrieve should the whole evening meal be ruined.

    Now THAT’s annoying !!!


    Profile photo of NobleoneNobleone
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 146

    Spanky you may have opened a can of worms here…

    My biggest irritation right now is NZ contractors and PM’s that don’t get back to me in a timely manner, either by phone or by e-mail… Time is money especially if you loose a tenant because of some little problem that could have been sorted in less than a day if only contractors or PM’s had gotten back to me.

    There are more… But I need to ponder and do some deep breathing exercises right now. [angry2]

    Cheers, Nobleone. [xmas]

    “Making mistakes is just another another tool for learning.”

    Profile photo of agile

    I know it’s an old one but I HATE the use of the word XMAS. I know it is my Christian background but still….it irritates me.

    Let Christmas be Christmas.

    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Profile photo of FW

    Okay, I’ll bite!

    I don’t necessarily hate 4WD owners, but I certainly hate 4WDs!

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of jhopper

    Thanks FW, glad to get a reaction!!! Why do you hate them? Is it due to the test results with respect to potential damage it can cause pedestrians in accidents or along the lines of urban cowboys who don’t use them for their intended purpose?

    Life’s little irritations number 365: People who leave shopping trolleys in the carbays after shopping and too lazy to push them the 20m back to a designated spot.

    As for the backlash about slow drivers, the comment was more about when there is two lanes available, and the slow drivers choose the right line and slow everyone down. Seems to be quite prevalent over here in Perth but not so much in the eastern states. I slow down for tail gaters as well, thats actually one of lifes little pleasures!!

    Profile photo of Spanky

    Blackjack – you sound a little twitchy – maybe you should go and have a smoke now! Be honest – how many minutes or hours have you had to wait at the smokes counter to be served??? It would be far fewer than those lost waiting in the grocery queue.

    Can I ask where you are from – every Woollies I’ve ever been to doesn’t make smokers wait – maybe we could swap towns? Your checkout chicks sound nice.

    Age doesn’t negate effort – you can never be too young or too old.

    Profile photo of Spanky

    …your phone magically unlocks itself in your pocket, then calls someone in your speed-dial list. This person is usually the most expensive one of all to call and they sit on the line for a while, just as confused as you are when you get the bill.

    Age doesn’t negate effort – you can never be too young or too old.

    Profile photo of luckyoneluckyone
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 148

    I absolutely hate it when someone speeds up to overtake you, then cuts you off coming over into your lane and then slams on the brakes to get back down to the speed limit. That really gives me the s***s.


    Profile photo of FW

    It’s the fact that 4WDs aren’t transparent that’s the problem.
    For those of us in ordinary cars, trying to back out of a car space when you’re beside a 4WD, trying to do almost anything in fact when a 4WD is beside you, is absolutely impossible. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve nearly had someone run into me because I’ve had to pull so far out of a car space before I’ve seen them coming.
    Mind you, I also hate people who can see a car backing out from beside a 4WD, must know that the driver’s vision is completely blocked, and don’t either slow down or stop.

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of jhopper

    Hi FW,

    Can definitely understand the point. Must say it makes life difficult when a Suburban pulls up next to you at the intersection. Only hope is if they are big enough that you can look underneath!

    I drive a 4WD because I do alot of camping, however also add that I like the visibility for the reasons you mentioned.


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